You and I (너랑 나)

The concert went on and finished. The Bestfriends cheers are awesome too. 

There was an uproar when Boyfriend come out. Everyone cheered when they spotted their own biases especially Jean. She screamed as much as she could, the feeling that she have in the plane burst in there.


after the concert.

jean: wait a min. Im going to hand this to him

myungsoo: can you do it alone? do you want me to go with you?

jean: need. :)

myunsoo: are you sure??

jean: yes. very much. thanks btw.


After that, Jean went to the entrance of the backstage. unfortunately, a guard showed up and wont allow her inside because she dont have a VIP pass.

Jean: Im just going to hand it to him *showing the stuff toy*

guard: you can just give it to me and then i will give it to him

Jean: nah~ i want to hand it to him personally

guard: but you cant do that young miss. You are not allowed inside.

Jean: *pouted. thinking if it will be effective to the guard too*

Guard: aish~ I told you, you cant-

"what's going on here?" a voice from Jean's back.

"Ah- uhm. This young miss is so persistent. She want to meet your dongsaeng" the guard replied politely to the man. Jean was not looking at the person because she dont know what to do by that time. *DONGSAENG?? Does it mean-* then she look back and saw the hyungs. Donghyun, Hyunseong and Jeongmin. Her face flushed into bright red by meeting them in person in that situation. Then, she saw Minwoo running towards them which seem to be in a hurry.

"HYUNG!!" Minwoo called

"wae?" Jeongmin asked

"where are the twins?" Donghyun

"eh?? i thought they're with you hyungs" Minwoo said

"How can that be, we left the three of you there." Hyunseong

"Btw, why are you looking for them already?Did i miss something here?" Minwoo asked in an innocent voice. Then the three hyungs looked back and  look at Jean. With that, Jean lowered her head and wouldn't look up. 

"Who is she?" Minwoo asked

"Youngmin's fan. She want to give her present personally" Jeongmin explained. After that, Minwoo looked at the gift in Jean's hand. And to his surprise, it is almost the same as the stuff toy that is always with Youngmin. Why did he think of that??it is because of the clothes of the two stuff toy. They're almost the same except the color.

"Whoa! You are that girl?!" Minwoo said with a very surprised voice

Everyone cant understand why Minwoo said that. They are like (O.o)

"i think she's the one that gave Youngmin his favorite stuff toy" Minwoo whispered to Hyunseong

"REALLY?! you is hers??" Hyungseong exclaimed because of what Minwoo told him.

"Neh. You're so unfair. Tell us- " Jeongmin didnt finished what he is going to say when he spotted the twins and the man beside them.

"Oh. They're here" leader Donghyun said with a puzzled look because of the guy with the twins.

"Who is he Kwangmin?" Jeongmin asked when the twins reached them

"Myungsoo!" Jean called the guy

Youngmin's attention was caught by the girl who shouted "Myungsoo" and when he saw her, he stiffened especially when he saw the stuff toy in her hands.

Also, Jean stiffened when she saw the stuff toy in Youngmin's hand. It looks very familiar. *OMG! ITS THE ONE I GAVE HIM RIGHT?*

The two of them are both staring on the stuff toys in the others hand. (Jean is looking at you while Youngmin's looking at the stuff toy in Jean's hand)

With that , the rest of the guys move out of the scene and drag Myungsoo with them

"I think they need sometime alone to talk" Minwoo whispered to Myungsoo while they are walking.

Jean and Youngmin dont know that the rest went out. They just realize it when they heard someone say "You need to explain later Youngmin." They dont even know who said that.

They have an awkward silence for a long time until Youngmin broke the silence."Uhm. let's go somewhere. Its kinda cold in here" Youngmin said while looking down and looking so shy while thinking *they found out(reffering to the rest of Boyfriend)*

Jean dont seem to get what's going on but after hearing Youngmin's voice she realized it at once. "ahm..S-sure" Jean replied. Youngmin looked up and saw Jean's small eyes looking so shy then he smiled and hold her hand and drag her somewhere.



Again, sorry for the typos and wrong grammar.


[where are they going?

what will happen next?

what are they going to talk about?

will everything turn out good?

where did the rest of boyfriend drag Myungsoo?

what will happen to Youngmin and Jean after their talk??

What will happen to Jean and Youngmin after their conversation?]

These things will be revealed in the next chapter.


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srsly omg i was shocked when i saw big "homerhuga" there but i guess its auto named... how did u do that???
just subscribed! i guess youre making this a mix of bit reality, eh? ;D
JYM017 #3
hiya author-sshi :D i like like like the story and it's just now that i realized that that person is so familiar XD and then i realized it was jean! i kinda know jean from twitter XD she looks like myungsoo, seriously O.O<br />
so i'm a pooh bear now -_____- i'm a cat and you changed me into a pooh bear -____- XD hahaaha <br />
myungsoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3 <br />
btw, the story's really cute! and i can't wait for you to update! fighting! <br />
loooong comment.... bye ^^
LOL! so funny~~ <br />
<br />
especially...the part when they named the pooh bear. XD
water you talking about. must you really mention my almost non-existent eyes almost all the time.
wooooo <br />
<br />
can't wait for the next update haha! :) XD
Wa!!!best story...
i just subscribed! hahaha can't wait for the next update~:)
kdianneA #10
i agree.. :)<br />
that's why i didn't hesitate to post her pic here<br />