is it the end?

You and I (너랑 나)

Boyfriend is having a big problem about the soreading rumor. Although the rumor is partly true, they are not yet prepared to talk about the topic. They are still making plans on how to say this to the fans.

"Donghyun hyung, what are we going to do now?"  Kwangminasked in an obviously worried voice.

"Dont be too worried Kwangmin" Jeongmin said before blowing a gum

"How can we be not worried?Isnt this a serious case??" Minwoo said then popped Jeongmin's bubble gum. 

*Why do they always pop my gum?* Jeongmin thought after realizing that whenever he'll blow his gum, automatically, someone from the group will pop it. 

"Jeongmin's right dongsaes. We need not to worry." Hyunseong hyung said in a very confident voice

"eeh??why do sound so at ease with the situation hyung. Do you have something in mind??" Youngmin finally joined the conversation after listening all through out as if he dont care. But what he is actually doing is playing with his favorite stuff toy Pooh which he named you and thinking about the  one who gave that stuff about how that girl would feel after hearing the rumor and confirming it was true.

"Actually, it was all planned." leader Donghyun said

Everyone was surprised except Hyunseong.


"why didnt you tell us earlier?"


"you made us worry for nothing hyungs"


"I told you Donghyun, its great to see dongsaengs worried face" /laughing

"i know right. Such cute faces.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Everyone pouted after hearing what their hyungs said. They really got them there.

And so, they talked about the plan that Donghyun and Hyungseong have in mind. (the manager also take part in this small prank. Manager is such a good actor)

And with that, they confirmed that the rumor is true. But they promised that they will be back after attending military school and have some rest.



In the Philippines....

Jean seemed to be down again after watching the anouncement about Boyfriend going to disband. But there's still a small hope in her heart because of their promise and the one who said that is her beloved Youngmin which she feel like he is directly telling her to wait. 

Myungsoo knew what happened and decided to let his bestfriend be alone for that time but he still watch her from a far. Until he cant stand it anymore, seeing his bestfriend looking so down because of a guy who dont even think that Jean exists, he stood up and walked to her.

"Yo!" Myungsoo greeted Jean with so much cheerfulness

"Hi." Jean replied with a low voice.

"Dont be like that. sheesh. Its not good for a girl to frown all day" Myungsoo said. He got no reply from her. *sheesh. I know with this you cant resist anymore.* is what he think after getting nothing for a reply.

Myungsoo suddenly stand up and walked away. 

*Did i make him mad?am i overdoing it?ugh~ i dont know what to do anymore* Jean thought after waht Myunsoo did. But then after 5 minutes, Jean saw Myungsoo walking lively in the pathway going her way with a plastic on his left hand. 

When Myungsoo saw that Jean is watching him, he waved at her with a smile.

*So he wasnt angry. Well, he never get angry at me.* is what Jean thought after waving and smiling back

*whew. First smile for this day. But with this (talking about the plastic in his left hand), she'll be much happier* Myungsoo thought.


"What took you so long to smile?" Myungsoo said with his usual cheerful voice (he's only talking cheerfully when he's around Jean and their friends), but with others, he treat them somewhat coldly. That's the reasong why he got the nickname "ICE PRINCE" in school.

He didnt even bother to wait for Jean's response. He showed her what he got that made Jean's small eyes sparkle. " never forget what will make me happy eh" Jean commented after seeing her favorite ice cream flavor.

"You never changed, such a shikshin" 

Jean pouted for what Myungsoo said but didnt bother to respond, instead, she starting eating her ice cream.



Jean and Myungsoo  graduated and entered the sam college and even took the same course. But they didnt planned about it. 5 years had passed and they both graduated with high grades. They got good jobs together and salary. 

Also that time, Boyfriend finished the military training and have their rest.  

Jean is still a KPOP fan at that time. Because of that, she heard the news at once about boyfriend's accomplishments in the MA. Her heart went "doki doki" with just that news and she dont know what the reason is.



will they really come back?or it will just be one of the broken promises??will they ever meet again?

what is jean's feeling now? does she still like Youngmin? Did Youngmin already forgot about you and the girl?

[stay tuned for the next will all be revealed in ch 5] :)

(sorry for the typos and wrong grammar)hehe :))

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srsly omg i was shocked when i saw big "homerhuga" there but i guess its auto named... how did u do that???
just subscribed! i guess youre making this a mix of bit reality, eh? ;D
JYM017 #3
hiya author-sshi :D i like like like the story and it's just now that i realized that that person is so familiar XD and then i realized it was jean! i kinda know jean from twitter XD she looks like myungsoo, seriously O.O<br />
so i'm a pooh bear now -_____- i'm a cat and you changed me into a pooh bear -____- XD hahaaha <br />
myungsoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3 <br />
btw, the story's really cute! and i can't wait for you to update! fighting! <br />
loooong comment.... bye ^^
LOL! so funny~~ <br />
<br />
especially...the part when they named the pooh bear. XD
water you talking about. must you really mention my almost non-existent eyes almost all the time.
wooooo <br />
<br />
can't wait for the next update haha! :) XD
Wa!!!best story...
i just subscribed! hahaha can't wait for the next update~:)
kdianneA #10
i agree.. :)<br />
that's why i didn't hesitate to post her pic here<br />