final decission ,,,

" LOVE never CHANGED ... "

>>> Bom is running downward while she is still crying…


When she still running, he pass top,,,

“ bom… i… “ top said, before he finish his word, bom is already leave him

“ what the hell is going on to her ?” he think a moment

And when he think about that, he look gd is walking from the same way with bom…

Top think,,, “ ow, ,,,, “ top said run toward bom…


Outside the building,,, he stop a moment to looking around… he try to find her… find bommie…


“ where is she,,, “ top said and continue searching for bom, he is running and running,,, but still can’t find bom


>>> Bom is running,,, and finally she stop beside the river…

She stop crying,,, but there is one problem…

“ where am i? I just run without notice the way, how can I come back… ah,,, phone… “ she try to find her phone…

 Then she call,,, ???

“ Who should I call… if I call the girls, but they probably don’t know this place too… aish,,, park bom pabonika “ bom said to her self

“ all of this is because of him,,, all is because of him “ bom said

Then ,,, finally she know who will help her, may be…


“ yoboseyo… tabi-ah… “ bom said, she call top

“ ya’… where are you ? I’m looking for you, you know… where are you? What happen? Why you crying and running?” top asked many question to her

“I can’t answer all of your question now,,, tabi-ah, help me, I think I’m lost,,, I don’t know the way to come back to the dorm… “ bom said, sobbed

“ Where are you ? what are you looking? What building ?” top asked

“ I just beside the river, I,,, mmh,,, it just I think that is train rail… and ,,, something like little bridge that can lift up and down… “ bom said while she looking around

“ ah,,, arayo,,, wait me there… don’t go anywhere … “ top said and hang off the phone

“ hurry tabi-ah,,, it’s already dark, I’m scared… “ bom mumbling to herself


>>> Top is thinking when he run,,, where is bom…


“ wait,,, train rail, bridge, river…. ? mmh “ he think for a second…

“ ahh…  not too far from the train station I think,,, it could be right… “ top said and he running again…


>>> After 15 minutes running,,, finally top can see a girl with a brown hair who standing beside the river,,,


He walking approach her…

“ bommie-ah… “ top said

And bom turning around,,, there is a tall and handsome man in front of him,,, seems he is really exhausted…


“tabi-ah… “ bom said and approach him…

But when they are close…

“ why you so long,,, you know I’m scared, it’s already dark… “ bom said

“ mwol? Ya’… i.. “ before top have finish his word…

“ I’m just kidding,,, gomawoyo tabi-ah…” bom said


“ let’s go back to your dorm… or they will worry about you… “ top said

And they walking together,,,

Top still can see her puffy eyes,,,

“ what happened ? I know it’s because of him,,, “ top said

Bom just silent,,, and remember what happened to her and gd,,,

“ what he doing to you, tell me “ top asked , a little bit yelling

Bom just silent,,, and top just choose silent,,, but in the depth of his heart, he know, it must be gd doing something bad to bom until make her cry,,,

He hold on his emotion,,, he really want to punch him,,, how dare he make bom crying so much…


And finally, they arrived in front of 2ne1 dorm,,,

“ mianhe top-ah, I can’t tell you about this… but thank you for anything “ bom said and leave him, get in into her dorm


>>> in 2ne1 dorm…


Bom is come in to the dorm…

“ eonnie-ah,,, where are you from ?” cl asked

“ we are worry about you bomtaro… “ dara said

“ mainhe… I promise I won’t come home late except I already told you girls…” bom said hiding her sadness

“ promise… “ dara said

“ neh…” bom said

“ well, I’m a little bit sleepy, I’ll sleep first okay,,, good night “ bom said and get in into her room…


>>> In bom’s room, she is laying on the bed,,, thinking about what happened today…

But then her phone is ringing, it’s an email…

After read that email, she I smiling bitterly,,,

“Should I do this ? “ she said to herself


>>> The next day, as usual she is going to the studio, to practicing…. after the practice is over,,,

Bom is leaving first…

“ dara-yah, I’ll go to the park,,, just a moment,,, okay, I just want to find fresh air…” bom said

“ ya’… don’t go home late anymore okay… “ dara said

“ neh, eonnie-ah, last time you said that you want to find fresh air, you’re go home late, remember… “ minji said

“ neh’… I won’t go home late, okay…  bye “ bom said

“ bye… “ they said


>>> Exactly, she go to the park just because she want to think about something that she won’t anybody to know about this…


>>> At BIG BANG practice room,,,,

After the practice,,, gd is leave first, but top is following him

Outside the building …

“ kwon jiyong… “ top call gd

And gd stop walking and turn around,,, he see the angry face of his hyung

“ what ?” gd asked

“ what you’ve done to bom yesterday? I saw she is crying… and I’m sure it’s because of you” top said and approach gd

“ tsk… so, you want to revenge to me ? Because of that girl ? So you already trapped by her? ” gd said

“ mwol? Pull back your word about her, you don’t know anything” top said

“ off course I know, I’m that ex-boyfriend, and she already dating my hyung just 2 days after we broke up, and I see you…“ before gd finish his word, top already give him a punch on his face

Gd is falling down, he hold his cheek, and there is a blood on the side of his mouth

“ you don’t know anything about her,,, and don’t even call her a ” top said and leave him

Gd just silent… and he get up,,, and walking slowly go to the park,,, still feeling the pain…


Who knows, seungri saw that… and he decided to text bom about what happened to top ad gd




To : Park bom noona

“ noona, I saw top hyung punch jiyoung hyung, and I think they talked about you, I don’t blame you, but can you please don’t make them fighting anymore,,, I can’t handle this “


Bom is on her room… laying on her bed,,,


One new message


From: Seungri

“ noona, I saw top hyung punch jiyong hyung, and I think it’s because of you, I don’t blame you, but can you please don’t make them fighting anymore,,, I can’t handle this “


Reading that, bom is shock, she doesn’t have any idea that they will fight, and top is punch him too…

She feels really sad know, guilty… how can she do this to both of them,,, it’s her fault,,, but after this incident,,, she already choose her step, that she think this is the best way to fix anything…


>>> The next day,,, before go to practice,,, bom is coming to sajangnim room


What will bom do ? why she come to sajangnim office ?

find the reason on the next chapter...


by the way, sorry for not updating the story yesterday, i totally forgot,,, >,<"



well, thanks for reading and subscribing...

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keep in touch,,, 2ne1 nolza !

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Neopetsislife #1
New reader here! Awesome! :D
ilabya4 #2
rheinee #3
gomawo ne.... ^^ i think about retire to write the story, but...mmh... can't do that... teehee
hanhyosang #4
Chapter 16: I love Seungri ! :)) . Cute ending ! : ) .
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 6: Omo ! .. The kiss is cute ! ^__^ .
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 4: I love CL ! : )) .
hanhyosang #7
Chapter 1: Interesting beginning ! : ) .
Lyca_Myx #8
Chapter 16: uhmm...uhh r u going to continue this?? cuz im kinda confuse... mianhee~~~
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 16: oh i feel kinda sorry for top......but go gbom anyway!!!yay