

Eunwoo can be slow but she is not dumb. She is able to sense that something is wrong between her crush and her and that she herself paying less attention to the latter is probably one of the main reasons.


Eunwoo did not intend to make Kyulkyung feel neglected. She was just being too careful. They are seatmates and she is so afraid that whenever Kyulkyung talks to her, she is afraid that Kyulkyung is looking at her and so she ends every conversation as soon as she started to prevent her plans being found out.


There were days when either one of them did not want to talk, so the other ones follows. It was quiet but the silence was not suffocating, unlike now. Kyulkyung has become extremely quiet since the day Jiaqi arrived and Eunwoo feels very uncomfortable staying around with this Kyulkyung.


Whereas for Jiaqi, she is having a great time in her class, probably because of Kyungwon sitting behind her in the classroom and the girls can chat (flirt) anytime they want.


The girls are having lunch together at the canteen. The girls middle school girls are in tremendous shock seeing Kyungwon being caring.


“Jiaqi unnie, what are you having for lunch?” Sungyeon asks the new girl now sitting right opposite of the round table to her.


“I don’t know. Kyungwonnie is ordering it for me.”


Minkyung sits down, putting down her plate of food at her seat. “Hi, Jiaqi. And, finally I’m meeting you. Do you know my name?”


Jiaqi smiles in reply, “Yes, I know! You’re Minkyung! Kyungwon said that you and her sister are the slowest couple she’ve ever seen.”


Minkyung clenches her fist, “Urghhhh. Kang Kyungwon! What did she say about me?”

“Nothing much except that.”


Minkyung deadly glares at the girl holding her plate of food, walking towards their table. “If you want to know anything about her, you can text me whenever you want. I will tell you EVERYTHING. YOU. WANT.”


“Woah, what happened, Miss Minkyung? Kyungwonnie is being a good girl these days.”


“Uh huh?”


Kyungwon turns to her left and only seeing the Chinese girl trying to hold her laughter after seeing a clueless Kyungwon.


“Your Jjajjangmyun, Kiki,” she ignores her bestie and serves her guest, “Oh and I brought you a cup of water.”


“Wow. Kang Kyungwon has brought water for somebody. A miracle,” Xiyeon emotionlessly comments while having her ramyun.


“Yah, you’re right. Where’s my cup of water then?”


“Is that what I did wrong? For not bringing your cup of water?”


“Yours is going arrive soon,” Xiyeon smirks and Sungyeon nods in agreement, smirking as well.




Yebin arrives at the table with two cups of water on her plate. “Unnie, I’ve brought you an extra cup of water!”


Sungyeon laughs, “Told ya, unnie.” Kyungwon horselaughs and Xiyeon starts booing.


Minkyung’s cheek flushes red. “Yah! You guys!!”


“What’s going on?” Yebin sits down in astonishment.


“Minkyung unnie was complaining that Kyungwon only brought a cup of water for Jiaqi only and we were saying that her cup was on her way because...” the maknae explains and starts giggling with the unnies as well.


Yebin blushes. Everyone is laughing and fooling around except for the couple at the end of the table.


Jiaqi looks at the Eunwoo who hesitates to talk, carefully checking Kyulkyung almost every second and the Kyulkyung who is in her own world, busy reading her book.


“Kyulkyung unnie is not eating again…?”


“You are a bit loud, Yewon ah,” Sungyeon glances the pair.


“I’m not hungry.”


“You are not eating for a week already. We don’t want a friend dying early,” Yebin sighs, seeing her favourite couple not talking at all makes her going crazy.


“It’s okay. I might just go fetch some water when I need.”


“Let me help you,” Eunwoo pops up immediately from her chair.


“Just getting myself a cup of water. I’m capable doing so. Thanks for the offer.” Kyulkyung replies, her eyes never looking up.


The younger ones looks at each other, eyes widen. Jiaqi carefully observes the rejected girl bitterly biting her lips and her eyes full of worry and sorry. Kyulkyung being formal in front of Eunwoo must have hurt Eunwoo a lot.


