Fighting Bom...!

" LOVE never CHANGED ... "

>>> The next day At 2ne1 Dorm,,,

Bom still sad,,, sometimes her tears coming down again when she remember that day,,,

“ eonnie-ah, gwaencanha ? I think it's better for you to take a rest today “ cl said

“ neh... bommie-ah,,, it's better for you to stay here, okay,,, take care,,, bye “ dara said

and another 2ne1 member are going to practice,,,

bom just stay at the dorm,,,


>>> At yg ent. Practice room...

TOP is waiting bom in front of 2ne1 dancing room...

CL is appear first, dara and minji still far away behind her...

“ Oppa ? “ Cl said

“ ah, Cl, mmh,,, where is bom ?” top asked

“ Eonnie ? She will stay at the dorm for today,,, you know, she's not feeling well today “ cl said

“ oh... okay... bye “ top said and running to the big bang's practice room

“ ya'... what will he doing ? “ cl said,,,

and today 2ne1 are practicing without their main vocal... park bom


>>> TOP Running to the big bang's practice room...

he get in into the room,,, there is taeyang and daesung there …

“ Taeyang... after practicing, I have an appointment today, so i'll go home late okay.... “ top said

“ what ? O,,, okay “ taeyang said


>>> And they are practicing as usual,  when the practice is done...TOP is running as fast as he can... who knows,,, he is running go to 2ne1 dorm... to see bom... before the other 2ne1 member come home,,,


Then while he is running, he pick up his phone and dial bom's number...


“ yoboseyo... “  bom said

“ bommie-ah, are you at your dorm ?” top asked

“ neh'... wae ? “ bom said

“ ani,,, just don't go anywhere, okay ? “ top said and hang off the phone

“ we,,,wae ? Ya'.. ya'... top-ah... “ bom said

“ what's wrong with him ? “ bom confused and put her phone on the table


on a while,,,

knock,,, knock,,,

“ who is it ? Aah,,, maybe dara is coming early,,,  wait, i'll come... “ bom said and approach the door, and when she open the door a half...

“ bommie-ah,,, “ top is in front of the door

“ top ?... what are you doing here ? “ bom asked, confused

“ naega,,, huh,,,huh,,, wait,,, “ top bowed and  taking a breathe

“ are you running here ?” bom asked

“ neh'... “ top said and when he stand up... he see bom just wear a loose t-shirt and shorts,

“ what ?” bom said because she sees that top is staring at her

“ ani,,, you know, if you just wearing that thing, it will invite a ert you know “ top said while come in to 2ne1 dorm and sit down on the living room

“ that you're a ert “ bom said and sit beside him

“ mwol ? “ ya'... I just want to see you,,, I just want to know are you alright ?” top said, a little bit yelling

“ haha,,, gomawoyo tabi-ah,,, “ bom smiling, but she can hiding her puffy eyes

“ bommie-ah, so sorry about you and gd “ top said

“ aniya,,, i'm okay “ bom said

“ gojitmalhajima... I know you're crying over night “ top said with the serious face

“ tsk... “ the bitter smile is appear on bom's face

“ wanna talk to me what happened ?” top said

“ haaahh.... miane tabi-ah, for now I don't want to talk about that,,, even I don't want to remember that... “ bom said

“ arasso,,, so' what will you do today ? “ top said

“ don't know... maybe just laying on my bed and think how stupid I am “ bom said

“ you're not stupid, you just an alien,,, “ top said

“ ya'... “ bom yelling at him and slap his shoulder

“ haha,,, oh, come on, I already come here, so let's go somewhere “ top said

“ where ?” bom said

“ just follow me... come on “ top said and pull bom's hand...

but bom pull her hand back

“ wae ?” top asked

“ should I go out wearing this ?” bom said

“ ah'... arasso,,, go change your clothes, hurry,,, “ top said and release bom's hand

“ ya'... you must go out, just waiting for me outside “bom said

“ wae? I just want to be here, and if I'm lucky maybe I can see a bit of your body “ top said

“what... go away you're ert... “ bom said and push top get out from her dorm.. and suddenly close the door

“ ya'... “ top said and just smiling outside the dorm


>>> 5 minutes later,,, bom is ready to go...

