Chapter Thirteen

My Brother was my Boyfriend [Sequel]

Chapter Thirteen : Birthday girl




You woke up late since your alarm was deactivated. You were rushing through the hallways, running around the house like some mad monkey on the lose. After putting on your uniform, you didn't have anymore time to check yourself and ran down the staircase to the kitchen. L.Joe was the only one there. 

"Hey baby, your breakfast is ready." L.Joe gave you a smile. 

"Yeah, sure. No thanks. I'm late." You took an apple and hold it with your teeth, "I'll see you later oppa!" You cried and ran out of the house. 

"~~~~~-ah!" L.Joe cried out. Too late, you already left the house. 


You skate your way to school praying hard not to be caught by any teachers later in school. When you finally saw the gates it was closing you speed up.

"WAIT!!" You yelled and the security guard stopped he left a little more space for you to go in.

"Gomawo ajusshi!" You thanked and ran into the building. You carefully searched the area and saw that no one was around you sneaked your way down the hall and up the stairs. You gave a sigh in relief but then you were caught when you least expected it.


"Miss ~~~~~-shi, why are you not in class?" It was the principal. You ducked you head and gritted you teeth. Slowly you looked up and smiled innocently.

"I had a stomach ache this morning." You lied. *please please please* 

"Then, are you okay now?" 

You quickly nodded. 

"Well then, quickly get to class." 

*Phew. Must be my lucky day*


You bowed as the principal continued to walk down the staircase then you made your way up to the last floor. You made your way to your class and knocked on the door. You took a peep inside and the class was rowdy and in a huge mess. No teacher was in. A smile grew on your face. You walked in and went to you seat. 

"Where were you?" Zelo frowned. 

"I forgot to activate that stupid alarm clock of mine." You groaned and threw your bag on the floor. 

Zelo grinned, obviously amused. 

The teacher soon came into the class room. 

"Make yourself free after school." Zelo whispered to you trying not to get caught. 

You just gave Zelo a questionable look then turned your attention back to the teacher. 




Time passed quickly and it was already the last period of the day. You've been pestering Zelo about what was going on after school but he wouldn't let you know about anything. You tried everything to make him tell but he was hard headed and kept his lips sealed. 

"TELL ME ALREADY!! I'm going crazy." You tugged on your hair a little.

Zelo just shook his head.

"PLEASE? Pretty please?" You pleaded a little more. 

Zelo still kept quiet.

"Aish forget it! I'll just go home after school." You pouted.

Zelo looked at you from the corner of his eyes and was mentally laughing at how desperate you are. Just then, the teacher walked in. 


"Right. I have your test papers with me right now and wow! I am NOT happy at all." He shook his head in disbelief. 

"Anyone failed?" The typical question that would come out. 

"Who's the highest?" Another typical question. 

"Well, the highest is 19 out of 20 but that is only one of you. Almost half the class failed this test. How are we supposed to sit for the examination with this kind of results huh?" The teacher nagged. 

You gulped as you mentally prayed that you would magically pass the test. 

"And the highest is actually Mr Choi JunHong with 19 out of 20. Well done JunHong." The teacher passed his paper. 

You turned and looked at Zelo who was beaming brightly. Of course he was proud he got an A+ for his test. Soon, one by one everyone got their papers. You were one those who failed and got the lowest scores. You grumbled and knocked your head on your table. 


"Please get this signed and returned to me tomorrow. I have a meeting now so i'm releasing you early today. Thank you class." The teacher walked out of the room. 


"Hey, How much did you get?" Zelo poked your side. 

Without lifting up your head your handed him your paper. Zelo blinked at the sight of your score. 

A big 'F' was written in red ink on the top of the paper and the marks were 6 out of 20. Zelo couldn't believe his eyes. 

"I hate Accountancy." You whined and stomped your feet lightly on the ground. Zelo looked at you with a worried expression. "L.Joe oppa is going to kill me." You sighed at the thought. 

"Do you need me to tutor you?" Zelo simply asked. You sat up straight on your chair with your jaws hanging wide.

"You would do that for me?!" You beamed.

Zelo shrugged, "You're my friend."

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU~ ZELO~~" You jumped from your chair and hugged Zelo.

"Yah! Careful!" Zelo shrieked and you pulled away with the smile still on your face. 

Zelo couldn't help but realise his heart beating harder against his chest. 


"Let's go~ Its after school!" You jumped up and down continuously. 

Zelo shook himself out of his daze and packed up. You slung your bag on your shoulder already forgetting about you failure. Zelo too slung his bag on his shoulder and walked out of the classroom with you. Zelo suggested that they went to the lockers first and unload their bags. You just went with it and place most of your books in your locker. When Zelo was done, he came over to you. 

"Done?" He asked you. 

"A little more.." You said as you tried to squeeze your thick books in your locker.

Zelo shook his head and sighed. 

"Let me help you.." He offered and re-organised your locker for you. You just stood beside him watching him neatly put your books in the locker like a professional. You were amazed by his neatness. When he was finally satisfied, he smiled and dusted his hands together before closing your locker. 

"Let's go!" He turned to you. You just gave him a nod. 




