Chapter Three

My Brother was my Boyfriend [Sequel]

Chapter Three : The reason behind it



Zelo ran down the hallway trying to find you and since it was his first day in school he wasn't really familiar with his surroundings. The bell was about to ring signaling the end of school and all students would be scattering out of the class rooms and the halls would not be empty and silent anymore which would make it harder to find you. Zelo had to find you before that happen. You on the other hand were just turning your locker number to put your books in the locker before you proceed to the dance studio. You looked down the hall way. It was totally empty and you looked at the other end of the hall way. No one was in sight. You slyly smiled and placed your skateboard on the floor and you skate off on your skateboard, down the hallway. You knew the school rules very well that skating down the hallway was forbidden but you had to speed up your pace to reach the dance studio. The wheel of the skateboard was producing an eerie sound. You looked down at the skateboard and frowned. 


*Got to get that fixed* You thought. 


Zelo ran then stopped when he heard the same sound his skateboard had made when he came to school. He turned around then he saw you at the end of the hallway on the skateboard. 

"Yah! My Skateboard!" Zelo cried out but then the bell rang so you could not hear him. Zelo ran after you but the students started to disperse out their respective classrooms causing a block at the hallway. 

'Excuse me' 'Sorry' 'Move!' Zelo started to lose his temper as students were like ants at work. You had already entered the dance studio when Zelo was just half way through the crowd. 

"Jamkan! Yah! Wait!" Zelo shouted across the hallway while waving your way. Some students looked at him as though he was loosing his mind but Zelo just shrugged it off and ran to the dance studio. 


You greeted Mrs Chua, the teacher in charge, and JiHyun unnie, the dance instructor as you walked into the room. They wanted to talk to you before the dance class started. 


After most of Beast graduated and only you, Kikwang and Dongwoon were left, Mrs Chua gave the three of you the idea of making the dance as a co-curriculum activity for students who have the passion for dance. Well, since Beast was a very well know dance crew in the school (and also some parts of the school) most of the students that joined were

'fans' of Beast. Some even threatened you to leave the group but you sticked to your passion. Plus, Kikwang and Dongwoon were there to support you. You had no idea how you were going to face the group now that you were going solo. Mrs Chua wanted to pick someone to replace the two since they've graduated. You were against with the idea since you hated the fact that other people were going to replace your oppa's places.


"YAH!" Zelo swung the door open and three pairs of eyes were staring in shock at him. You raised a brow at him feeling somewhat amused.

"May i help you?" Mrs Chua faced him.

Zelo blinked a few times. He couldn't process any words to reply back, "Uh....."

"I've never seen you before. Are you a freshman?" Mrs Chua asked.

Zelo shook his head vigorously. "He's a new student from my class." You simply stated.

"Ah..That explains." Mrs Chua tapped her chin.


JaeHwa walked over to Zelo and looked into his eyes. Zelo wanted to look away but he somehow could not. He gulped down the lump in his throat. 

"Do you have the skills?" Jihyun asked.  

"What?" Zelo mumbled. 

"Do you like dancing? no wait. Do you have the passion for dancing?" JiHyun asked again.

"Uhmm...I've won a dance competition before." Zelo admitted. 

"Prove it." JiHyun took the remote and pressed the play button towards the stereo. 


An upbeat tune started to play and JiHyun stood in front of the mirrors. She pointed to the centre of the room and Zelo hesitantly walked over and faced himself in the mirror. You and Mrs Chua watched from the side as the music was still playing in the background. Zelo felt pressured but then he slowly got into the beat and pumped some freestyle moves. You were still amused and now you were surprised by his moves. His moves were accurate and simple but he somehow made it complex and interesting. JiHyun still had a poker face on wanting to see how far Zelo could go. Zelo on the other hand was feeling uneasy about JiHyun's facial expression.

*I should try harder* Zelo was determined and he gave his best. 


Zelo started to bring the dance to another level. He started doing hand stands. Your eyes widened. In Beast, it was always DooJoon and Dongwoon who did the couple hand stand together. Then Zelo did the famous moon walk dance and he threw in some moves to hype up the mood. You blinked even more. Zelo started smiling and enjoying himself when he did tutting and some popping and locking moves. You felt goose bumps all over your body. As an ending, Zelo did an almost perfect back flip. He tumbled slightly backwards but he managed to regain his balance and ended it. 


JiHyun stood there cross arms, with the poker face still on her but she was somewhat amazed by such talent. You and Mrs Chua were speechless. Totally speechless. Flashbacks of the past suddenly came back to you. Those times when Beast was still around and the seven of you sort of own the dance studio. Zelo was like a combination of all the members of Beast in one single body. 


The room was silent as Zelo was taking in deep breaths, trying to calm his body down. Everyone waited for JiHyun's response. She was standing there without a single movement. After what seemed like a very long time, JiHyun came over to Zelo and yet again gave him that smug look. 

"I'm giving you a week to get used to the environment here. After that i expect your standard to be higher than the rest." JiHyun explained before walking over to Mrs Chua, 

"I believe we have some things to talk about." 

Mrs Chua nodded then went out of the door while JiHyun looked at you. 

"Straighten him up. Get the others to stretch and then brief them about later." JiHyun ordered and you gave her a firm nod. 

Both Mrs Chua and JiHyun were out of the room, you finally gave in to your wobbly legs and sat on the floor. Zelo was quick to react and he was by your side in a split second. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Zelo searched your eyes. 

You held a hand up, "I'm just tired." 


