
[-]Saida[-] Only look at me

The van had stopped.

Dahyun got dragged up by the person, vision still blocked.

She was getting nauseous due to the loss of blood seeping through her wrists, she yelped in pain due to their grip.

"Shut up." The voice was familiar, but she could not identify who it was.

Dahyun got thrown on what seemed to be a chair, they tied her arms to the back of the chair.

The bag had been taken off her head revealing where she was, it was definitely not familiar.

She was still crying in pain and fear.

"P-Please don't hurt me! I don't know you I'm a normal girl, just please..." Dahyun was mumbling.

A girl came over with a metal cart,
with what seemed to be a camera?

"Ah...Dahyun." The girl said.

"Take off your mask!" Dahyun shouted trying to seem confident.

"Hmm, I want that. So ok." She said while revealing their face.

Joo Kyulkyung.

"Now my plan worked, you can be all mine! Hear that?"

She was struggling to get out now.

"Please! You're crazy!" Dahyun yelled.

"I'm only crazy for you."

Dahyun had gotten a needle stabbed in her arm without notice, then got knocked out.



Dahyun woke to flashes of a camera, it was light in the room.

Dahyun tried to move she was on the ground, still tied up.

"You're so good at this."

Kyulkyung was taking pictures of her?

"You're better than other models."

"Please, stop" Dahyun was trying to stay calm.

"No. I love you and that won't change."


At this point, Dahyuns hands were turning purple.

Kyulkyung left for a bit, it was extremely late now.

[Sanas POV]

Wheres Dahyun? It's 11 PM!

I need to call her.

Ring ring~

Ugh, voice mail.

"Dahyunnie, please pick up I'm worried"

I really am worried...

"Unnie have you seen Dahyun?" Sana asked Jeongyeon.

"No, I thought she was with you!?!"

"Let's try to find her," Sana commented.

"But Seoul is so big," Jeongyeon stated.

"Hmm, we will get Nayeon and Momo too," Jeongyeon said.

They were looking everywhere even school, then a thought popped into Nayeons mind.

"Wait, she could have been kidnapped..." She said cautiously trying not to make Sana too panicked.

"Wait, then we will check the shady areas." Momo decided.

"Momo, it's really dangerous," Jeongyeon stated.

[No one's POV]

It was taking so long, Dahyun thought of trying to escape, but it was so hard, shackles were tied to her legs her arms were still tied as well as her legs.

Around her were camera lighting and a bunch of stuff on shelves.

The cart was still near her, she tried to kick it while the weights were on her legs, she struggled but managed to kick it near her.

A bolt cutter.

Dahyun tried to cut the chains using her tied up hands, she only managed to cut one leg until Pinky came.

"What do you think your doing, my love?"

"Stop! I don't love you! Can you not listen?!" Dahyun shouted.

"Well too bad, I love you, I'll make you!" Pinky said confidently while putting on rubber gloves and picking up a knife.

"Please don't hurt me! If you love me so much you wouldn't hurt!" Dahyun shrieked.

"Baby, I'm crazy for you that's why I do this," Kyulkyung said.

Pinky slowly walked over to Dahyun.

She sliced her arm, a long slit down her forearm.

"Yahh~~!" Dahyun shrieked in pain, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Kyulkyung took more pictures, the flash blinding her eyes.

[Sanas POV]

"Unnies! Quick come." Sana spoke in excitement.

"What."  They said.

"This van's really suspicious," Sana remarked.

"Omo, it does we should check it out." Nayeon considered.

The van was right in front of a sketchy house.

"Do we go in? We can get hurt..." Momo said.

"Dahyuns our family, we can let her go she doesn't deserve anything," Sana stated

"Let's go then!" Momo said.

They turned the door handle and made their way into the house, it was abandoned.

No one had been in there for years clearing, they took their phones out and the flashlight, since no one would pay the bills, there was no point.

They had cleared the whole house apart from the basement, so they cautiously made it downstairs.

They slowly opened the door and heard Dahyun shrieking in pain and crying.

Sana was in shock.

This made rage and a bunch of emotions churning in her stomach.

The worst part was that Sana saw the blood and Kyul cutting her.

Sana was biting her lips trying not to scream.

Pinky looked back to find more stuff and spotted the group.

"What are you doing here," Kyul said.

Dahyun couldn't see them because a table was blocking them.

"Getting Dahyun." They all replied.

"That means I have to hurt you." 

"I don't care," Sana replied.

She ran over and punched her, Jeongyeon tried to take her back but it didn't work.

"Oh, you really want to fight? I can fight, little girl." (Although Sanas older)

Sana didn't reply instead she knocked her out, catching punches easily.

Kyulkyung was knocked out.

Everyone ran over to Dahyun, her eyes closed in fear, tears dripping on her clothes and blood on her wrists and ankle.

Sana had never hugged her so tight.

"Dahyun," Sana said, crying.

"It's ok, I'm ok now Unnies I'm so grateful, you guys came to rescue me, I got tortured," Dahyun explained.

"Omo Dubu..." Momo said surprised.

"Let's go home" Dahyun considered.

"First we will get you out," Jeongyeon said.

They got Dahyun out and drove home, when they got home they cleaned her up.

Dahyun layed down on her bed and looked up then sighed.

Why is my life so crazy?

Bruises were seen everywhere on Dahyuns body, scars left mentally and physically.

Sana helped immensely she's the reason they came, if not Dahyun would have stayed, Sana cares enough to remember about Dahyun.

They slept together, Sana burying her head in Dahyuns broad shoulders, it was peaceful.


Update here! I'm so sorry for making Dahyun hurt d: but she's back now so its good lol.

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522 streak #1
Chapter 11: Authornim, thank you for the update ^^ get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. There's no need to rush the next chapter, your health comes first. Take care and 'see' you soon :)
522 streak #2
Chapter 10: Authornim! Welcome back ^^ thank you for updating despite all that you're going through. 화이팅! Will patiently anticipate the next update :)
cikalo #3
Chapter 10: How did dahyun get tortured and not be sent to the hospital immediately in the last chapter?
Nevertheless great update, looking forward to next one already!
Chapter 8: Getting bullied?! Wae wae? By who?! >:(
Anime_ffffan #5
Chapter 7: I love this twist but it me in my heat ㅠㅠ pinky is crazy u swear I will cut her uhhhh! Gotta stop getting mad before I wake everyone up. ? Thanks for updating Author-Nim~Fighting
522 streak #6
Chapter 7: My heart sank when Pinky tortured Dahyun ㅠㅠ and of course Sana (and the gang) to the rescue ㅋㅋ I wonder what will happen to Kyul, would she seek revenge *stares into the distance* thanks for the update! :D
Anime_ffffan #7
Chapter 6: no stoppp!!! Dahyun is not getting hurt Sana you better come if not I will uhhhhh!! I'm so scared waiting for the next chapter
522 streak #8
Chapter 6: Authornim! Thanks for the update :) Sana-chan is shyshyshy when Dahyun initiated skinship with her ㅋㅋ I hope that Dahyun got skills like Liam Neeson's character in Taken 2, so it won't be hard for her to be rescued ;) No worries authornim, we'll be patiently waiting for your updates. 화이팅!