You followed Zelo everywhere he went but he seemed to be playing games with you. He went up and down the stairs countless of times. Going left and right, left and right, then suddenly turning around and walking back the same way. 

"Yah! Choi JunHong what are you doing?" You finally burst out. 

"We're here!" He chimed and turned to you. 

You looked around it was the same place the two of you passed by three times. You groaned. 

"We don't have dance practice today Zelo." You reminded him. 

"I know." He cheekily stated, "Now put this on!" He held out a blindfold. Your gave him a look. 

"Come on Noona~ Wear this!" He came closer to you. 

"Yah. I told you i'm not your noona." You snapped. 

"Noona~ Put this on!" He sang on purpose. 

"Stop calling me Noona!" You argued. 

"I won't stop unless you put this on. Noona Noona Noona Noona!" Zelo continuously said. 

"Alright! Alright! I'll put it on! Just don't call me that again!" You pouted and snatched the blindfold from Zelo, "I still don't get it, why must i wear this?"


Slowly you tied a knot at the ends of the blindfold behind your head. It was covering your eyes completely so you couldn't see anything at all. Zelo bent down a little to check on your eyes. He waved his hand in front of you and you didn't do anything in return. You were just stupidly standing there waiting for an order from Zelo.

"Now what?" You mumbled. Then you felt someone holding onto your hand. 

"Come...Careful..." You heard Zelo's soothing voice tell you as you were being pulled forward. Slowly you followed the directions.


Zelo was actually pulling you into the dance studio and it was pitch black in there. You were now standing in the centre of the room with a blindfold on.

"Hold on." Zelo whispered. Zelo's hands left you and you were on your own. You jerked as you heard the door close. The whole room was dark and you couldn't see anything at all.

"ZELO?" You panicked, "Zelo where are you?!"

Then you heard sounds coming from around you. You swirled around and tried to feel your surroundings  but nothing was there. You felt nothing at all but the noises were continuing. 


"ZELO!" You didn't care anymore and pulled your blindfold down. In a split second after you did so, the lights flickered back on and everyone jumped out of their hiding places. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAYY!!!" They cheered. 

You were still trying to adjust to the sudden bright light. After a couple of blinks you noticed that Beast was surrounding you in the Dance studio. The room was also well decorated for a birthday party and you gasped and cupped your hand over your mouth. They had planned this surprise party for you just like the old times. 


"OPPA!" You greeted in a high pitched voice. 

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you~ Happy birthday to ~~~~~-ah! Happy Birthday to you!! WHEEE~!!!" They sang as loud as they could. 

DooJoon was holding onto a vanilla cream cake in front of you; with the candles lit up. 

"Make a wish! Make a wish!" Yoseob jumped up and down. You clasped your hand together and held it close to your chest as you closed your eyes to make a wish. 

Your heart raced as slowly you opened your eyes and observed all the faces in front of you. From the left, was Dongwoon, HyunSeung, JunHyung, DooJoon, Zelo, Kikwang and Yoseob. You leaned in towards the cake and softly blew the candles out in out blow. The guys cheered and ran around the place. You laughed to yourself. 


"Now...." JunHyung started as he took the cake from DooJoon. DooJoon began to take the candles off the cake. You were then held back by Zelo and Dongwoon by the arms. JunHyung came over to you with a sly smile and held the cake up. 

"CAKE! CAKE! CAKE!" The rest shouted. 

Your eyes widened as you squirmed trying to break free.

"NOO!!" You protested and finally you were released from their grasps.

"Aww~ Com'on don't be a party popper ~~~~~-ah!" DooJoon called out to you as you ran away from JunHyung.


"Kyaa~ Oppa! Andwaee~!" You cried and ran to the door. It was total chaos. JunHyung was just on your tail as you ran around that small room. Just as you were running to the door, Hara came in the door with a whole lot of plastic bags in her hands.

"I'm Sorry i'm late.." Hara said. You were about to bang into her so you ducked down but JunHyung didn't have time to suddenly come to a halt so....


The cake ended up on Hara. Everyone gasped. You looked up from where you were squatting. The sight of Hara's face covered with vanilla cream was somewhat funny to you. JunHyung was already swallowing the lump in his throat. 

"Uh... Baby...I'm Sorry. That was an accident. I didn't mean to! I couldn't sto-" JunHyung tried to explain but Hara held a hand out indicating to him to stop talking. Everyone didn't dare move. 

Zelo, who was standing beside Yoseob leaned in to him. 

"Who's that?" He whispered. 

Yoseob leaned in a little more, "JunHyung's girl." 



Hara used her fingers and wiped off a little of the cream from her face. She looked of it then to JunHyung.

"What is the meaning of this? Yong JunHyung?" Hara looked at JunHyung with piercing eyes. JunHyung was in panic mode, he was shivering a little but then he kept his cool and straightened up. 

"Ehm.." He cleared his throat, "I was just going to cake the birthday girl." 

Hara looked down at you and you just gave a small wave. Hara then saw the cake that JunHyung was still holding. She smirked and walked over to JunHyung and gave him her sweetest smile ever. Everyone watched as she took one whole handful of cake and spread it all over JunHyung's face. Everyone gasped again. 