Kyulkyung quietly stands up and walks towards the water fountain. Eunwoo follows and catches up with Kyulkyung.


“Hey.” Kyulkyung glances at Eunwoo without an reply.


“You don’t have to look that worry. I’m only having a cup of water here.”


“How can I not be worry? You’re slimmer as ever, tired as ever.”


“I’m okay.”


“When people say they’re okay, they’re usually not.”


“Guess I’m a minority then.”


“I’m free today, Kyul. Let’s go for a date, only us.” Eunwoo wraps her arm on Kyulkyung’s waist. To Eunwoo’s surprise (or not), she removes her hand and takes a step back.


“You finished your work?”


“No but a day off won’t hurt much.”


“Go finish it first. It’s been so many laters. I don’t mind waiting it longer.”


Kyulkyung’s words somehow hits Eunwoo hard, “I’m sorry. I feel bad for holding you so long. I’ve been like abandoning you.”


Not like. You are.


“Not in a mood for dessert today.”


“We can have dinner.”


“Not in a mood for food, I should say. I enjoy being alone these days. Please, have your work done first.”


Kyulkyung sounds bold and Eunwoo does not dare to ask any further.


“I’ve wrapped another box of kimbap for you. I know you may not want to eat but please just have some. I don’t like seeing you being thinner and thinner.”


“Sometimes, being too caring isn’t something good, Jung Eunwoo. I will just have some of it because I don’t want to waste food. Thanks.”


“I will ask you out again tomorrow.”


“I’m going to reject again, then.”


“Kyulkyung, tell me what’s wrong, huh? You used to tell me everything?”


So do you.


Kyulkyung heads back to the table without reply, leaving Eunwoo stares at her back hopelessly.


“Seems no progess huh?” Jiaqi asks the hopeless girl as she refills her cup.


“I don’t know what to do.”


“Did you ask her?”




“Were you sincere?” Jiaqi looks at Eunwoo staring at the ground, rubbing her elbows.


“Sometimes, actions speak more than words. If she thinks it’s not enough, you have to do something more and something new.”


Jiaqi pushes the pouting girl back to the table. “20th is coming soon. I bet you don’t want to confess to this Kyulkyung right?”




It’s school picnic day.


Yebin’s form is going to an amusement park near the sea while Kyungwon’s form is going to somewhere else.


Yebin sneaks besides Eunwoo and whispers next to her ear as their class enter the park.


You dumb. Today is your chance. You’ll be next to Kyulkyung the whole day. Perform well.” Eunwoo sighs heavily.


“I know you are losing sleep, Jung Eunwoo. But we’re going to play. Let’s be happy!”




Eunwoo walks faster, catches up Kyulkyung and holds her hand. “Kyulkyung ah, what do you want to play first.”


“You don’t like carnival rides.”


“It’s picnic day today. As long as you want to play it, I don’t mind accompanying you,” Kyulkyung likes it when Eunwoo says this because it sounds like what the old Eunwoo will say to her. But there’s one question in her mind: If Kyungwon is here, will she be saying the same thing?


“You’re afraid of it,” Kyulkyung doesn’t want to sound caring but the sentence itself shows her care, “do you think I have a chance to pair up with Yebin?”


Eunwoo looks at Kyulkyung in astonishment. She is jealous and it was obvious.


“Ummmm.” Minkyung pouts, pulling the edge of Yebin’s T-shirt, “I want to pair up with Yebin.”


“I…” She was cut by sudden actions by Eunwoo.


The girl intertwines her fingers with Kyulkyung’s hand, holding it tight. Her eyes full of jealousy and slightly angry. “No. Zero chance because I’m not letting you go.”


The other pair intertwines their hands and smiles at each other as they turn and walk away. “We’ll see you later then.”


“Yebin ah, Eunwoo is blushing like a tomato. She looks cute.”


“She was really angry just now. HAHAHA. She looked funny.”


“They are still intertwining,” the older glances at them.


