Chapter Six

My Brother was my Boyfriend [Sequel]

Chapter Six : TEEN TOP TIME!



After you went to class everyone started to throw glares at you. They thought that you had lied your way into getting Zelo punished instead. The whole chemistry lesson was drag and you just sat down there trying to take down notes and ignored the rest. You knew very well why the class was acting that way. It was because you are no longer friends with JungHae. She was so called the 'leader'. Everyone loves her since she has a sense of humor while you were just a blunt person. JungHae was a all rounded person like you but she was better in every possible way. You always envied the attention she gets from the people around her but as her friend you enjoyed her company. But the tables have turned and now you were suffering since everyone is on JungHae's side. You sat there quietly and listened to the lesson. 


"Alright. There is a project that I will need you to do. I will regard it as once of your common tests and the marks will be included in your report card so I hope that you will do you best at it. Remember it's your final year. I'll allow you to be in pairs for the project or you can do it alone." Our chemistry teacher explained, "The topic is about Acids and Bases. You may want to use your textbooks for extra help. Good Luck."


You slumped yourself onto your chair as the class started to discuss about the work. You looked at the worksheet given.

*I hate Chemistry. Scrap that i hate Science. And i need to do this alone..urgh*


You sat up straight and took out your textbook and started to lazily flip through the pages. Then there was a knock on the door; Zelo. You looked at the teacher's reaction. 

"Who are you?" The teacher asked. 

"I'm the new student here. I'm Choi JunHong." He politely bowed. 

"Oh. You are the new student. Why are you late for class? My lesson is about to end." The teacher seemed not pleased.

"Uh....I was doing my punishment." Zelo shyly admitted. 

"A new student being punished. Not a good start." She shook her head, "Take a seat, we're doing a project on Acid and Bases, you can o it in pairs. The class has learnt it the year before so this is just a recap for them. If you need any help you can ask our best student-"

"It's alright. I can manage." Zelo smiled and walked back to his seat.

You were watching the whole time. He sat down and turned to you. You blinked in surprise. 

"You sure love to blink." Zelo stated. 

You pinned your eye brows together. 

"And frown. It'll make you have wrinkles you know" Zelo shook his head. 

Which made you frown even more. Then suddenly Zelo clapped his hands. 

"Can I do the chemistry project with you?! Can I? Can I?" Zelo eagerly asked you.

You hesitated but then nodded anyways. 

*YES! More reasons to spend time with her!* 

"Don't worry I'll be the best partner you've ever had!" Zelo gave you a dogged expression.




The rest of the day was not that bad after all since Zelo started interacting more with you. You didn't mind his chattering you found it very cute and adorable but you wondered if he was ever tired of talking. Surprisingly his knowledge was not that bad too. He knew more that your class knew in every single subject.

 Soon classes ended and it was time for you to head back home. You made your usual routine to your locker then went out to the school gates. You placed your skateboard on the ground and was about to start your journey home when you heard someone calling your name. You looked back and saw Zelo running towards you. 

"Something wrong Zelo?" You questioned. 

"Can I walk home with you?" He smiled the same bright smile then looked at your skateboard, "Or rather skate home."

"Well..Where do you live?"

"Near the bakery beside the supermarket. The blue building across it."

"Uhm...That is actually the opposite direction of where i'm heading." You scratched you head then you remembered something.

"Oh really? Then at least skate together till we part ways?" Zelo pleaded.

You took out your beanie from your bag and then gave Zelo a nod, "Sure. If you can catch up that is." 

With that you were off.  Leaving Zelo dumb-founded.




The two of you parted ways and you went back home. You were not sure if anyone was home but you ad to unlock the door yourself anyways. The door opened and you stepped inside the quiet house. You were guessing that everyone was out so you just took off your shoes and went upstairs to your room. You threw your bag onto your bed and took of your beanie. You were about to your uniform when a pair of arms s around your waist. 

"Kya!" You squealed but you mouth was then cover with a hand. 

"Shhh... Baby. Its me." 

With the sound of that voice you calmed down and turned around. 

"Why are you in my room?" You looked at L.Joe."Just Because..." L.Joe chuckled and tightened his embrace, "You never gave me my kiss this morning."

"I didn't?" You tilt your head then remembered that you were panicking about your skateboard, "Oh. I didn't"

Then you gave him a quick peck on the lips. L.Joe wasn't satisfied. 

"Just that?" He gave you a look. You laughed. 

Then L.Joe leaned in and gave you a kiss. This time it was longer and filled with more passion. You squirmed as you felt something vibrating. 

