
Our House [One-Shot/Drabble Collection]

“Please! Please, please, please let me in, Kris!” Zitao cries feet away from the back sliding door, hands over her head and eyes scouting out the area for the buzzing threat.

Kris stands on the inside of the glass door with a nasty, amused grin. She shakes her head but Zitao isn’t even looking at her anymore. Instead she’s zoned in on the nasty buzzing demon just ahead of her.

Is Kris sadistic? Maybe. Does she have a twisted sense of humor? Of course. Does she care that she’s actually putting Zitao in danger? Well, that’s a fifty-fifty because it’s only one wasp that isn’t actually chasing after Zitao but hovering around the middle most beam of the patio’s roof.

Kris slides the door open just a centimeter wide and shouts out, “Apologize, Zitao, and only then will I let you in!” She makes sure to get a good laugh in before shutting the door at Zitao’s movement.

“But I already did! Please!” Zitao sobs; her make-up completely ruined because of this. She doesn’t catch Kris rolling her eyes since her focus is solely on the one wasp that keeps circling around the middle beam of the patio.

She feels like she’s going to die and she’s going to die ugly.

“Sincerely!” Kris shouts but it sounds way louder then the time before and that’s when it clicks to Zitao. She turns and sees that Kris has the sliding door wide open, arm length; Zitao makes a mad dash for it; eyes only on the laundry room and the wasp whereabouts completely gone.

Just as Zitao makes it to that middle beam, Kris slams the door shut and flicks the lock with an animated laugh.

Zitao cries at a higher pitch because now she doesn’t know where the wasp is and she feels like she’s locked on the patio with the flying killer. She hears the buzzing but her eyes aren’t picking up the location of the sound; she’s scared.

Kris’ laughter dies down as she finally decides that maybe Zitao has had enough for the five minutes locked outside; a punishment for Zitao not doing her chores for two weeks and having stained everyone’s white clothing in the washer.

Before opening the sliding door, Kris does a brisk scout for the wasp that she quickly finds bumping the patio roof just a few heads above Zitao’s cowering form. It doesn’t seem to see Zitao as a threat and as it’s distracted Kris decides now is a good time to let Zitao in. So she flicks the lock up, but just as she’s about to slide the door open something huge catches her eye; Kris’ breath gets caught in .

It’s a huge, nasty wasp and it’s bumping against the sliding door, trying to come in.

Kris racks her brain for options because she knows if she opens the door now that wasp is going to zoom in and chaos will ensure, but at the same time she needs to get Zitao out and away from those two wasp for her safety. Does she tell Zitao to make a dash for the back gate or risk opening it? Will Zitao even hear her telling her to go for the back gate with her loud muttering?

Kris!” Kris feels like she was stung by the mother of all wasp herself at the sound of the threatening voice.

It’s Junhee and she doesn’t sound happy. ‘.’

Kris backs away from the sliding door with her hands up in surrender mood as if Junhee has walked in with a gun to her head. Kris backs all the way up against the washers with a uncomfortable smile because she knows this predicament doesn’t look good.

Junhee says nothing more to the dark-haired woman who’s still in only shorts and her sports bra. She cuts eye contact and positions herself in a steady stance at the sliding door; both hands on the handle. Junhee taps the glass loudly that causes Zitao to look up; her face tells everyone that she has just seen her savior.

Kris goes back to wincing at the huge wasp that has now made its way down and away from the opening of the sliding door. Her eyes fall to the back of Junhee who nods firmly at Zitao. Kris does a quick prayer just as Junhee slides the door open three-fourths of the way to allow Zitao to tumble in and onto the floor, a crying and mumbling mess. But Kris doesn’t pay full attention to the younger woman as her eyes are back on the wasp that seems to notice the opening that is closing by Junhee’s hands and in a blink of an eye Kris hears a crunch.

“—I swear I’ll never mix whites and colors in the washer, I swear!” Zitao mumbles on the ground, but her pleas are falling on two sets of deaf ears.

Kris swallows a hot lump in and tries to awkwardly smile but Junhee is having none of her fun and games.

“Kris.”—Kris flinches—“Kitchen. Now.” And the death sentence has been written.

“Yes, Ma’am.” Kris bows as she scurries off to the chosen room.

A / N:
it's weird. i like kris' character, but i honestly dislike how she goes about things lol she makes me frustrated >.>
in other news, either later today or sometime this week, i'll be cross-posting this to my Wattpad acc. it's something i've been wanting to do for a while.
the order in which the chs will be posted will be different but the same until it's caught up. the updating schedule will also be the same, but 1 week behind.
until next Monday!