“Maybe it’s because Jung Eunwoo is holding too tight.”


“Kyulkyung did not make an attempt to realise their hand, I mean.”


“Maybe she misses it.”


“She still likes it.”


“She loves Eunwoo so much. How did she manage to get mad at her for that long?”


“Yeah. How did you manage to not talk to me for that long?”


“Wait what?” Yebin looks at her unnie now smiling widely for the successful attack.


The elder gives a peck on the shorter girl’s head and runs away.


“Let’s go to the viking!!! The one who is slower will have to pay for the snacks today,” she shouts back at the Yebin still in disbelief and standing still on the floor.


The two of them were chasing each other, shouting and pulling. Their classmates have all left for other places or else their dating rumours may be the headlines again in their class tomorrow.




Different from Minkyung and Yebin, Eunwoo and Kyulkyung’s journey were more quiet and calm, except for Eunwoo deadly screams when she got on all kinds of rides. Eunwoo follows where Kyulkyung wanted to go, with their hands holding. They did not really interact until Kyulkyung sees Eunwoo’s very pale face after playing the viking.


“Told you that you should just wait for me here and not going on those rides with me.” Kyulkyung is quite angry seeing Eunwoo not taking care of herself.


“Where do you want to go next?”


“Are you listening to me?”


“I’m okay...Just a little bit dizzy. Let’s go to another ride,” Eunwoo bows down with her hands on her waist.


“No. No rides for now. You should have some snacks and refresh yourself. No more rides for you.” Kyulkyung sounds like a mother telling off her daughter for playing too much.


“Are you...worried?” Eunwoo hugs Kyulkyung waist as she lies her head down on her shoulder. Kyulkyung’s heart races for 3 seconds before her conscience returns.


This is not right.


“Your waist becomes thinner. It’s not so good to hug.”


“No! No! No!” Kyulkyung takes away the hands on her waist. “You seemed like you look okay now.”


“I told you I was okay.”




“Can we go to the ferris wheel? I’m a bit tired for so many exciting rides.”


The pair enters a purple cart. The two of them sit down face to face. The ferris wheel goes up again and the two of them stay quiet.


There are questions and problems yet to be solved and finally the two of them are alone and unable to escape from the present situation.


“Kyulkyung ah…” the girl who staring outside the beautiful seaview hums.


“I’m not a good friend. I know it. I don’t know how to comfort people and I don’t know how to make them happy. But I do care them a lot, especially you. You really mean a lot to me and I hate how we are avoiding each other. I really hope I can become somebody that you can rely on. So can you just tell me what’s going on?” Eunwoo voice is nice and soft.


Kyulkyung continues staring at the ocean wide, swimming inside a sea of thoughts in her brain. She feels the Eunwoo she knew is back and she somehow feels that she is the one who is greedy.


“Just mood swings, Eunwoo yah. They are nothing special.”


“Just tell me. I know I have been neglecting and it must have felt bad. I know the biggest problem is me. You can just say it.”


“It’s not your fault.”


Kyulkyung stares at the floor. Waves are all thoughts, doubts, worries and fears crashes onto her hearts like a huge storm. In front of Eunwoo, finally, she cannot stand it anymore. She bites her lips and streams of tears fall from her eyes.


She stayed quiet, not revealing her thoughts to the girl she cares most. Her concerns were too greedy and it is bad to have such thoughts because they are never official.




The scene is too heartbreaking for Eunwoo to watch: Kyulkyung trembling and she herself standing right in front of her, helpless.


At this moment, Eunwoo just wants Kyulkyung to feel happy.


“It’s okay if you think it’s better not to talk about it. I just want you to be happy,” Eunwoo crouches and wipes away her tears.


Their cart reaches the top. Eunwoo leans in and places her lips onto Kyulkyung’s.




Yebin lies down on her bed after taking a shower, scrolling at the photos she has taken with Minkyung today.


“ WHAT? YOU KISSED HER?” Yebin hears her sister squealing right outside her room. She chuckles as she continues scrolling her photo album.