"That tickles." You laughed. L.Joe too felt the vibration and it turned out to be his phone.


He swiped the 'answer' bar and placed his phone to his ear while his other arm was still around your waist.

"Yeah Hyung? Need something?" L.Joe said to the phone. You just lay your head on his chest. 

"She just came back....Now? Yeah. Sure..We'll be there." L.Joe smiled to you and hung up. 

"We're going somewhere?"

"Yeap. Now go get dressed. I'll wait for you downstairs..Unless you want me to stay and--"

"OPPA!" You pushed him to the door.

L.Joe laughed and walked out of the door,"15 minutes tops ya hear me?"

"I hear ya!" You hollered.


After getting dressed, you and L.Joe rode his motorcycle to Teen Top's place. You hopped off and quickly ran to the door twisting the door knob open.

"OPPA!!" You cried out.

"Baby girl's here!" Ricky yelled and ran to the entrance with ChangJo.


Ricky was that close in giving you a hug but then L.Joe came behind you and pushed Ricky's head away.

"No touchy." L.Joe shook his finger.

Ricky pouted as he rubbed his forehead.

ChangJo shook his head and walked over to you.

"Long time no see..." ChangJo stated.

You nodded, "Yeah..I missed being with you guys."


The rest started crowding around you. CAP was the last one to arrive as he looked at you. 

"Hey. How's school? Stressing right?" CAP tried to joke around but then it caused you to think about how miserable you were there. L.Joe eyed them. Since he was behind you it was an advantage to him to tell them not to talk about school.

CAP nodded then tried to change the subject, "How about we have a night out?" 

"Arcade!" Ricky and Niel cried together.


"Sounds fun." You mumbled. 

Everyone looked at you. You smiled, "I mean why not?" 

"Arcade it is then." L.Joe held onto your hand. 

ChunJi stared at you in disbelief while Niel and Ricky celebrated. 

"Don't worry ChunJi oppa..I have extra cash with me." You winked at him. 


All of you walked out of the house while Niel and Ricky were jumping around like the little monkeys they were chanting '~~~ is the best'. You laughed to yourself as everyone went into CAP's car and you and L.Joe onto his motorcycle. 

"KAJA!" Ricky shouted. 


It took only 10 minutes and you arrived at the nearest arcade in the area. As expected, Niel and Ricky ran into the place first then followed by ChangJo tailing them. You looked at L.Joe then to ChunJi who was trying his best to stay away from Niel and Ricky. Just in case they would ask for extra cash from him. Their 'extra cash' was his daily expenses. 

Everyone parted ways but you and L.Joe held hands and walked around trying to find something fun to play. The truth was, you didn't had the energy to play anything. 

"Hey baby, you're not sick are you?" L.Joe cupped your cheek and intensely gazed into your eyes.

You placed your hand on top of his, "I'm fine just a little out of energy."

L.Joe softened and pulled you into his embrace, "I will give you my energy."

You giggled, "That doesn't make sense."

L.Joe looked around but there weren't any food in the arcade. Duh. Then L.Joe pulled out of the arcade.

"Wait here." He kissed your forehead and went to the small shop just across the street. You tucked you hands in your pocket and leaned against the glass window. Just then, a group of guys walked pass you.


"Well hello there cutie." One of them smirked.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone in the streets?" Another leaned his shoulder onto the glass window beside you.

"Leave me alone." You mumbled.

"Ooo~ Feisty."

You rolled your eyes and decided to walk away when you were yanked back. 

"Hey." You were furious.

"You know its rude to just walk off." He stepped closer to you.

"If its people like you then it would be a favor." You glared.

You were about to yank away when the guy was suddenly knocked down. The others looked at him as he wiped his busted lips. You tugged on L.Joe's sleeve.

"Don't cause trouble here." You tried to calm L.Joe down.

"They are looking for trouble why not i just give it to him." L.Joe's eyes were burning.


The guy stood back up and pointed to L.Joe, "You think you're all that?! Come on! I'm all in for you girl!"

You continued to refrained L.Joe from doing anything stupid but L.Joe pulled away from you and tackled the guy down. You bit your lips and watched as L.Joe was beating the crap out of the guy.  

"My girl is no prize!" L.Joe yelled as he gave a few more deadly punches. 

You called for CAP to help you. The rest of Teen Top ran out with some of the people inside. A crowd formed. The guy's friends were too frightened to help him. The sight of that side of L.Joe was THAT scary. CAP stepped in to stop the fight. CAP grabbed L.Joe's shoulder and pulled him up. 

