Chapter 1: New member?


English Japanese Korean

A new member will be coming in next week.Inhye said upon entering DIAMOND dorm.
Eh? A new member? How come?Takako protested.
It doesn’t make sense after debut with 2 singles, we suddenly having a new member?Yuri is suspicious.
Like it is within my control? Oh and by the way, you girls will be debuting with the new member in Korea next month.Inhye roll her eyes as she speaks.
Wait! How old is the new member?Nana asked out of curiosity.
Younger than you.Inhye smiled as she pats Nana’s head.
And we are going Korea out of the sudden because of the new member?Yuri exclaimed.
I suppose she is Korean?Takako asked to confirm.
Yes she is. Anyway, get some rest and I will see you girls in the morning.Inhye smiled. 

All that commotion, Chika was the only quiet one. She frowns at the new information given by Inhye, their manager. DIAMOND currently consist of 4 members, Takako, Chika, Yuri and Nana, they had just debuted in Japan 6 months ago with 2 singles. Apart from Yuri, the rest are pure Japanese. Chika knew all along that they will be going to Korea to debut but just not as soon as she expected it to be. She sighed as she watches the rest resuming back to their activities before Inhye interrupted. 

On the other hand, MBLAQ is still active in Japan and going back to Korea next month. While attending shows they are preparing for their Korea comeback. That night after recording, without any practice, they are all resting in their dorm. Mir, the youngest switch on the radio for some entertainment. 

Now it has just been barely 1 month but DIAMOND is dominating the charts everywhere!Today we have with us the main vocal of DIAMOND, Imai Nana!Uehara Takako, the radio DJ started.
It is a great honor having such good response from the fans.Nana responded.
I heard that you girls are heading to Korea soon?Takako asked.
Yes, we will be debuting in Korea next month.Nana replied.
Wow! That is great news, hope that DIAMOND will continue to have great results and bring proud to Japan.Takako encourages.

As the session went on, Mir was excited as he is a new fan of DIAMOND, knowing that they will be debuting in Korea when MBLAQ is making their comeback makes him even more excited. 

Hyungs, do you know that DIAMOND is going Korea next month?Mir shouted.
DIAMOND, you mean that newly debuted DIAMOND?Joon exclaimed.
Mir nodded hard.
Wow, we are indeed lucky not only has we debuted with them in Japan now we are returning to Korea with them debuting.Seungho commented.
I hope we will manage to see them in person in Korea since we don’t have that much of a chance here.G.O said.
Hyung, do we have an early practice tomorrow?Thunder asked while yawning.
Seungho nodded as Thunder head off to bed. 

A week passes quickly. 

You will be fine. You remember your basic greetings right?Inhye asked with a smile when she saw her fidgeting.
Nodded was her only response, she is only 16 after all. Opening the door to the dorm, Inhye was immediately greeted by Nana.
Morning!Nana greeted brightly.
Where are the rest?Inhye asked.
Taka nee is still sleeping. Yuri nee is making breakfast while Chika nee is already down in the studio as usual.Nana replied.
The new member, Lee Jieun.Inhye introduce upon entering.
Hello, my name is Lee Jieun.Jieun said softly.
Nice to meet you! My name is Imai Nana.Nana smiled brightly.
She is still taking Japanese lessons with teacher Boa, so be slow with her.Inhye explained.
Breakfast is ready.Yuri shouted from the kitchen.
Yuri! This is the new member, Lee Jieun.Inhye introduce.
Oh hi, I am Park Yuri, half Korean so I understand.Yuri spoke in Korean to make her feel more at home. 

Jieun just nodded shock to adsorb all information. Just then Taka yawns loudly as she exit her room. 

Is breakfast ready?Takako asked as she rubbed her eyes.
That is Takizawa Takako, your group leader.Inhye said.
Hearing Korean, Takako immediately awake. So she is the new member?
Hello, my name is Lee Jieun.Jieun said softly yet again.
How old are you?Takako asked coldly.
I am 16.Jieun answer timidly.
Taka, you shouldn’t scare her.Yuri started her nagging. 

Yes, though Takako is the leader of DIAMOND, Yuri is the oldest among them. After breakfast, all of them head down to the studio to meet Chika. They were surprise that Chika was not inside the studio. 

Now where did she go?Takako was getting irritated.
It is rare not to see Chika nee in studio.Nana was getting worried.
Jieun look at Yuri for translations.
I suppose Chika have met the new choreographer for the debut song you guys going to do in Korea.Inhye smiled as she nodded behind them.
I didn’t know you speak Korean.Takako saying to annoy Chika. 

Chika just plainly ignore Takako. As their new choreographer introduce himself. Inhye step in to inform of the new member. Upon seeing the choreographer, Jieun immediately blushes. 

Ok, I will be showing it full steps once before breaking it down? Jang Wooyoung, the choreographer for the Korean debut. 

The song for DIAMOND debut is ‘Into the new world’ a dance track best goes with their image. For once, Chika is having solo lines compared to their Japanese debut. The practice ended in the early afternoon, after they had lunch. Chika didn’t say much to the new member except for introduction. After lunch, Jieun head off to the studio to record her part for the song, while the rest have schedules to go. 

After filming of ARASHI no Shokudai, the 4 of them head off to their dorm, on the way back. 

So what do you think of the new girl?Takako started the conversation.
She seems nice.Yuri commented.
She is too young.Nana was worried on the other hand.
No comments.Was the only words that came out of Chika’s mouth. 


How is Jieun going to adapt to the new environment? With Chika’s coldness and Takako’s self-esteem, will DIAMOND to able to make it big in Korea?

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