
Bleeding Sapphire Blue


Eunhyuk POV (continued)


And he seemed willing to share himself with me.

Finally, we would know all the grief, pain, love, anger; all of the feelings that we had bottled up inside would finally come to the surface.

They would be the one thing we got to share.


The exhilaration that accompanied Donghae's touch made me feel out of control.  It was the most I could do to simply maintain an ever-weakening grip on the remaining authority that I possessed over my actions.  I didn't know what made me initiate the first move; the first real, passionate kiss I had ever shard with someone who owned my heart as completely as Donghae did. 

The cool tips of his fingers teased my skin. Their delicate movements along my back sent currents of longing up and down my spine, which curved with my body, perfectly fitting into Donghae's strong, slender figure.  In the timeless interval between now and when our lips firsts met, we had not stopped to recollect our thoughts; to catch our breaths.

I'm doing this for him.  I'm helping him recover from the pain of losing Sungmin.

With every movement of our lips moving as one, I told myself that I was only doing this to provide an affective distraction.  I knew I was lying to myself.  Donghae and his pure, kind heart would never belong to me.  I was kidding myself.  It simply eased the ached I felt inside, to keep telling myself that this wasn't because Donghae cared for me.

I tried to focus on cherishing the moment; memorizing the feeling of being in his arms so I could save the memory for when I would truly need it...when he would leave my heart yearning for his presence once more.

He's going to leave you again.

I broke away, my hands trembling uncontrollably as I backed away from Donghae, catching myself against the opposite-facing wall.  I didn't want to believe that he would leave me;  the truth crashed down on me, rendering my eyes blind as they filled with more tears.

I didn't want to feel that emptiness again; that urge to rid the world of my existence.  Death would have been peaceful, free of the suffering that continued to mold my life.  It was would have been easy, knowing that no one would miss me.  I was only ever on the sidelines, never the one to experience the joys of being in love; of being accepted by one who truly understands me.

But he of all people should understand me, I said to myself as I searched Donghae's listless eyes.  In them, I saw everything that I was; everything that I didn't want to be.  I saw a slowly emerging creature that would do anything to get what my heart wanted.  I saw a selfish beast that was willing rip through any remaining canvas of reality.

That in itself made Donghae and myself identical; in the fact that our hearts were breaking, and the depths of our souls were giving birth to creatures that were merciless; reckless; evil.

"D-Don't," I said, my voice weak.  "It'll just hurt more when you leave again.  I'm not slow.  I know that you will never come to me.  I would be crazy to let you cause me any more pain.  If I go any farther with you, I probably won't ever be able to turn back."

That's it, Hyukjae.  Fight.  You don't need Donghae to be happy.

Donghae, with his damp eyes and beautifully swollen lips, lurched forward, his body convulsing as a nearly tangible wave of grief and sadness wracked his frame.  I desperately wanted to reach out a hand.  I wanted to tell believe that Donghae would never leave me; that he really, truly loved me.

He doesn't love you.  Don't fool your own heart. 

But my heart was already a fool for the feelings that Donghae's mere presence extracted from me.  As he drew closer, his breath coming out in restrained gasps, I wanted to reach out and tell him how much I loved him; tell him I couldn't live without him.

"What makes you think I'm going to leave you?"  I heard complete and utter honesty in his voice, making it impossible for me to doubt him.  I trusted him explicably.

It was only fair that I answered just as honestly.

"Because you have before."

His handsome face twisted into an expression of confusion.  Though the pain was still visible, it seemed to gradually fade as he spoke.

"Because I was in love with someone I could never have.  Sungmin chose Kyuhyun."  He winced as he said Sungmin's name, making it all too clear that his feelings for Sungmin had not completely dissipated.

We were side by side once again, his forearms pressing itself onto my own.  I didn't want him close.  I knew that I would get attacked again; so much, that it would be harder than ever to try and let go.  Cutting all ties I had with my first love...it would be next to impossible.

"You still love him, though," I whispered, lifting my head to see his reaction.  There was none.  His features remained stoic; passive.

"I don't."

I cringed.  His voice was hard, sharp as ice.  It broke my heart to know that he still fought the agony that was overtaking his entire being, yet did so even more to know that I could be fighting alongside him.  But I didn't want to be used.  I didn't want to be his toy.  Weighing the options left my heart heavy and conscience bruised.

"You do," I insisted.  "But I'll help you numb the pain."

Without giving him a chance to register what I meant, my lips were once again shaping themselves around his, inhaling his scent and memorizing every curve and crevice of his deep, lonely cavern.  I pulled him closer, knowing that he sensed the change in my mood.  I would have him.  I would let him break free of all the regret and pain that coated the surface of his half-dead heart.

My hands ripped at his shirt, tugging and pulling aimlessly.  I wanted to touch him, the dark thoughts that lurked in the back of my mind completely taking over my original intent.  My lust was far stronger than my desire to continue to be his distraction.

