" What the... "

" LOVE never CHANGED ... "

>>> one day in the practice room

“ annyeong.... all of you, can you come here for a moment” sajangnim said

“ neh... “ all of them approach him

“ okay, tomorrow  we will go to japan,,, we will promote 2ne1 and big bang Japanese album, so get ready,,, okay... “ sajangnim said

“ okay... “ all of them answer


and they continue their practice for the concert in japan


>>> Night... at big bang dorm,,, gd's room

gd is laying on the bed.... his mind is thinking about what will happen tomorrow,,,

he is thinking about …


“ kiko... we'll meet tomorrow,,,, “ gd said and smiling


>>> The next day,,, they have been arrived to Narita airport, it’s already dark,,, and now is winter in Japan…


“ whoa,,, we arrived… “ dara said

“ it’s really cold here… “ cl said and use her hat

“ aigoo,,, I forgot to bring my gloves… “ bom said

“ we can buy it later eonnie “ minji said


Suddenly, someone gives bom gloves…

“ just wear it,,,, “ top said

“ ah, aniyaa,,, gwaencanha,,, “ bom try to rejecting top’s offer

“ it’s okay,,, I think you need this than me… “ top said

“ mmh,,, thanks tabi-ah “ bom smiling and take the gloves from top’s hand

Top just smiling…


When bom’s receive top’s help, she’s thinking, why gd don’t help her,,, even he don’t say any single word to her  since in the plane, and now he just look like a day dreaming man,,, what happened with him ?


“ bom, let’s go… “ cl said

“ okay,,, “ bom said, she choose to ignoring gd for a moment, maybe he have a problem


>>> they already arrived in the hotel,,, bom and cl is in one room, next to their room is minji and dara’s room, the female dancer’s room, the male room is across the female’s room, across bom’s room is top, seungri, and daesung room, across dara’s room is gd and taeyang’s room,,,


When bom and cl arrived in their room….

“ aahh…. So tired “ bom said while she laying on her bed

“ me too eonnie.. “ cl said


Bom looks to her phone…

“ why he don’t even send me a message ? am I do something wrong? But yesterday he’s okay “ her heart said


“ waeyo bommie-ah ? “ cl asked because she look bom’s sad face

“ aniya,,, chaerin-ah,,, why he don’t talk to me since we leave Korea ? even he didn’t send me any message ? am I doing something wrong?” bom said

“ nado molla… just leave it bom, now let’s sleep, you know tomorrow will be a tiring day “ cl said

“ you’re right “ bom said, put her phone to the table and turn off the light

“ good night chaerin-ah” bom said

“ night bom “ cl said


>>> In gd and taeyang room…. Taeyang is already sleeping,,,


Gd still wake up, he hold her phone and smiling, looks like he is sending a message to someone


To : Kiko

“ annyeong… I’m in Tokyo now,,, can we meet tomorrow? I really miss you ^^ “


After he send that message, he put his phone to the table…


“ kiko, finally we’ll meet tomorrow,,, I can’t be patient again,,, “ he whispering to herself and sleeping, and  the rumors is already stop for now...”


>>> the next day,,, they start to practicing again… the concert will be held 2 days again…  after the practice…


“ hey look… “ minji yelling to everybody when she look outside the window

“ what’s the matter minji-ah “ dara said

“ the lake is frozen and the snow is coming down,,, let’s play outside…. “ minji said

“ where ? “ cl, bom and dara approach minji to see the snow…

“ look… I’m right” minji said

“ let’s go… “ dara said….

Dara, cl and minji run first followed by the dancer, daesung, seungri, and taeyang


“ jiyoung-ah… let’s go outside “ bom said with wide smile to gd

“ ah,,, ani,,, I have an appointment, I must go now…. Bye… “ gd said and leave her

“ what appointment ?” bom mumbling

“ ya… let him go,,, come on,,, play with us… “ suddenly top pull bom’s hand and go outside to play with the other….


>>> After leave them,,, gd go to the park not so far from the hotel…. And he meets…


“ hi,,, are you waiting for a long time?” gd asked

“ ah, no,,, I just arrived… “ kiko said


Who knows the appointment he mean is to meet kiko… grrr,,, 


“ so… let’s go,,, I’ll buy a dinner, how is it ?” gd asked

“ okay… I know a good place around here… let’s go “ kiko said and hold gd’s hand

When kiko hold gd’s hand, gd a little bit startled...

“ why ?” kiko asked, realized that gd is startled

“ nothing , let’s go “ gd said


They go to the restaurant,,, Japanese restaurant exactly…

They really enjoy that moment… they laughing together,,, share some story…. If someone don’t know, maybe they will think that both of this people is a lover


After that,,, gd come back to the hotel… taeyang already sleeping….

Gd is laying on the bed,,, smiling,,, think about he and kiko,,, and finally he sleep as well


He didn’t think about bom ? owh,,, come on she is your girlfriend,,, not kiko…


>>> the next day… they practice really hard, because the concert is almost start… they just have one day anymore….


“ come on guys,,, fighting… “ YG said…


After they practice their performance for the last song,,,

“ okay,,, well done “ YG said


“ yeaaa….. “ they said

“ you can go back to the hotel and take a rest “ yg said

“ neh , sajangnim,,, gamsahamnida… “ they said


The other people walk leaving the practice room…

Bom approach gd that walking in front of her…


“ jiyoung-ah, I’m a little bit starving, can you go with me,,, you know,,, dinner ?” bom said happily

“ park bom miane,,, I can’t,,, I have another appointment,,, maybe next time “ he said and leave her

“ what’s the matter with him? He is weird… but I’m really starving,,, well I can go by myself” bom said to herself

“ eonnie-ah,,, where do you go ?” minji asked

“ mmh,,, to the mini market,,, why? Want to come in?” bom said

“ ani,,, I’m really tired,,, but can you buy me an ice cream please “ minji said with the puppy face

“ okay,,, “ bom said

“ yeay,,, gomawoyo eonnie-ah , bye… “ minji said and leave her

And she decide to go to the minimarket alone,,,


>>> In the minimarket,,, not too far from their hotel


“they don’t have any corn,,, hey,,, that is a corn flakes, well it’s made from corn too, so,,, it just the same I think,,, “ bom said to herself and put the cornflakes to the basket


“okay, what else,,, mmh,,, ah,,, minky’s ice cream… “ bom said

The ice cream is beside the window,,,,


But when she want to take the ice cream,,, she’s looking something that make her startled…


“ what the… “ she said, and quickly paid the food and get out from the minimarket


What made bom really startled? what will she find outside the minimarket?

the answer will revealed on the next chapter

just keep in touch and don't forget to comment...

2ne1 nolza !

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Neopetsislife #1
New reader here! Awesome! :D
ilabya4 #2
rheinee #3
gomawo ne.... ^^ i think about retire to write the story, but...mmh... can't do that... teehee
hanhyosang #4
Chapter 16: I love Seungri ! :)) . Cute ending ! : ) .
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 6: Omo ! .. The kiss is cute ! ^__^ .
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 4: I love CL ! : )) .
hanhyosang #7
Chapter 1: Interesting beginning ! : ) .
Lyca_Myx #8
Chapter 16: uhmm...uhh r u going to continue this?? cuz im kinda confuse... mianhee~~~
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 16: oh i feel kinda sorry for top......but go gbom anyway!!!yay