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[Our House] halloween special is up. enjoy and see y'all in future updates. SERIES IS PAUSED [191031]


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Chapter 32: Poor Kris, lmao. <3 I didn't think Junghae would be such a scaredy cat but it's cute. It's ok, Junghae, Lu will protect you. And sure, if Kyungri and Yixin don't up by telling scary stories on Halloween, something's wrong. <3

Also, you should just take however long it takes you and if that's forever, that's also ok. I love you for writing this far and there's no reason to feel guilty. Motivation comes and goes and nothing wrong with that. <3
Chapter 32: Aww i know that feeling and sometimes its best to leave it well enough alone until you get your motivation back
Though this one was great and seriously these girls are idiots
I hope Kris really gives them a hard time for hitting her with her own bat
I know i would
Chapter 31: Eww just what the hell
That's horrific indeed and just even more eww
Seyung your would be mine if you did that to me
So so gross
But funny
Looking forward to more
Chapter 31: the ending of seyun’s period drama! and oh my god is it childish as hell lmao
seriously though, that is beyond childish and i wish i could see the fun in pranks but i generally cant (im just a party pooper like that in general tho so it’s nothing on you) uwu
i honestly feel like misook is me, so relatable. her squabble with kris is beyond understandable lol. jungin is ridiculously sweet to film all this. junghae’s reaction surprises me a little uwu idk, i just thought she would’ve thrown it back at seyun like “disgusting” *sticking her nose in the air like she isn’t affected* and then she’d take a loooooooooong shower afterwards.

by god do i understand chanyoung’s reaction tho, fish sauce and vomit? yikes ;;

(is fish sauce yellow?? i always assumed it was a light brown >.< otherwise the origin of the lemonade is beyond questionable uwu)

love you! you’re the best <3
*regarding your authors thoughts*
post them as new uwu or at least make it clear that the old chapter has been updated uwu i want to be able to read the new chapters ~
Chapter 30: Oh Kris
So whipped.
My ship sails
If they would just stop being idiots and get together
Though what creative project where Minxing up to? It sounds fun
Looking forward to next Monday...even though it'll be a few days after for me actually reading
Chapter 30: i honestly never ever thought id say this but wow junhee, that was a big jerk move and kris deserved better. i know i dislike kris and all and kris can be a jerk but this?? this is so not ok. this is so so so important to kris, a meeting that could determine her ing career in sports and junhee finds herself worth more???? no.

this is so manipulative and wrong. i do not condone. shame on yixin for being in on this. as if junhee’s blind dates were more important? she could’ve brought any of the girls along but knows she can manipulate kris because kris likes her. that is just so awful. not a good friendship move at all. i feel like scolding her so bad. and yixin too.

they should be grown-ups. this is ... disgusting. misook at least were on kris’ side, thinking it wouldn’t work but she should’ve stopped them before it got out of control like this. ugh.

love the chapter as always. love you as always. just - you told me to be honest and their actions in this chapter is just not ok ;; sorry girls, they’re not.

(also, you really need to tell us more about misook and her art because you hint at it so often and it’s making me ridiculously curious. how talented is she? do the others know? is it something she hides from her or something she displays? curious curious ~ <3 )
Chapter 29: Aww so cute A chapter
Oh so Kris saw something personal about Min without permission
Interesting and that explains a lot
Why do I think that these girls at the park would just be madness mixed with cuteness and lots of ice cream even though they're supposed to be getting fit lol
Chapter 29: im not saying im in love with your misook but im in love with your misook. uwu she’s so sweet! innocent and cute, kind and intelligent, looking for knowledge and still vulnerable and learning. she never wants her way in a bad way (cough like a certain someone it isn’t only misook who has beef with). and she’s insecure. it’s so adorable. i wonder what she won? ;;
anyway, i love her, hello, thank you for listening to my ted talk about why misook is perfect.

also i know lu agrees so high five lu! besides i really like this chapter from lu’s POV. it makes her soft. i know she says that about misook but honestly, she’s a bit ashamed of her thoughts, she’s shy around misook and she just ... feels so much.

this is an amazing chapter! genuinely uwu (and it’s not just because im xiumin-biased in all forms)
Chapter 28: i kinda laugh-cried when they talking about Kyungri because i can just imagine the window was open because she snuck out and now that kris has closed it, she’s gonna be standing in the cold winter morning when she comes back and she’ll be like “im going to kill whoever snuck into my room my god”. it’s a good vision uwu

also, don’t change the name of junhee’s bunny. there’s a story behind it so it should stay. and don’t feel bad about it! <3

kris and junhee always seems like ... idk, it’s cute when you write it but uwu <3 thank you. sorry this comment TvT