
Dear, My Love

"So class, turn to page 76"

"There she goes again" I could hear a sighed from jina.

The class began to learn like usual it didn't felt like soodeok's present gave them a spirit or 'wow we have a new family !'
It just normal 
The class is full of sighing and complaints. All pouty people 

But I'm quite happy tho now I'm not all the loner that people supposed to call me 
I had someone beside me so fight me whoever calls me that.

"Uhmm so soodeok how's your summer ?" I asked him in friendly manner. I don't want to be labeled as those mean seatmate just because he's wearing big glasses and braces

"It was good" he simply replied, his eyes was glued to his biology papers 

"What you do?" I asked in curiosity. how do a nerd spent their summer ?
Maybe he went to this place everyone called library and stare maybe stare at the books for hours trying to figure out why book was invented 

Lol that would actually be me 

"Club" his answered got my eyes landed on him instantly 

" what club ? Reading club ?"

"Huh, no i mean like a night club or maybe you can call it a pub or lounge where people get drunk something like that" now his answer again got me staring at him as if he is the love child of obama and trump which I know is impossible but could happen in a way we never know 

"You mean it?" My eyes never left his smirking face as i asked the question 

"Ehem alligator girl mind telling us what your conversation with soodeok is about ?" Mrs. Kim turned to look at me which cause the whole class to follow along and pierced their gaze on me and this nerd boy that you'll never know if he's actually one 

"I asked him if he likes pizza?" I blurted out. Don't asked my mind is currently not progressing anything and that's the only things comes out 

"Nice" mrs. Kim smiled and continued with her lessons
How am i gonna tell the whole class that I'm seating with a FBI undercovered spy.

"I'm a part timer" 

Now it's his turned to look at me.
i didn't dare to pull of further question as his eyes stared intensely into mine he might frighten some bugs away tho if he didn't stop

" everyone is clearly blind " jina laughed, presumed that rumors didn't matched the person outright.
"Btw, how was it getting a new seatmate" she asked me, once we both settled down on a bench near the cafeteria with cupcake in her hand and pizza in mine.
Jina loves sweets and sparkle

While I'm the opposite 

"Weird when you can hear someone's breathing while you're studying" i replied, "but well it was good though to have someone beside you especially the smart one. No, i didn't mean to use him or copy his homework whenever i didn't finish mine or simply lazy. I'm not that desperate." 

"Ha. Funny Juwee you might forget I'm your mother"
"So what do you guys talked about in biology?" Jina assumed i lied about asking him wether he likes pizza or not .Jina really is my mother.

"Well something basic but with unexpected answers "
"What so basic and unexpected ? " 

"I asked him how he spent his summer and assumed him as a nerd we knew i thought he would locked himself up in a library or something but turns out he went to a club" i said to her calmly, not showing any interest or care although i am shocked when he first told me but now I'm pleased to see jina's expression is the same as mine when i first reacted to it

"But just a part timer" finally i explained, 
But taking a risk in my life to be with an idiot she asked me what do i mean by that and as a smart friend i am i told her that he worked there over the summer as a part timer to earn money and as simple as that she's no longer an idiot

"Isn't 16 is like illegal or what ?" She asked while peeling off the cupcake wrapper,
"I don't know you should ask him" 

"And aren't like they only hire hot guys ?" She asked again, taking a bite of her cupcake
"Behind all those glasses and braces he is actually hot" i said, ignoring her eyes that's looking at me straight to my eyeballs and could go deeper if you stare longer 

"Tell me you are kidding cause you make him sounded like he is your ideal guy" 
"He is" I joked.

"Juweeeee!! Kang Jina !!!" 

