
[-]Saida[-] Only look at me

Does Sana feel, perhaps, love?

Sana felt the soft hands of Dahyun, this skinship is small but Sana will cherish it as their first skinship, even if it's their last, surely you can't feel the love this early, Sana has to control herself from embracing her as someone she loves.

Dahyun didn't find a problem with her holding Sanas hand, in fact, she held it slightly tighter, spotting Sana had blushed.

"Unnie, why are you blushing, heh," Dahyun questioned.

"Oh, nothing..." Sana lied.

They continued to play the piano, it was tranquil since none of the others were there, by the time it started to get late the others came back, the two were seen sleeping on the couch. The TV, playing a drama and Sanas sleeping head leaning on Dahyuns shoulder. It was a sweet sight to the clique.


The next day had arrived and Dahyun had woke up before any of the others, which is surprising because like Momo she adores sleep. Dahyun was left with Sana, sleeping peacefully on her comfortable shoulder. Dahyun had delicately tucked a strand of Sanas hair behind her ear, patted her head softly and smiled.

How Dahyun loved her life right now it seems like she's in a dream.

(Insert Dahyun waking up here d:)

 Dahyun fell back asleep again, she didn't want to wake up Sana who was clearly happy with Dahyuns shoulder as a pillow.

Time passed and the others had woken up apart from Dahyun and Sana, who was still in the same position. When the others wandered into the living room they were teasing the two by taking pictures of them, calling them love-birds and of course drawing on their face, Nayeon drew "사랑해요, Dahyun" on Sanas face and "사랑해요, Sana" on Dahyuns face (This meaning "I love you" heh). The others drew on random stuff in case you're wondering, yes, there was at least one on their face. Nayeon almost woke them up by laughing hysterically, instead, she just made them toss and turn, and Sana seemed like she was hugging Dahyun now.

The two woke up to the flash of their camera.

"Yah...~" Dahyun and Sana groaned.

Dahyun didn't have her glasses on so she didn't notice Sana, but Sana, on the other hand, noticed Dahyun and quickly released her hands from the cuddle and quickly apologized. Dahyun didn't understand until she rubbed her eyes, then they both noticed the writing on their faces, and turned their faces to their Unnies.

"What. Did. You. Do." They demanded an answer.

The three burst out laughing due to their dongsaengs being so serious.


It was mainly Sana who Dahyun was close with, her clumsiness was so adorable.

Sana felt it was comfortable to give skinship to Dahyun, Dahyun acted as if she was taken by surprise but really Dahyun knew it would come and she would love it when she gives them. Often they all would hang out and when the others went Sana and Dahyun were often sleeping or playing the piano which was peaceful for them and the others.


Another week appeared into the lives of the friends and on Thursday would be the day that the competition would be held, Sana didn't join because she was rusty and she wants Dahyun to win, so Dahyun woke up early and started playing a melody softly which would soothe any soul, this was to practice.

They all made their way to school and Dahyun was the quietest since she wanted to remember sheets due to the competition not allowing sheets making it hard but Dahyun has a good memory so she had it all down, after school they all went with Dahyun to the hall where it would be placed.

"Now you guys stay here, I'm number 233 there are 314 people playing so it's not too much, I guess, heh" Dahyun explained shortly to the others.

"Okay, got it." The four obliged.

They bid their farewells as Dahyuns body faded away backstage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we now have 233, Kim Dahyun." The host announced.

The four were basically bouncing in their seats, they couldn't wait to hear Dahyun playing Nobuo Uematsu - To Zanarkand which was a very calming song.

Dahyun came out and bowed, she looked as confident as ever. She then started playing it. At the end, she bowed again and looked over to the best Unnies, Momo, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Sana, she then smiled and went off backstage. 


The next day had arrived, it was Friday meaning the end of a hard week, also they get the results as soon as Dahyun got back they were complimenting her like hell, they found it so calming, Momo almost fell asleep to it. So they went to school and Dahyun was crossing her fingers as the results were coming, it was so nerve wracking due to Dahyuns name not coming out as last.

