Don't leave me

The girl I love

Dahyun was having a peaceful dream when she met a girl who standing on the bridge ready to jump. Of crouse I jumped after but as I jumped after her she hit the water and disappeared from sight that's when I hit the water it felt like concret. I woke up almost a scenond later I was shook because It felt to real way to real. I then woke to see a unfamiliar room. I look around to see a girl dressing her self I just stare Frozen. She then saw me walked up to me and slapped me TWICE. ( like wtf man that hurt like a bicth)! She then said it was fair since I saw her change  I then just sat there not knowing what to do. Then I asked her after she was done changing what's her name? She said Sana. I thought to myself that sounds familiar but I shrugged it off. She then asked me for my name. I said Dahyun. After that she brought ice for the slapes I was given. ( like wtf she slap me then brings ice like here sorry bicth I was so confused).  After what seemed like forever she said I was alright now although I was sad and pouted she just laughed god she looks so beautiful wait wut am I thinking I just meet her calme down I said to myself. I then left her house and that was the last time I ever met her she was always on my mind even after people said they liked me I said no because she was still on my mind I will forever remember her my first love and forever my love.

Agiooo wut's up guys srry had to delete sister hade it and did some stuff srry tho Agiooo I promise to upload as much as possiable. love you guys for reading this only  as friends. 😭😂😂

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Anime_ffffan #1
Chapter 2: Thanks stay in tone I'll upload mor and longer to check my other one out to
Anime_ffffan #2
No one*
Anime_ffffan #3
Lol you seem cool thanks for reading thought books will read it agiooo
Anime_ffffan #4
Promise have it done by today
Anime_ffffan #5
Srry had do delete sister had my phone have to do it all over ahhhhh