it's the opposite.

You and I (너랑 나)

Reader's, i changed jhothel's name to means jhothel=bella. i also changed the names in the previous chapter...sorry for this ~~




"Hmm..i guess it cant be helped." Myungsoo said..

"Neh, Myungsoo, tell us now." Anna 

"I think there are two reasons, first is the interview with Youngmin about his ideal girl" Myungsoo said then glanced at Jean. After hearing what her bestfriend said, she let a loud sigh and looked teary eyed.

"wae?what's with the interview?" JM asked.

"Its her total opposite. Big eyes, short hair, and a noona" Myungsoo explained

Right after Jean heard (again) the charcteristics of Youngmin's ideal girl is, she screamed out loud and hit Myungsoo again and again.

"ow...ow..ow..ah...Jeanie~wae??it hurts...ahh.."Myungsoo said while blocking Jean's small punches.

"aishh~" Jean said then bury her face in Anna's shoulder.

"It's going to be okay~ Ideal partners only show up once in a blue moon. And his ideal girl might change.You can never tell. Love move in mysterious ways remember?" Anna said in a comforting voice and it seemed to work.

Everyone agreed to what Anna said, even Myungsoo.

Myungsoo thinks *Is she inlove with Youngmin that she's acting like this? As if she's been rejected by  her love one* but then he dismissed the idea at once.

"You said there are two reasons right, Myungsoo??What's the other one?" Bella asked, wanting to talk to Myungsoo.

"Ah yeah. But I'm not sure bout the other one." Myungsoo replied scrathching his head.

"Boyfriend's gonna disband." Jean said in a small voice.

"WAE???" Anna, Jm and Bella asked in chorus.

"It's just a rumor. She saw it on tumblr. Because of that rumor, she's like that, I think" Myungsoo answered.

"Why are they going to disband? " Jm

"The rumor said that they're going to the military school together. It means they'll be out of the entertainment for 2 years or even more!" Jean said in a loud voice. Sounding like a protective mother.

"Its just a rumor." Myungsoo said in a not-interested voice.

Hearing what her bestfriend said, Jean glared at him and Myungsoo gave her a sweet smile and hug his one and only bestfriend.


In Korea...

Something came up, and they're all in a fuse. "Manager, why did it came out? Who did it?"leader Donghyun asked in a worried voice.

"What is it?" Manager asked. "This." techy Minwoo showed his netbook with a picture saying, "BOYFRIEND'S GONNA DISBANNED FOR MILITARY SCHOOL." 

Shock register in Manager's face. "I dont know anything abourt this. Maybe some fan overheard about this topic" Manager said.

"Aigoo~" Boyfriend said in chorus and they burst into laughter in the middle of this kind of matter.




OMG. is the rumor true??Let's find out on the next chapter. :))

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srsly omg i was shocked when i saw big "homerhuga" there but i guess its auto named... how did u do that???
just subscribed! i guess youre making this a mix of bit reality, eh? ;D
JYM017 #3
hiya author-sshi :D i like like like the story and it's just now that i realized that that person is so familiar XD and then i realized it was jean! i kinda know jean from twitter XD she looks like myungsoo, seriously O.O<br />
so i'm a pooh bear now -_____- i'm a cat and you changed me into a pooh bear -____- XD hahaaha <br />
myungsoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3 <br />
btw, the story's really cute! and i can't wait for you to update! fighting! <br />
loooong comment.... bye ^^
LOL! so funny~~ <br />
<br />
especially...the part when they named the pooh bear. XD
water you talking about. must you really mention my almost non-existent eyes almost all the time.
wooooo <br />
<br />
can't wait for the next update haha! :) XD
Wa!!!best story...
i just subscribed! hahaha can't wait for the next update~:)
kdianneA #10
i agree.. :)<br />
that's why i didn't hesitate to post her pic here<br />