Kyungwon bangs into the room. “God. Did you hear me, Kang Yebin? Jung Eunwoo kissed her crush!” She turns on the speaker and continued, “Now, tell me, Miss Jung Eunwoo, how are you going to settle down the whole thing? How about the gifts we have been making for the past month? Did you actually remember it was that thing that lead to such situation?”


“I...I was in a mess, seeing Kyulkyung like that. I somehow forgot about everything.”


“Rahhhh, so how are you going to fix this?”


“To be precise, I didn’t really ask her to be my girlfriend or what…”


“I’m quite sure that a kiss somehow means a confession to Kyulkyung already.”


“My little sis made a point.”


“You should better make it clear and find a chance to confess properly.”


“You’re absolutely corr…wait are you actually teaching Eunwoo to confess properly? How about you, Miss Kang? You aren’t even treating your feelings properly.”


“Oh I think Yaebs has figured something out. Yebin even suggusted buying a couple hairband.”


“I suggested because it’s the fun!”


“You know Minkyung unnie will buy an identical hairband for herself.”


“No wonder you’re so tired today, sis. You have been chasing Minkyung all day and your heart must have been tired from racing.” Yebin groans as she pushes her sister out of the room. “You know I’m tired so let me lay down and let me rest. You two should better think a nice plan for tomorrow.”


Yebin shuts the door as a notification popped up.




: binnie check my recent post <3


Yebin opens her instagram and sees herself being tagged in a post and quite a few comments. Minkyung posted their photos taken throughout the day and the caption says, “First rides with this baby girl<3”. Yebin likes the post and almost a blink later, she receives another message.


: which photo do you like most? im choosing that as my profile picture.


: youre asking a libra to choose?


: i like them all :( idk which to choose


: the one when youre feeding me the corndog or the one when we are eating the candy floss at the same time


: how bout you changing the one with the corndog and i change to the candy floss


: do i have a choice not to change it


: ;(((((((


: aww okayy im changing it


Even through messages, Yebin can imagine Minkyung pouting at the other side of the conversation and trying to snuggle around Yebin begging her to change. She changes the profile picture and reads the comments below.


They were all teasing comments by their friends and Yebin is so used to it she did not read the comments seriously until she stops at a comment by a username not so familiar to Yebin.


junniehwi.w: oh minky, that looks fun!! bet you heard of me visiting you this july! shall we have a date there?


Gulping, Yebin puts her phone away and lays down. Her mind traces back to a day near Christmas 3 years ago.


It’s him.




He’s back.










: a longer chap! i didn't intend to write this long but there were parts where i wanted to add here and there. hope you guys enjoy it! i guess there may be 3 to 4 chapters left for this story and i'm now writing ch11! a quick spoiler is that we will be having a flashback about jun in the next chap! remember to subscribe, comment and vote! love you! 


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Quick update! Sorry for any mistakes because I have been changing this chapter a few times >< Tadaaaa Finally Jun comes out and we'll see how his appearance will change Minkyung and Yebin! Comment, subscribe and vote! Do tell me about how you think about the story!


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Chapter 12: why they’re not confess yet uh
Issang29 #2
Chapter 12: Yey! Finally! Thanks for the update author-nim
Issang29 #3
Chapter 11: Wwaaaaaa i've been waiting for this for so long!!!! I hope you continue this story author-nim~~~
Chapter 11: kyulwoo so cute! and hoping yebin & minkyung solve their problems soon. thankyou author-nim for coming back!!!
Chapter 11: Hope you update soon <3
keumzee #6
Chapter 10: Come on you two really need to talk Minkyebin ah! :(
Frozenwandy #7
Chapter 11: I am curious of who got slapped and who slapped that person!!! Hahahah
Kimyen2905 #8
Chapter 10: I'm looking forward for the next chapters. I think my Minkyebin would be split up, but i like that. Because they are divided but they are destined to belong together. It's okay to tortune them a bit because that adds to the dramatic appeal to the story.