They were on the last 10
Dahyuns name still didn't appear she was so excited.

Last three



And in the first place...

Could Dahyun be forgotten?

Or is she first?

Surely she'd be remembered for her bubbly personality.

Kim Dahyun!

You can hear the claps and whistles after the host announced that, but the biggest supporters were The Playgirls.

Dahyun was so shocked, they then led her up the stairs to the stage when she arrived she bowed and clapped with them, shook hands with the judges and received the golden trophy she stayed humble and congratulated the other contestants. After that, she looked other to her Unnies and smiled happily blocking her vision with her cheeks.


They went back home and they all hugged Dahyun and congratulated her after she went on the balcony and drank some tea acting as nothing happened. Sana came out.

"How do feel about winning, Dahyunnie?" Sana asked while smiling.

"Relieved," Dahyun said and smiled softly to Sana, making her warm inside.

"You stayed really humble, that's why I like you, heh," Sana said.

"I'm gonna go sleep, it's getting late, you should too because I don't want you getting sick," Dahyun said
"Heh thanks, good night, Dubu," Sana spoke.

"Good night, Unnie."


They all woke up and thought to celebrate by eating out and doing some shopping.

They went to Makan Halal and ate.

After they went shopping, they tried to buy stuff for Dahyun, which they did but Dahyun kept buying stuff for them which they thought was so charming and adorable. After going out for the weekend they went back home and slept.


They went to school and everyone was swarming around Dahyun saying how amazing she is, Dahyun would just laugh, say thanks and compliment them back, which made the girl's heart warmed. On the first period, their teacher made Dahyun stand and describe how it felt.

"Kim Dahyun, can you explain how everything felt?" The teacher asked.

"It was really fun and I extremely appreciate everyone who supported me, although it was scary I had to try my hardest to make it an amazing performance and I believe it was because people say, heh. Thanks." Dahyun expressed.

They continued to do their work and were surprisingly quiet, but it was also a Monday so they were tired from the all-nighters they pulled apart from Sana and Dahyun who slept quietly.


Thanks for reading Chapter Three, I'm trying my hardest to learn more English so please tell me if there are any errors. 

Be sure to check out my Twitter and Deviantart which is displayed in the description ^^

Have a good day guys!

Word count - 1277

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522 streak #1
Chapter 11: Authornim, thank you for the update ^^ get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. There's no need to rush the next chapter, your health comes first. Take care and 'see' you soon :)
522 streak #2
Chapter 10: Authornim! Welcome back ^^ thank you for updating despite all that you're going through. 화이팅! Will patiently anticipate the next update :)
cikalo #3
Chapter 10: How did dahyun get tortured and not be sent to the hospital immediately in the last chapter?
Nevertheless great update, looking forward to next one already!
Chapter 8: Getting bullied?! Wae wae? By who?! >:(
Anime_ffffan #5
Chapter 7: I love this twist but it me in my heat ㅠㅠ pinky is crazy u swear I will cut her uhhhh! Gotta stop getting mad before I wake everyone up. ? Thanks for updating Author-Nim~Fighting
522 streak #6
Chapter 7: My heart sank when Pinky tortured Dahyun ㅠㅠ and of course Sana (and the gang) to the rescue ㅋㅋ I wonder what will happen to Kyul, would she seek revenge *stares into the distance* thanks for the update! :D
Anime_ffffan #7
Chapter 6: no stoppp!!! Dahyun is not getting hurt Sana you better come if not I will uhhhhh!! I'm so scared waiting for the next chapter
522 streak #8
Chapter 6: Authornim! Thanks for the update :) Sana-chan is shyshyshy when Dahyun initiated skinship with her ㅋㅋ I hope that Dahyun got skills like Liam Neeson's character in Taken 2, so it won't be hard for her to be rescued ;) No worries authornim, we'll be patiently waiting for your updates. 화이팅!