earlier with boyfriend (MYUNGSOO)

You and I (너랑 나)


Myungsoo was being dragged by teh rest of the boyfriend.

"YAH!! where are you taking me??" Myungsoo want to let go of the men pushing and pulling him to go somewhere but no one answered him. Instead they keep on dragging him


Myungsoo tries to shake them off "YAAHH!!" but it didnt work.


Boyfriend was surprised of what he did and they release him. 


Myungsoo: YAH! aish~~ where are you taking me?! why did you drag me all the way here(parkng lot where Boyfriend's car is parked)? Aish~~ i have to follow Jean. *tries to leave*


Donghyun: *grabbed Myungsoo* no no no. Just stay with us. Your friend will be fine.


Myungsoo: Fine?yeah right. she's just out there with a stranger. *he said in a sarcastic cold voice*


Jeongmin: she's a fine right? then youngmin is no stranger *smirks*


Myungsoo: i dont trust him *replied in a cold voice*


Kwangmin: calm down. they'll just talk


Myungsoo: why cant they talk infront of us?(annoyed)


Minwoo: you have no idea how much youngmin hyung waited for this time to come. Just let them have their privacy


Myungsoo: PRIVACY?! what do they need privacy for?(ice prince mode:on)

but somehow, they convinced myungsoo to get in the car and they drove off to a coffee shop.They talk in there


Donghyun: *sigh* your friend gave Youngminie that pooh plush right?


Myungsoo: which one? (seems to be not interested with the topic) the one with the handmade shirt and embroidered "youngmin"?


Boyfriend nod at once

Myungsoo: your point?

Hyungseong: Youngmin has been bringing that thing everywhere.


Kwangmin: EVERYWHERE!(giving emphasis) 


Hyungseong: Dont tell him this, but i saw him kiss you beforet performance


Myungsoo was lost for word that's why he stood up and bought two coffee. When he turned around holding the two cups of coffee in his hands, Youngmin walked in the coffee shop that's why he walked his way to ask him.


When youngmin walked in the coffee shop, Boyfriend crowded him and started to ask him questions about what happened


Myungsoo: Hey! where's Jean? her jacket is with me, she might be freezing. stupid kid.


Youngmin: (cannot absorb what myungsoo said and not minding what he said) aish~ stop asking so many questions. Im in a hurry. *will make his way to the counter to buy coffee but myungsoo stopped him*


Myungsoo: here *handing the coffee to Youngmin*


Youngmin : o.O


Myungsoo: just take it. you're in a hurry right?give her the black coffee. she only drink black coffee.


Youngmin:(still confused but takes the coffee anyway) uh...uh....t-thanks. *then hurriedly goes out*


Myungsoo faced boyfriend as he take his seat agin "your friend is weird"


Boyfriend:*in unison* thanks :)


Myungsoo thinks that these kids are weird too.

*What does she see in them?? *


sorry for the late update. this is not the one that i promised from the last chapter. 

i'll be updating that next on chapter 9. pleaso continue to support my fanfic. :))

been very busy in school..have a nice day~~

comment alot!!

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srsly omg i was shocked when i saw big "homerhuga" there but i guess its auto named... how did u do that???
just subscribed! i guess youre making this a mix of bit reality, eh? ;D
JYM017 #3
hiya author-sshi :D i like like like the story and it's just now that i realized that that person is so familiar XD and then i realized it was jean! i kinda know jean from twitter XD she looks like myungsoo, seriously O.O<br />
so i'm a pooh bear now -_____- i'm a cat and you changed me into a pooh bear -____- XD hahaaha <br />
myungsoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3 <br />
btw, the story's really cute! and i can't wait for you to update! fighting! <br />
loooong comment.... bye ^^
LOL! so funny~~ <br />
<br />
especially...the part when they named the pooh bear. XD
water you talking about. must you really mention my almost non-existent eyes almost all the time.
wooooo <br />
<br />
can't wait for the next update haha! :) XD
Wa!!!best story...
i just subscribed! hahaha can't wait for the next update~:)
kdianneA #10
i agree.. :)<br />
that's why i didn't hesitate to post her pic here<br />