"That's enough!" CAP held L.Joe back. 

L.Joe pointed to the guy, "Don't you dare show your face in front of me or my girl or I'll beat you up again!" 

"Let's go." CAP said and Teen Top walked off. ChunJi pulled you along. 


CAP dragged L.Joe to an empty car park and threw him on the ground. L.Joe was fast in finding his balance. 

"Know your limits L.Joe! You can't just beat the crap out of someone!" CAP glared to L.Joe. 

"He was hitting on my girl! How am i supposed to just stand there and watch him make his move?!" L.Joe yelled back. 

You came up and saw what was happening. 

"Alright. Calm down and don't fight!" You pushed L.Joe back. Niel helped CAP cool down. 

You looked at L.Joe. It wasn't the first time he did this. He probably had punched 1000 guys by now. Any guy that was close to you ended up being beaten up by L.Joe. 

"I told you didn't i? I thought you too said you would stop doing that!" You nagged at him. 

L.Joe saw the disappointment in your face and he felt guilt. 

"I'm sorry baby. Its just a normal reaction for me...Please baby. I'm Sorry." L.Joe held onto your hand but you yanked away. 

"And if i wasn't here I think CAP oppa would be the next one." You continued to give him a stern look. 

L.Joe's jaw dropped, "You know I wouldn't hurt my own friend." 

"But i think if i told you to do that, you would." You crossed your arms. 

L.Joe gulped. "Look Oppa. I know you care for me but you can't just blindly do what i tell you to do. I want you to protect me, yes but not this way." You walked over to him. 

"I'm Sorry." He whispered as he looked onto the ground. You sighed and made him face you. 

You gave him a small kiss then smiled, "Please? For me...don't repeat this ever again." 

L.Joe gave you a nod. 


You held onto his hand then walked back to the rest. Ricky was already whining about not being able to enter the arcade again. You laughed. 

"Maybe we should head home. I can cook dinner for us.." You suggested. 

Everyone looked at you.

"Really?!" ChangJo was excited to hear that. 

You nodded. L.Joe smiled and hugged you. Niel, Ricky and ChangJo pulled you with them as they started 'ordering' what they wanted. L.Joe told ChunJi to walk on first as he faced CAP. 

"Uh...Sorry about that Hyung." L.Joe rubbed the back of his neck. 

CAP shook his head, "You are crazily in love with her." CAP ruffled L.Joe's hair and then the two caught up with the rest. 


Dinner was filled with joy and laughter, HongKi joined in the fun too since he came home early. You had prepared the cream pasta that your father taught you. After dinner, everyone crowded around the television and watched some random variety shows. You were in the kitchen washing the dishes when HongKi came in to get a drink. He watched as you stacked the dishes at the side neatly. 

"So, How's school." HongKi asked.

You froze at the question. It took a while before answering, "Nothing much."

HongKi just nodded then walked out of the kitchen and sat down beside L.Joe.

"Something's really wrong in school. Did she told you anything?" HongKi whispered to L.Joe.

"No. But she seemed fine when she came back from school today." L.Joe whispered back.

HongKi thought hard, "I need to know what's in her mind. She's not that happy as before anymore."

"Maybe i could drop by school someday and ask around." L.Joe gave it a thought. 

Just then you came back and plopped yourself in between them, "What are you guys whispering about?"

"Nothing much. Just guy stuff….Want to know what it's about?" L.Joe gave you a sly grin. 

You squealed and ran off to ChunJi's side.

L.Joe and HongKi chuckled. "Friday alright?" HongKi turned back to the television screen.

L.Joe nodded.



HAHA~ I'm supposed to be studying for my chemistry test tomorrow but nah... i'm too lazy to do that. 


YAKSOKHAEMiki: He's my age too. Like WHAAAT?! haha~ He's super cute thought ^^ 

WassupitsLO: Updated ^^ And ZELO IS SUPER CUTE! 

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Chapter 20: Hahaha zero is still tall lol
Chapter 20: Omg i loved the ending!! Haha u write very well!! I love u fanfics!! Please more teen top and bap!! :) keep up the good work!!
Chapter 20: You don't have anyidea hoe many times I've read this. Great story author nim.
Chapter 20: Re-reading this fic again ^^
Love thiiis ♥
Ending's so cute~!!!
DanceHolic_Kpop #6
sad how this fanfic is finish
Hello new subbie here ^^
awww, nice ending :)))I LOVE IT :)))
Keep writing L.Joe fics, lol >.<
NAWW WHAT A CUTE ENDING!!! I'm gonna miss this fic sooo much =(