Soon, without anyone knowing it, a food fight started. But everyone was using the cake as the main weapon. Everyone running everywhere being a victim to almost everyone. Zelo was awkward being there at first but then he eased up and ended up having you as his main victim. The room was filled with fun and laughter but it was sad to say goodbye when the time passed. It was already 5pm and you got a call from HongKi to come home stating that they had guest. You helped Beast cleaned up a little and they only managed to give you their presents without you opening it there. You only got to know what Yoseob's present was....


"Yeobo! Here's your present!" Yoseob cheered and you turned around to face him. 

In time, Yoseob planted a kiss on your cheeks. He pulled back with a cheeky grin and hid behind JunHyung. 

"You're lucky L.Joe isn't here." Dongwoon commented. 

"Alright. Good Bye Oppa! Unnie.." You trailed off and smiled to them. 

"Let's go~" Zelo patted your back. He offered to walk the birthday girl home. 




You and Zelo walked home the usual pathway. Zelo was carrying half of your presents since Hara's present was a little too big for only one to carry. After awhile, your hands started to grow tired but you just continued on persevering. Zelo looked at the silver cold chain in his pocket and then to you. You were having some trouble with the boxes. You were wobbling around with the boxes in your hand and both your eyebrows pinched together. In one swift move, Zelo took it from you and continued walking. You were shocked and stopped walking looking at Zelo who was coolly walking ahead of you. 

"Aish that guy. Act all cool." You huffed and went after him. 

"Com'on. Let's get some Ice-cream. My treat for the birthday girl.." He quietly mumbled. 


Zelo led you to the nearest Ice-cream shop and you sat at the opposite side from the shop; there was a sort of small fountain in the centre for people to hang out. Zelo placed the presents down beside you and went off to the ice-cream shop after telling you to wait for him. You quietly sat down there as you watched Zelo run into the shop. You awkwardly glanced around the place seeing other couples holding hands walking pass, sitting at the corner and having the time of their lives. You played around with your fingers to avoid eye contact from any of them. 


About 5 minutes passed and Zelo was still no where to be found. You chest grew tighter and you were staring to debate with yourself on whether or not you should check on him. Your eyes darted to the ice-cream shop and nervously squinted your eyes trying to spot Zelo inside. 

"Aish, where's that giant?" You hissed. Then you felt a something cold resting on your shoulder. You jerked a little and turned back. There was Zelo trying to put on a necklace around your neck. 

"I'm a giant huh? Then, i'm a kind giant. Kind enough to get you something for you birthday." His voice was soothing and fragile. 

"When did you...." Your voice trailed off when you touched and observed the details of the shining necklace around your neck. It had two rings one black and one silver. On the silver one, it had a 'happy 19th' and your name on it. Plus a simple small diamond next to your name. You were touched by his gift. 

"It looks good on you. I was thinking of a right time to give that to you." Zelo chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Its Beautiful Zelo. Thank you." Your eyes glittered as your fingers brushed the delicate jewelry. 

"And also for the birthday Noona!" He beamed and handed you a cup of ripple ice-cream. 

You frowned, "Minus the noona off." But you took the ice-cream anyways. Zelo just kept smiling. Seeing you wear his gift made him feel extra special. In the inside, he was jumping for joy. 

"Let's go Noona.." He teased you and carried the presents. 

"Noona makes me feel so old~" You whined. 

"Let's go my old friend.." Zelo laughed. 

"Yah! Take that back!" You cried as you pointed your ice-cream spoon to him.

Zelo just laughed and the two of you continued your journey home.


*Thank you Zelo, for being my friend. And for the most beautiful gift.*






Joker892809: Heheh~ Zelo~~ I also love JunHyung. (I hope you don't mind me putting him with Hara :/ )

kiky00joker: Will he ever know? :D (Insert evil laugh) LOL

YAKSOKHAEMiki: Neh~ Kamsahamnida ^^ Hwaiting!

-ily_4ever: Updated! But the chapter is abit... :( Disappointing.. 

thea_14: We'll see how this ends ^^ 

joanna_MAgic: I know... but love is not complicated. It's just the people makes it complicated. (If that make sense?) 

Lil_Mizz_Star: Hehehe :D We'll see if she ends up with Zelo OR L.joe ^^ 
LauLau_Ahjumma :Surprise? Maybe? :D I'm not good with surprises.




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Chapter 20: Hahaha zero is still tall lol
Chapter 20: Omg i loved the ending!! Haha u write very well!! I love u fanfics!! Please more teen top and bap!! :) keep up the good work!!
Chapter 20: You don't have anyidea hoe many times I've read this. Great story author nim.
Chapter 20: Re-reading this fic again ^^
Love thiiis ♥
Ending's so cute~!!!
DanceHolic_Kpop #6
sad how this fanfic is finish
Hello new subbie here ^^
awww, nice ending :)))I LOVE IT :)))
Keep writing L.Joe fics, lol >.<
NAWW WHAT A CUTE ENDING!!! I'm gonna miss this fic sooo much =(