You liked dancing but after JiHyun came, everything was messed up. There were restrictions, rules, and a certain standard to live up to whenever the dance members were in the dance studio. The tension would always rise whenever JiHyun was in the room. You hated it but then, JiHyun did help you a lot on your dance skills. The fun and jubilant memories from the dance studio was no longer there as it was replaced with purely determination and discipline. Kikwang and Dongwoon who were playful at times were being lectured by JiHyun in front of everyone else. 

*I hate this atmosphere* 

You snapped out of your daze and looked at Zelo. His eyes were showing concern and his eye brows were pinched together. You pulled yourself together and stood up since JiHyun and Mrs Chua may be back anytime. You stood up and looked at the clock. It was 2:45p.m. Dance practice starts at 3pm sharp but everyone is needed to report by 2:50 to do their own stretching. You looked at Zelo and gave him a blunt look then stretched out your hand. 

"Welcome to the dance crew." You warmly congratulate him. Zelo was hesitant but he shook your hand anyways. 

You felt a little electric shock in your fingers as Zelo touched your hand the two of you stared at each other. Knowing that the two of you felt the exact same thing. Just then, the doors opened and 15 students started streaming in. You pulled away from Zelo's hand. Everyone looked at you and Zelo in a suspicious manner. 

"Get ready for today's practice. In your positions and do your own stretching." You instructed them. 

Some groaned while others were checking Zelo out. You turned your attention back to Zelo and told him to stretch. You too did your own stretchings.


The dance practice started at 3pm sharp and you started to brief them on what JiHyun told you. Zelo was introduced and you as the current President of the dance crew had to make sure that everyone was doing their part. Soon after, JiHyun came in and everyone went to their positions. Throughout the whole dance session it was the same, we needed to live up to JiHyun's high standards. Zelo was allowed to sit down at the corner and observe for a start. It all ended at 6:30pm and everyone was dismissed. JiHyun began to talk to you on what she liked and disliked about that days practice and how to enhance it to make it better. After the briefing, you left the room. Zelo who was still in the dance studio followed you out. He met eyes with JiHyun and gave a small bow before he scrambled out of the room. He leaned against the wall nearest to the room and let out a big sigh. 


*I thought i was going to die in there*  


Then he saw you walking down to the staircase with his skateboard. 


*Oh! Right! My skateboard!*


Zelo ran after you and was about to shout for you but he swallowed it back in and hid at the top of the flight of stairs. You were halfway down the stairs as you met up with JungHae and EunYoung. Your heart was pumping really fast. You didn't know how to react. You were happy to finally be able to talk to them but then, they looked grim and avoiding your greetings. 

"You guys going home too?" You asked hoping that they were going to talk to you. 

"What does it look like were doing?" JungHae rolled her eyes. 

You swallowed hard; totally not expecting such a response from her. 

"Uhm..Want to walk back together?" You quietly asked. 

"Oh? Isn't your precious 'step-brother' going to pick you up?" EunYoung sarcastically commented. 

You were confused on why they were acting that way. 

"Why are you saying that?" You questioned them. 

"Oh nothing. I just thought that you would prefer to spend your time with your oppas more than us. They're better in entertaining you right?" JungHae showed her attitude to you. 


You were frowning more and more by the second. 


"You guys know that i love spending time with you guys too right?" You tried to clear the misunderstanding.

"Yeah. Right." EunYoung scoffed. 

"You practically ignored or rejected our outings together and what was your reason? You had to be with either Teen Top, Beast or Both. You just threw us away as though we were old toys that you didn't want to play with anymore. Also! Did you know that you missed EunYoung's birthday sleep over? It was an every year thing. But ever since your new 'friends' came into your life....I guess were probably just trash to you now right?" JungHae rubbed salt to my open wounds.


You froze there. *EunYoung's birthday sleepover. I totally forgot about that since I was at Jiyong oppa's vacation house at Jeju island.*  


"I can explain that. That was just an accident. Jiyong oppa practically kidnapped me to Jeju Island! I didn't mean to!" You tried to explain to them. 

"Forget it. You didn't even wish me a belated birthday after that? Not even a call or an message saying you’re sorry. That sleep over was meant for us. You have no idea how special it is to me!" EunYoung was staring to lose her temper.

JungHae gave you a stern glare, "Don’t waste your breath EunYoung. From now on....~~~~~~-ah, i don't know who you are. You were NEVER in my life."


With that last sentence JungHae and EunYoung walked off leaving you behind. You felt your heart ached. It was the first time you were having a fight with them and it is the first time someone broke their friendship bond with you. You were feeling numb, confused and scared all at the same time. Your body trembled in fear.


*What have i done.*



YAKSOKHAEMiki: :P Does this answer to your question? 

LauLau_Ahjumma: Hehehe~ Maaaaybe? 

ThatGirl_Hearts: SKATEBOARDING! I wish i could skate. :P 

kiky00joker: Jajang~ This is why.. 


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Chapter 20: Hahaha zero is still tall lol
Chapter 20: Omg i loved the ending!! Haha u write very well!! I love u fanfics!! Please more teen top and bap!! :) keep up the good work!!
Chapter 20: You don't have anyidea hoe many times I've read this. Great story author nim.
Chapter 20: Re-reading this fic again ^^
Love thiiis ♥
Ending's so cute~!!!
DanceHolic_Kpop #6
sad how this fanfic is finish
Hello new subbie here ^^
awww, nice ending :)))I LOVE IT :)))
Keep writing L.Joe fics, lol >.<
NAWW WHAT A CUTE ENDING!!! I'm gonna miss this fic sooo much =(