"Yahhh finish your cupcake" I told jina before shoving the cupcake to .
"Hummpphhhh" before Jina could finished her last piece, yulhee already squeezed all of us together making a strange squeak sound coming out from me and Jina 

"I missed you guys" yulhee finally released and looked at us intensely.
"We just met you at your party last week" 

"When?" She asked, which got us glaring at her through her idiocy
"Oh that one " she nodded lightly when she finally remembered 

Yulhee is one of my bestfriend rich, wealthy, perky and childish that's how she is but we got separated last year since we're not in the same class anymore. Screw this highschool system. She had thrown so much party this summer but i only attended about three of them. She extremely an outgoing person but also a , a childish type while Jina's more of a matured hoe type but they should be glad I'm still willing to stick with them. 

Cause i am no longer different 

"So how do you guys feel about getting a new family member ?" Yulhee asked, by that i knew she meant soodeok.

"It's great. He is smart......and hot" Jina giggled the last part.
"Yeah he surely hot" i joked along with her.

" I may be failed at math but I'm not a stupid outdated girl ya know" she looked at us while rising her brow
"So tell me how much of didn't matched with the rumors this guy is?" She asked, settled in between me and Jina which got us groaning cause her seriously wipe us out from our seat 

"Big Circle lense glasses " Jina said sarcastically, 
" and braces" I added.
"Nice." Yulhee exclaimed showing an interest.
I don't know what's wrong with her but she probably had this thing called another person I'm gonna invite in my party this sunday list in her head of hers right now.
Yulhee is known as a cheerful care-free student in saegook as she don't pick with whom she want and won't be friends with cause she invites almost the entire saegook's to her party last summer.
Although being blessed in a wealthy family she'd never once neglected normal people like me
But still despite that she's a  

"We also got one boy from busan in our class today" she exclaimed, more like yelling and almost jump from her seat 
"Why do you look like your class got Gong Yoo in" Jina furrowed her eyebrows 
"Better than that" 
"He is better than my love Gong Yoo" 
Yulhee said, as her eyes sparkled brighter than my future and Jina's combined 

"What do you mean?" We both asked her in sync
"Wellllllll, this morning when the stories about soodeok flying around in our class.....about how the rumors stayed as rumors and how he crashed every girl's dream suddenly everyone stopped when the rumors finally met his owner" i bet her face muscle is in pain with her grinning from ear to ear all the time.

"You mean-"
"Yeahh the rumors were meant for jungkook cause he matched every single details from the stories I heard" yulhee explained, 
"The new boy" she instantly answered.


So soodeok was not the guy they were talking about. 
Pity my seatmate.

"Well guys before heading to class let me buy one more slice of pizza please ?" 
I showed them my signature puppy eyes since I'm professional in it also as a sign for them to wait for me.

They nodded.
With that i queued in a line that's neither long or short waiting for my pizza or should i call the love of my life.
The line is getting shorter and finally it's my turn to order my love 
I told the ahjumma details about the topping and waited for a few minutes before finally received my beloved from god 

Oh i love you god.

I'm gonna called him woo bin and he is now my boyfriend although he gonna disappear soon but let's just take this momentarily second to appreciate his cute little pineapples on top of- plop.
"Auch" I rubbed my that was screaming in pain.
I didn't realized i was on the ground after I got bumped to someone. As i finally opened my eyes to see a boy standing straight in front of me showing no hints of hurt after i bumped his hard wall chest.finally, I stood up and patted down my skirt to clean off the dirt i got when i fell. I looked up to the boy and shocked plastered all over my face with an electric sensation gushed through my whole body.But ignore that behind, I drifted my eyes on the floor quickly after felt like I missed my other half.

Oh my god.

Please tell me wether I was shocked because  of 

a) the boy i bumped to just now is the same psychopath i met this morning 


b) my world just scattered into pieces upon seeing my newly built relationship sunk deeper than titanic when I saw woo bin laid down on the floor lifelessly 

I go with B 
Well said, my electric sensation i felt before gone deeper to the verge of anger. 




A/n: haloooo guys ! Finally be able to post out this chapter. I'm having troubles with writing my stories lately idk y but i felt that this is hard but still enjoyable I'll never stop once i started 
So tune in for the next chapter cause we gonna reveal the flower boy soon !

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