
[-]Saida[-] Only look at me

[This is a backstory part, talking about Pinky and Dahyuns break up, there isn't much, but after I will carry on]

It was another day at school, Dahyuns friend Pinky was her motivation to go to school, let's just say Dahyun had a crush, and it was for Kyulkyung, they both were social butterflies, so they both had a lot of friends.

Dahyun felt love churning in her heart.

They both knew each other for 2 years, they met at a party, just like Sana. Then started hanging out constantly, Pinky seemed like a really nice girl, which she was. They would often g to parties and say about how they met, Dahyun was dancing and accidentally bumped into a new student who was looking for her friends, so Dahyun helped, they ended up sharing dorms and it went smoothly after.


Dahyun asked Kyulkyung to meet after school at the restaurant, beside the canal, which Pinky went to.

It was nerve-wracking, Dahyun wanted her confession to be romantic, she had picked the seats looking over the canal, it was secluded because the place was meant for dates.

"Hey, Dahyunnie," Pinky spoke.

"Hey hey, Pinky!" Dahyun said happily.

"Why are you so happy, heh!" 

"Nothing," Dahyun said and smiled.

"The view is amazing, right Kyul?"

"Yep! How'd you get the seats?" She asked.

"I have my ways. Heh." Dahyun replied keeping it a secret.

They ordered and started to eat.

"Kyulkyung, I've been meaning to ask you something..." Dahyun said while poking fiddling with her cold and metal chopsticks.


"You see, when we met and got to know more about each other...Ya know just forget it, heh." Dahyun cancelled what she was about to say.

"Dubu, don't do that! You can tell me, surely you trust me heh." Kyulkyung insisted.

"Ok," Dahyun said confidently.

"I'll put it straight."

"Go on then," Pinky replied.

"I love you, Pinky." Dahyun had just confessed.

Pinky placed her hand on Dahyuns.

"사랑해요 너무, Dahyun" (I love you too, Dahyun)


The two never shared a first kiss, which was surprising because they were together for two years.

Dahyun found out Pinky only wanted her for her money, but she tried to shrug that off until she found out she had been talking about her behind her back.

Kyulkyung had cheated on Dahyun.

Dahyun was left in despair, she had to hide that due to her being the constantly happy and strong girl.

She gained Philophobia, she couldn't trust anyone. It was hard moving on, Dahyun really loved her but she got used.

She wanted to be loved.

[End of backstory]

Dahyun felt heartbroken by the one she really trusted.

Sana pranced out onto the balcony.

"Hello, Dahyunnie!~" She said happily.


"Are you ok Dahyun-Ah?" She asked while turning her body around.

"I'm fine."

"But you're not, Unnie can tell."

"It's just rejection..." Dahyun replied unconsciously.

Why did I say that?

I just basically confessed.

This will be awkward...


Dahyuns got a crush now...

She got rejected, will she move on to perhaps, me?

I want Dahyun to look at me, and only me.

" got a crush..." Sana mumbled.

"예..." (Yes) Dahyun said.

"Well, I guess I'll go to sleep..." Sana said and walked to her room.

Why does it have to be like this, I want her to move on.

Sana unconsciously walked back and asked 

"Who was your crush?"

"It's no point if they rejected me, but it was an indirect rejection," Dahyun replied hiding it was Sana.

Sana layed in their bed and try figuring out who it was.

She only started this mood when we came back...

Did I say anything to hurt her? 

I feel guilty now.

I don't want to be the one who hurt her.

Sana tried putting things together but nothing worked.


It was Saturday and Sana saw sleeping beauty, who was Dahyun, although Dahyun felt heartbroken she still craved the scent of Sana, she can't get enough. Sana moved a piece of hair from Dahyuns forehead that was dangling she then smiled.

Dahyun woken up to Sana half since she was getting changed.


Sana turned around to grab a top, revealing her chest, Dahyun instantly closed her eyes, to seeing Sanas "Milky" body.

Dahyun opened her eyes and rubbed her eyes as if nothing happened.

"Yah... Morning Unnie." Dahyun yawned.

Dahyun had completely forgotten about the night before.

"Are you better now?" Sana asked.

"Yes?" Dahyun replied confused.

"Did I hurt you last night?" Sana asked.

"No, Unnie you did nothing, it's alright now." Dahyun smiled.


This was a really small chapter, school started again so updating these will become harder, but I don't need to study as much since I know most of the stuff we are getting given.

Feel free to give feedback

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Have a good day/night!

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522 streak #1
Chapter 11: Authornim, thank you for the update ^^ get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. There's no need to rush the next chapter, your health comes first. Take care and 'see' you soon :)
522 streak #2
Chapter 10: Authornim! Welcome back ^^ thank you for updating despite all that you're going through. 화이팅! Will patiently anticipate the next update :)
cikalo #3
Chapter 10: How did dahyun get tortured and not be sent to the hospital immediately in the last chapter?
Nevertheless great update, looking forward to next one already!
Chapter 8: Getting bullied?! Wae wae? By who?! >:(
Anime_ffffan #5
Chapter 7: I love this twist but it me in my heat ㅠㅠ pinky is crazy u swear I will cut her uhhhh! Gotta stop getting mad before I wake everyone up. ? Thanks for updating Author-Nim~Fighting
522 streak #6
Chapter 7: My heart sank when Pinky tortured Dahyun ㅠㅠ and of course Sana (and the gang) to the rescue ㅋㅋ I wonder what will happen to Kyul, would she seek revenge *stares into the distance* thanks for the update! :D
Anime_ffffan #7
Chapter 6: no stoppp!!! Dahyun is not getting hurt Sana you better come if not I will uhhhhh!! I'm so scared waiting for the next chapter
522 streak #8
Chapter 6: Authornim! Thanks for the update :) Sana-chan is shyshyshy when Dahyun initiated skinship with her ㅋㅋ I hope that Dahyun got skills like Liam Neeson's character in Taken 2, so it won't be hard for her to be rescued ;) No worries authornim, we'll be patiently waiting for your updates. 화이팅!