Chapter 4: First Interview


English Japanese Korean

Next morning, Inhye was up first and prepare breakfast for everyone. Second to wake up is Yuri who usually makes breakfast. Seeing Inhye, she got a shock. 

Inhye. What are you doing?Yuri exclaimed.
What do you think I am doing? Making breakfast of course.Inhye roll her eyes.
I can do it. You just go and rest.Yuri taking over the task.
Pack one breakfast up. I will bring it down to Chika.Inhye said as she proceeds to shower.
Chika? She is down in the studio already?Yuri asked when Inhye came out of the showers.
She spent the entire night there.Inhye sighed as she sat down at the dinning table.
Nana and Jieun, who just walk out, heard that.
Oh both of you are up? Go shower, breakfast will be ready soon.Yuri noticed them and smiled. 

Shortly after Inhye left, Nana and Jieun came out of the shower room. That is also when Takako wake up. Yawning, she noticed that Chika and Inhye missing. Giving Yuri a question look, 

Inhye went down to studio to give Chika her breakfast.Yuri explained.
Takako sighed, Long night in the studio again I suppose.
Yuri nodded. On their way down to the studio, Nana and Jieun were talking behind.
Ne, does Chika neechan always overwork herself?Jieun ask in concern.
Nana pats her head, Chika nee only ask for perfection, nothing less than that. That is why she works so hard.
Oh. How long has Chika neechan been training?Jieun ask out of curious.
Chika nee has been a dancer since 4. Training to be a singer at your age.Nana smiled. 

Jieun eyes widen. They have arrived at their company. Heading off to the studio only to find Chika dancing with their choreographer. Jieun immediately felt a pang of jealousy. 

Oh you came?Inhye came behind them.
Where did you go?Yuri asked suspicious.
Oh went to check on our new trainee.Inhye answered, not meeting anyone’s eyes.
Chika smiled knowing where did she go, So let’s start. Wooyoung arrived yesterday night.
Hi, let’s go through the performance again, and then I shall see what is still lacking.Wooyoung smiled. 

15 minutes, leaving behind Jieun and Nana to practice their steps with Wooyoung. While Takako and Chika head off to their Korean classes, Yuri to vocal classes. Inhye sneak off to watch the new trainee yet again. The new trainee name Kim Jaejoong, formerly a model in many clothes line. He auditioned for the company to be a singer after he finished up his last model job. 

He is having vocal lessons when Inhye drop by. Seeing at him through the door’s small window makes her looks like some stalker. A small tap on her shoulder giving her a shock. 

Junsu! You scared me.Inhye nearly shouted.
Kim Junsu chuckled, What on earth are you doing Inhye? I don’t think DIAMOND is in this vocal class.
What about you then?
Inhye asked, not wanting to show weakness.
Me? I am the new manager for Kim Jaejoong.Junsu smiled proudly.
He is debuting soon?Inhye surprised.
Junsu nodded, In a few months time, he will be recording his debut single next month.
Wow that is fast, he just came in not long ago after all.
Inhye was impressed.
Yes, but he has been on-going vocal trainings since young, hence not much preparation needed for him.Junsu replied. 

Just then the door opened, surprising both Junsu and Inhye. 

Duck ! You came! Jaejoong slap Junsu’s upon seeing him.
Junsu immediately turn red. Inhye got a shock.
Hi, my name is Hamasaki Inhye, manager of DIAMOND. Inhye introduce herself.
Oh hi. So why are you here? Jaejoong briefly greet and started to walk off with Junsu. 

Inhye pouted briefly seeing such cold reaction from Jaejoong, before she head off to see how her group members doing. The girls spend the whole morning doing their own stuffs before heading off for lunch. After lunch is their first photoshoot in Korea. Arriving at the studio, 

Hello, we are DIAMOND.The 5 girls shouted out and bowed.
Hello, let’s get you ready shall we?The director of the shoot smiled as he pat them. 

As Yuri is the oldest, she will be the last to get ready. Jieun being the youngest went to dress up first with the help of Jung Sooyeon. After dressed up, followed by hair styling by Kwon Yuri, lastly makeup by Hwang Miyoung. Jieun was ready first hence, she start the shoot first as well. While Nana is doing her hair, Chika went in to change. 

You are really small in size.Jung Sooyeon commented as she helped Chika to dress.
Guess so, Korean are all pretty tall.Chika said sadly.
Sooyeon smiled, But some guys just like their girls to be small in size.
I wonder.
Was Chika’s only response. 

While Nana is doing her makeup, Chika is on her hair, Takako finally went in to change. Yuri being the last went out to see Jieun’s photoshoot. The photoshoot ended 4 hours later. By the time it ends is already dinner time, Inhye brought them out to eat. 

So how is it, first photoshoot?Inhye asked during dinner.
It is fun!!Jieun exclaimed.
It is something new, the way how they work is different from Japan.Takako commented.
The people are nice!Nana smiled. 

As usual, no comments from Chika. After dinner, they head off to their first magazine interview. Reaching the company, the reporter is already there waiting. 

Hello, we are DIAMOND.The girls said and bowed.
Hello, take a seat.Park Jungsu smiled.
As they took a seat across Jungsu, he can’t help but observes the differences between the girls. Nevertheless, the interview starts.
So, lets start with a brief introduction.Jungsu started.
My name is Takizawa Takako, Japanese and the leader of the group.Takako started first.
My name is Park Yuri, half Korean half Japanese, the oldest of the group.Yuri continued.
My name is Imai Nana, Japanese and the lead vocal of the group.Nana smiled.
My name is Lee Jieun, Korean, and the youngest of the group.Jieun smiled shyly.
My name is Nishikido Chika, Japanese, dancer of the group.Chika added lastly.
Wow, your Korean is not bad, been taking lessons I suppose.Jungsu indeed impressed.
No no, we are still very bad at it.Takako speak for the rest.
Jungsu smiled, Ok a few questions, just relax.
DIAMOND smiled and nodded.
So it has been not long since DIAMOND debut in Japan. And Jieun is the new addition for the Korean debut, how have you all been getting along?Jungsu started.
Yes, we debut not long ago. But some of us have known each other before debut. Though Jieun is our last addition, but she is already family to us.Yuri answered.
Tell me more about the new concept. Jungsu continued.
A fresh new look that brings a new generation.Takako replied slowly with the help of Yuri. 

As the interview goes on, it lasted for an hour. It is already 9pm when the interview ends. After that they head off to their studio to practice more, as they have yet another live tomorrow. They practiced till 1am before heading back dorm to rest. 


M countdown coming up, will they finally meet MBLAQ? Will their performance goes smoothly? Stay tune~

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