Forest Fairy

The Most Beautiful Moment(s) in Life

jungkook wanders aimlessly around the forest, admiring the rays of gold that dapple the blanket of green around him. there’s always been something about this forest—its serene atmosphere, the magic it seems to be teeming with—that always draws jungkook back to it. a pair of birds flitter about the treetops above him, drawing his attention for a moment before they become one with the leaves, the only sign they’re still there the sweet melody that drifts in the warm breeze to jungkook’s waiting ears. he closes his eyes for a few long moments, face tilted towards the sun, letting the rays wash over his skin and tinge his vision golden through his closed eyelids. 


there’s something about the forest that always just makes jungkook feel so at peace, like he travelled to a different world for a moment, like everything will be okay.


he continues on through the trees following nothing but his heart and wherever his footsteps decide to lead him. today they decide to take him along the bank of a small river that winds its way quietly through the brush, almost unnoticeable were it not for the murmuring of the water communicating with the rocks. jungkook dances along beside it, weaving his way through reeds and bushes and trees, spreading his arms out and tilting his head back like he’s a bird flying in the wind, twirling and skipping with the gentle ripples of the river. 


a soft humming brings him to a halt, ears immediately tuning into the new sound, head instantly turning to the direction he thinks the voice is coming from. quietly, so as not to disturb it, he treads through the lush grass towards the pretty sound, intrigued as to whom it belonged to. as he gets closer, he spots a small clearing in the woods just beyond the line of trees in front of him. he rests one hand against the bark of a tree as he peers closer, remaining in the shadow of the trees while he gets a better look at the sight before him—which is nothing short of breathtaking. a wooden swing hangs in the centre of the clearing, upon which sits the most beautiful creature jungkook has ever laid eyes on—a fairy, with soft waves of honey hair, and purple butterfly-like wings folded behind his back that glitter in the sunlight as he swings calmly to and fro. it’s then that jungkook notices the sun isn’t the only source of light, with tiny sparks of gold twinkling all around him like little fireflies.


the humming suddenly stops and the fairy’s eyes blink open in surprise, looking around and quickly locating jungkook, who freezes in shock. he hadn’t even realised he’d been walking closer to the fairy, so mesmerised by him. the sparkles fizzle out around him with the cessation of his humming, but they seem to have relocated to his pretty pretty eyes, shining as they look up at jungkook. jungkook can do nothing but stare.


he always knew there was something magical about the forest.


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Chapter 5: heart eyes for this one
Chapter 4: Cuteeeee