Is it the real you bommie ? or should i call you jenny ?

" LOVE never CHANGED ... "

>>> When gd on the way to go to the gate…

He stopped; he looks a girl who has a familiar face…

Walking pass the yard with her shorts, he knows that leg, that body, that face,,,

“ hei, don’t be angry, I’m just kidding,,, “ suddenly brian appear behind him and poke gd’s shoulder

But gd didn’t answer him and still looking to that girl…

Brian is realized that gd is paying attention to that girl…

“ ahh,,, she is jenny park… how can I forgot that her family name is park too, is she?” brian asked gd

Gd just nodded…

“ you said that she has a long brown hair,,, but jenny’s hair is red… “ brian said

“ I don’t know that her hair is red now, by the way thanks… “ gd said and suddenly running approach jenny

“ but… she is… “ brian can’t finish his word because gd is already leaves him


>>> Finally gd can meet her, he is running approach her…

“ park bom… ?” gd call her…

And she turned around, she sees a guys who call her with that name,,,

She approach him,,,

“ jiyong ?, what are you doing here ?” bom said without any expression

“ finally , I can find you… “ gd said and hug bom

“ ya, let me go,,, “ bom said and release gd’s hug

“ sorry, I just really miss you “ gd said

“ really?” bom without any expression


Exactly, from now on, bom is changed, she always talk without any expression,,, to any people there,,,

After leave Korea, she decide to leave her past feeling,,, want to be a new person, who are stronger than before,,,but...


“ hei,,, what are you doing ?” brian said from behind gd…

“ what ?” gd asked, don’t get it

“ hei jenny,,, “ brian smile to bom, but bom just smirked

“ whatever…I have a class now, so… move on,,, “ bom said an leave both of them


“ is she really who are you looking for? I can’t believe it “ brian said

“ I don’t know, but something different … “ gd said

“ ah, by the way, I forgot, even I don’t know your name, I’m brian “ brian said

“ kwon jiyong, but you can call me gdragon or gd “ gd said

“ so, you will leave now ? I think she doesn’t want to meet you “ brian said

“ I don’t know, but well, I have to talk to her, so I’ll waiting for her here “ gd said

“ nah, it’s better for us to go to the cafeteria, moreover the class is just beginning,,, it’ll over about 2 hour again, how is it ?“ brian said

“ well, ok, thanks,,, “ gd said and following brian o go to the cafeteria


>>> In the cafeteria…


They are sitting on the bench,

“ well, you looks like know park bom ?” gd said

“ park bom ? you mean jenny park ?” brian said

“ yeah, whatever is that,,, exactly what happened with her ?” gd said

“ well, jenny park, the ice queen, come here about 3 month ago to continue her master, when she came here, her hair is already red, that’s why I don’t know if she is the one who are you looking for “ brian said

“ I don't know either if she changed her hair's color, ah, but what you mean with ice queen ? “ gd said while drink his juice

“ well, I don't know, many people here gave that nickname to her, because she isn't friendly at all, always cold and expressionless “ brian said

“ really ? But It's not like park bom who I know before  ?” gd said don't believe

“ yeah, me too, I know her since she on her first semester, she is really kind, but I don't know why, when she come back from Korea, she is changed,,, “ brian said

“ really ? Well, I think I know why she is changed “ gd said with sad face


>>> After 2 hours,,, bom's class is already done... and she is walking to the exit gate...


“ Bom, can we talk ? “ gd said and approach her, walking, brian is leave first

“ About what ? “ bom said coldly

“ about,,,, us “ gd said

when gd said “ us”, bom stopped walking

“ what you mean us ? “ bom said

“ well,,, “ gd said

“ I don't have time jiyong, I have many important things to do than just talk about what you call us “ bom said

“ but, please, I just want to say sorry, I hurt you so badly... I don't know that you still love me... i'm really sorry “ gd said

“ me? Still love you ?, hmph...  It just an old story jiyong, and you know when I decided to come here, I decided to forget about anything that happened to me too, just go home,,, “ bom said and leave him

“ I promised to myself to bring you back,,, and I never give up “ jiyong said


What will jiyong do next ? keep in touch... ^^


Sorry for the "really" late update,,, T,T....

I Forgot where is my flash disk, and the dumb thing is, i didn't have any copy for this story...

but finally, i can found my flash disk...

it's under my bed,,, really hate the clumsy me.... but by the way, i'll try to update as soon as possible,,,

just enjoy it,,, 2ne1 nolza !

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Neopetsislife #1
New reader here! Awesome! :D
ilabya4 #2
rheinee #3
gomawo ne.... ^^ i think about retire to write the story, but...mmh... can't do that... teehee
hanhyosang #4
Chapter 16: I love Seungri ! :)) . Cute ending ! : ) .
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 6: Omo ! .. The kiss is cute ! ^__^ .
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 4: I love CL ! : )) .
hanhyosang #7
Chapter 1: Interesting beginning ! : ) .
Lyca_Myx #8
Chapter 16: uhmm...uhh r u going to continue this?? cuz im kinda confuse... mianhee~~~
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 16: oh i feel kinda sorry for top......but go gbom anyway!!!yay