Chapter 5: Music Core


English Japanese Korean

Same with Music Bank, for M Countdown DIAMOND too reached early, changed and went around greeting the artists. Knocking at MBLAQ dressing room, Yuri is suddenly very nervous. 

Come in.Seungho called out.
As the girls entered, Hello, we are DIAMOND. Please guide us along.Bowed while saying.
The guys got a shock, quickly stood up and bowed, We are MBLAQ, please guide us along too.
The girls got a shock as MBLAQ spoke in Japanese.
How did you?Chika started.
We just got back from Japan, debuted in the same time as DIAMOND.Seungho replied.
Looking forward to perform on stage together.Joon winked.
Yuri blushes.
If you don’t mind, we would like to be friends.G.O boldly asked.
I don’t see any problem with that.Chika smiled. 

After they exchanged numbers, DIAMOND went off to their dressing room. Only then, MBLAQ realized Takako is not with them. This time round, DIAMOND is not the last to perform. Even so, they still take the time before their turn to practice through the performance. Different from Music Bank, there is no rehearsal as there is time constraint. MBLAQ perform 2 groups after them, they watches their performance in their dressing room. 

On the final stage, G.O approaches Chika, If you girls have nothing on later, let’s meet for dinner. Noona.

The last word was whispered into her ear. Chika shiver from it and nodded. Chika then inform the girls about MBLAQ’s invitation. Yuri is of course excited. It is no secret that Yuri is a huge fan of MBLAQ. G.O then text Chika the address to meet, which she pass to Inhye to give directions to their driver, before heading off, 

Be careful. They are famous idols after all. NO scandals!!Inhye said very seriously before closing the door.
She is scary.Nana and Jieun said shivering. 

Takako laughed. As they reach the place, immediately ushered into a private room where MBLAQ are waiting. 

You girls came!Mir obviously excited.
Sit sit.Joon winked once again. 

Seeing Yuri blushes, making the girls giggle as they sat down across MBLAQ almost like some match-making date. Small talks over dinner as expected. They got along pretty well. After dinner, they head off separately. That whole month, constant meetup for meals with MBLAQ while DIAMOND doing their debut single promotion. Though Yuri got her wish to get close and personal with Joon, but Joon is hitting on Nana instead. Yuri knows that Nana had her heart set on someone else but still she is jealous. That night, during dinner, 

Nana, do you like Joon? Yuri asked straight out.
Chika and Takako nearly choke on their food. Nana and Jieun stop at what they are doing.
Well do you?! Yuri pressing the matter.
No! Yuri nee, you should know that I like someone else. Nana replied, voice getting softer.
Chika shook her head and continue eating.
Yuri, you should know that Nana won’t do such a thing. Takako started her ‘big sister’ attitude that always pisses Yuri off. 

But for once Yuri didn’t start quarreling with Takako just because she confirms that Nana has no interest in Joon. Her Joon as she calls in her mind. A few days passed after that conversation. That day, only Nana and Jieun in the dorm as the rest out for either schedule or classes. MBLAQ’s Joon drop by after finishing his schedule for the day. 

Hai!Nana shouted as she went forward to open the door.
Konnichiwa.Joon smiled brightly.
Oh hi, come on in.Nana opened the door for him.
Joon oppa! You came.Jieun greeted him.
Patting her head, I brought cake over.Joon said holding up a box.
Yeah! Jieun smiled as she took the box over.
Have a seat.Nana said as she proceeded to help Jieun.
Only the 2 of you?Joon asked.
Yes, Takako and Chika had Korean classes, while Yuri have a CF.Nana replied.
Ah I see.Joon replied. 

Nana brought the cake out, while Jieun with drinks. 

You finish schedule for today?Nana asked.
Joon nodded, So what are you girls doing today?
Later, we are having practice for Music Core tomorrow.
Jieun replied.
Music Core?Joon raise an eyebrow.
Ending our promotion with ‘Into the New World’ in Music Core tomorrow.Nana explained.
Ah I see. So you girls will be busy with next single?Joon asked.
We will be releasing a mini-album next.Jieun getting excited.
That is fast.Joon was surprised.
We have 6 months here, 1 month had already passed. I miss home.Nana getting teary. 

Before Jieun could react, Joon had already hugged Nana. Just then, Yuri returned home from schedule. Seeing that, Yuri gasped. Nana immediately pushes Joon away leaving him confused. 

Yuri nee, I…Nana didn’t get to finish her sentence. Yuri had already slammed her bedroom door.
Sorry, oppa, can you leave?Jieun asked softly. 

Joon though don’t understand why, still got up to leave. Yuri didn’t leave her room till it is time to go for practice. Even on the ride to the practice, no matter how much Nana tried to talk to Yuri, she just plainly ignored her. Upon reaching the studio where Takako and Chika are already there, both of them immediately noticed the atmosphere between Nana and Yuri. 

Grabbing Jieun, 3 of them head off to get drinks, Did something happen at home?Chika asked immediately when they are out of earshot.
Well, Joon oppa came. And Nana unnie and Joon oppa hugged.Jieun said slowly.
What?!Takako exclaimed.
What happened? Why did they hug?Chika was confused.
Nana unnie was talking about being homesick, so Joon oppa hugged her.Jieun explained.
I presume Yuri just saw the hug.Takako asked.
Jieun nodded, Yuri unnie refused to listen to Nana unnie’s explanation. 

Chika and Takako sighed, knowing Yuri too well. Not knowing what to be done, Takako and Chika decided not to get involve unless necessary. The practice went on well without the usual playing among members. Next day was their last performance for ‘Into The New World.’ Reaching early as usual, after changing, they went around greeting again. 

10 minutes before their performance, a knock came. 

Come in.Takako shouted out.
Entered was MBLAQ. All 5 girls froze in their seats.
Heard that it is your last promotion live?Seungho started.
Takako smiled and nodded.
Nervous?Mir asked.
5 girls nodded. 

Somehow apart from Joon, the rest noticed something is wrong between the girls. Leaving shortly, Joon only one unwilling. Soon is time for DIAMOND’s last performance. As usual, Chika gathered the girls, 

This is our last promotion performance. No matter what differences we had before, we had come this far. All in all, we are professional. Let’s hit the stage!Chika shouted. 

The stage ended with tears. Joon suggested to have a celebration dinner with them but was rejected by rest of the members. DIAMOND after performance, head back home in silence. Inhye went off to get food after being sent off by Chika. Reaching the dorm, before Yuri head off to her room, 

Yuri, we need to talk.Chika spoke up.
Sighing, knowing she have no way out from Chika, sat down on the sofa.
Misunderstanding between members are not allowed, you know that right, Yuri? Takako started.
Yuri kept silence.
Though tonight was a perfect performance, not it is also obvious that no souls are in it. Yuri and Nana. Chika said.
A brief glance at each other before, Yuri looked away.
We all know Joon’s intention. Yuri, you also know that Nana is already taken. Takako said.
We are away from Japan. There is a possibility for Nana to fall for Joon when he is so persistent. Yuri getting angry.
No there is no possibility. Nana spoke up.

All eyes turned to Nana. She didn’t offer any explanation and head off to bed. 


Will Nana and Yuri make up? Will Joon realize that it is not Nana who likes him but Yuri? Coming up is DIAMOND’s first variety show! Wonder what is going to happen? Stay tune!!

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