“ come on hurry... “ top said and pull bom's hand, running...

they stop in the bus stop....

“ ya'... I'm tired, why we must running like this? Can we just walk ?” bom said, she is really exhausted

“ ha ha...  come the bus is coming “ top said


the bus is coming, luckily there is no one there, except them and the driver...

they sit down on the back...

top is wearing his sunglasses and hat, so do bom,,, she is wearing her scarf, geek glasses, and hat

“ okay, no one will know us “ top said

“ really ?... you must wear your scarf like this too or somebody will realize that is top of big bang around them “ bom said and fix top scarf to covering his neck and mouth

“ you're right,,, are you sure we aren't looks like a freak ?” top said

“ absolutely sure, because I... ehm,,, nothing “ bom said and her face changed a little bit sad, remember that this moment ever happen with her and,,,gdragon...

“ wae ? “ top asked realize that bom is sad

“ aniya... “ bom said


>>> 5 minutes later, they arrived to Cinema...

they get out from the bus...

“ it will be fun right ?” top said

“ neh'... “ bom said,,,

“ come on, i'll treat you,,, popcorn ?” top said and pull bom's hand to the food stall, and they buy popcorn and coke

and then they get in into the theater 2, they're watching romantic movie


>>> After practicing, gd didn't come back to the dorm yet,,, he is walking alone,,, just walking,,, no destination,,,


he think about what happened to him and bom,,,

“ tsk... it's not my fault,,, just she can't understand me, well,,, finally we are broken up now... gwaencanha... i'm not love her anymore, even I never love her“ gd talk to his self...


>>> Top and bom are walking,,, they'll go home after watching the movie...

“ so, what do you think about that movie ? “ top asked bom

“ mmh,,, so so, that girl in the movie is really weak, I don't like it” bom said

“ is that so? So you aren't a weak girl like her?” top said

“ neh, i'm a tough girl, I won't give up just because of boy “ bom said

“ well,,, so, tomorrow you'll back,,, you know,,,i mean, practicing, meet him ?” top said carefully to bom

“ sigh,,, i'll come “ bom said

“ jincha ?... that's good,,, “ top said

and in a moment, they already arrived in front of 2ne1 dorm...

“ top-ah “ bom said

“ ne ? “ top said

“ gomawoyo... “ bom said

“ for what ? Oh,,, ani... it's nothing “ top said, shy

“ no,,, it's really mean to me... thanks...  “ bom said and kiss top's cheek

Top is frozen.... can't say anything...

“ bye,,, see you tomorrow... “ bom said and leave him, get in into her dorm...


“ it is real ? She kiss my cheek ? “ top talk to his self,,, and he is blushing

“ whoaaa,,, “ top said and then he go back to his dorm...


>>> Who knows... gd is watching them...

“ what the hell ,,, Top... she,,, aish... “ gd said, he feel annoyed
“ how dare she kiss him,, are they two dating ?,,, what the... “ gd said, really angry,,, he kick the tree beside him

“ aw,,,aw,,, it's hurt, aw,,, “ gd said while he holding his feet


Owh,,, g dragon seems jealous to bom and top...

but if he loves her, why he still walking with kiko ?

so, what will happen next... just wait the next chapter tomorrow night...

don't forget to give comment.... 2ne1 nolza !

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Neopetsislife #1
New reader here! Awesome! :D
ilabya4 #2
rheinee #3
gomawo ne.... ^^ i think about retire to write the story, but...mmh... can't do that... teehee
hanhyosang #4
Chapter 16: I love Seungri ! :)) . Cute ending ! : ) .
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 6: Omo ! .. The kiss is cute ! ^__^ .
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 4: I love CL ! : )) .
hanhyosang #7
Chapter 1: Interesting beginning ! : ) .
Lyca_Myx #8
Chapter 16: uhmm...uhh r u going to continue this?? cuz im kinda confuse... mianhee~~~
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 16: oh i feel kinda sorry for top......but go gbom anyway!!!yay