So, I would fulfill both.  I would get what I wanted, while Donghae would be momentarily freed of the quiet rumbling of his hidden anger that was, at that moment, trying to rip its way out.  I would satiate the longing that overwhelmed me while also taking Donghae to a place where he could truly be free to use me as he pleased.




A/N:  I wasn't expecting myself to write it like this...if you only knew what I'm gonna put in the next chapter kekekeke >:D In case you didn't notice, the story is temporarily going to be focused on Hyuk and Hae, simply because they've become the main focus of this point of the story.

KyuMin will have their moment of glory though...don't worry! :)

I'm at 89 now!  C'mon guys.  11 more! :D

I hope you guys liked this.  I'm pretty sure you all have a good idea of what Hyuk is gonna do...you'll have to wait and see if ur predictions are accurate though lol  i love you always!<33 please continue to comment! i love your guys' feedback!!

xoxo ~aegi-unnie


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EunhaeStan86 #1
Chapter 12: I mean even Haesica is better than this motel ahjussma like honestly.
Yay! Found this from kyuminfanfics LOL Gonna read this maybe tomorrow ㅠㅠ Will just bookmark this for now.. but I've already read the comments LOL I often spoil myself HAHAHAHA
aqohmhirakhulet #3
Chapter 44: Oh my god!!!! That ending had got me.. puahahahahahahaha .. I was a mess crying here with the pain you put me into and then the last part was a script reading???!!! you played with my feelingssss!!! but anyway~~ A very nice story I would choose to cry over this story over and over again..
3dgirl #4
Chapter 1: mmm am still in the second chapter so... yeah,
I guess I will like it ^^
Chapter 4: Ouch! Is kyukyu so much frustrating till cudnt determine between reality and dream? This must be bcoz of his rudeness toward ming! Hump, who commands him to be such an evil to his minimi? Well at least we got -though-unreal here, and KYUMIN! Wihiiiiiii I'll wait for eunhae for next xD

Okay, will read the rest tomorrow~ I'm so sleepy now, if I force myself to read all of chaps high probability I'll fall sleep in midst -v- but dun worry, I already bookmark this story and so I can read it asap when I wake up in morning (or afternoon lol) ^^
Chapter 3: Late comment, I just done w/ my (also late) dinner~

Ahhhh hyukjae and his complexity term finally appear, as I thought the one who feels more sad (for my own opinion) is this dancing machine boy ;;___;;; and yes...if I were one of 'they' that he thought would say, I probs would saying "why dont u just confess and get it over, hyukjae-ah? At least ur feelings wont rule ur life anymore, also wont make u fall down on the ground w/ all of ur regretful." to him....coz it yes, the regret feeling when u failed to confess ur love is so much depressing.. ur mind will always shout "I should say that" "I should say this" "if only I can say that" "if only I can say this" "etc etc etc" at u all the time in future........beside, u found out the person that can make u move-on from past :')
Chapter 2: What hae's feeling over min exactly so same like my thought when first time I saw that bunny boy...cute, funny, dependable, multi-talented, happy virus, and a true role model of idol, even though sometimes he'd be a quite figure on stage but he still like a relieving fatigue /sobs/

Second chapter is tell abt haemin flashback~ so sorry cudnt give a lot of comment for this chap, I'll read next chap hope I can write longer comment than this (depends w/ my mood thought *kicked* kinda sleepy now TvT) ASSAAA! I'll read the next one~
Chapter 1: My conclusion: First Chapter, First (their feelings) Description :D
And somehow, I can already feel the sadness from hyukjae (I got used to call him like that, it's okay right? XD) reading from the summary of this fic it seems like indeed that must be hyukjae who will feel the more pain, while donghae will be kinda feeling confused by his own feelings (okay, think now I'm trying to become a fortune-teller...)
And so KyuMin~ kyaaaww, kyu wants it, but min......also wants it but still not sure enough was he ready or no (confuse?..yeah, me too *slapped*) well well, since I saw "M" mark and "" label on this story...perhaps I'll got what I(and kyu) want(s) from kyumin.......................................eunhae also maybe *y smile*

P.S: I using "eunhae" name couple, though I also saw "haehyuk" on the story's tags~ is it gonna be Top!Hae and Bott!Hyuk? (whaddisss???)
Ah, seem like I just see my pen name at the bottom of this story's foreword~ hihihi much sorry for my over-confidence, but yeah I'll read this fic though maybe I cant write comment regularly/properly TAT

Btw, I love angst-romance fiction~ the story where u'll cry over river, but in the end u'll happy w/ no limit :'D moreover...there's two best OTP I've ever had (KYUMIN&EUNHAE) really looking forward for this, here we go! \^O^/

P.S: Eng isnt my first language, so pls bear w/ my lack of grammar-slash-perfect comment here m(__ __)m *bow*