The Beginning

Dear, My Love


"juwee ah"
" ha juwee "
"uhm" I groaned a little upon hearing my name being called and a slight tapped on my shoulder 
"yah ha juwee wake up you're gonna be late " after heard her squeaky feminine voice I immediately knew it was my mom who trynna wake me.
usually it was my father who used to wake me up, I know that's weird but he wakes up too early sometimes or most of the times so it's became his routine to wake me up after him 
"juwee I am not kidding when I said you're late honey," she said once again trying her best to make me get out of my bed but hey you thought that was easy ? trust me math is easier 
"yah!! this girl seriously can't you look at the time now and get out from your bed" 
"uhmmm...5 minu" 
"your 5 minutes gonna be hours" she cuts me and pulled my hair. I know again that's sound crazy but I used to it so no problem.
"awwch.. okay.. okay I'll get up" I tried my best and crawled out of my bed and awwhh.. I miss my fluffy blanket already.
"okayy mom see, " I stood up and offered her a smile as a victory on getting out of my bed. I know my mom is the world's champion on waking someone up. her skills is unbeatable 
"now go shower cause you stink and no dancing nor singing in bathroom today since you only have 30 minutes before your school start" she nagged at me while doing my bed 
but wait "30 freaking minutes !! I only have 30 minutes!! oh mamamia" I yelled and quickly grabbed my towel and rushed to the bathroom and yeah sad reminder no concert for today 
After finished my shower, In panicked I search for my school uniform while wearing my socks I know I'm a mess but whatever.
I wore my uniform once I found them and did a quick makeup and finally do my hair.
I got downstairs and meet my dad who's busy reading his morning paper 
"good morning dad" I greeted him
"good morning" he replied shortly as his eyes still glued on the newspaper 
"being late again" he commented taking a sip of his coffee 
"uhuh I guess so" I said while eating on my sandwich 
"I told you she will never change even when it's the first day of new semester" my mom said glaring at me, uhhh that's not scary at all mom
"I remembered I have blasts of fun at yulhee's party yesterday but now I'm here" I stated disappointedly
"honey that was like last week" my mom corrected, 
"I know that's what I'm saying, time goes by real fast" 
let's keep this short and say that my summer break just ended and that's mean going back to prison that I'd used to.
" well let's not talk about that and tell me about our new neighbors" I asked my parents, they said that last week a family from busan moved here and mr.jeon I guess that's what his name is met my father yesterday and gave him a hand with cleaning stuff
"well they're from busan and technically came here because of his business, and that's all I know" seriously dad, I expected something big but he is the most boring storyteller I'd known 
"no time for stories honey, you have school now get your off the chair and go" my mom commanded, and I'll awarded her as the most boring psycho mom ever but thankfully I love her 
"whatever mom" 
I put on my shoes and grabbed my backpack ready to go but before that I have to bid goodbye to my most again boring parents I received from god but thankfully love them 
"ughhh I freaking hate monday"
"I know half of the population hates you hahaha to be you monday" I mumbled to myself.
I took a glanced at our neighbour's house before walked passed it.
their house is a little bit bigger than mine assuming that they lived at the very corner. 
but nonetheless their house is quite beautiful and eye-catching.looks like a mayor house or something
please don't talk about mine 
some people thought our house are ancient museum.
while walking to my school which is not that far from my house, I accidentally landed my eyes on a boy with the same school uniform as mine but weird cause I'd never seen him before.
I don't know how he looks like since his back was facing me but
no kidding tho when I said his back looks hot. I didn't dare to greet him 
"why his back looks so muscular even when it's covered?" I asked myself 
"wait why did I'm complementing someone's back ?" I asked my self again not even realize that I got near him and seriously standing behind him rn
"yeah might be crazy" the guy in front of me replied 
a/n: the first chapter is kinda meh but I got more ideas for the next chapter so do kindly wait 
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