Chapter 7

Stay There A Little Longer
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When Jungkook imagined different scenarios of meeting Taehyung seven years after their relationship ended on such a bad note, he had expected yelling, crying, anger and cursing. Maybe a punch or two. He expected Taehyung to demand to know why Jungkook had sacrificed their love and friendship for popularity. 

What he didn't expect at all is this complete indifference.

Taehyung treated him well. He dragged Jungkook over for a round of Overwatch, ruffled his hair, fed him ice cream and shared his blanket with him during their movie marathon.  Taehyung treated him like he treated Jimin, Jin, Namjoon or Hoseok. Jungkook should be ecstatic.

But he felt pathetic.

At one point, Jungkook wanted the punches, the yelling, the cursing. Anything but this indifference.

He wanted to explain himself, although there was nothing to be explained. But he wanted the chance to give an excuse. 

Namjoon was right. Taehyung didn't care anymore. He had moved on while Jungkook was still stuck on the past. Taehyung had gotten rid of the feelings and the hurt. For him, Jungkook wasn't special anymore. And that thought left a bitter taste in his mouth.


Jungkook broke out of his daydream. Taehyung was looking at him with concern in his eyes.

"You OK?" 

He nodded. The screen in front of them read GAME OVER in big red font. He pushed the console away. He was too distracted with his thoughts to play.

"You were spacing out and stopped playing in the middle of the game. We were so close to beating them." Taehyung said with a pout and gestured towards Jin and Jimin who were doing a victory dance.

Jungkook cringed with secondhand embarrassment. His two hyungs celebratory dance wasn't exactly a pretty sight.

"Sorry about that. I just have a lot on my mind right now." 

The way Taehyung was looking at him made him uncomfortable. It was like he could see straight through Jungkook. He probably could. 

Well, he used to. Once.

"Let's go." 

Jungkook watched in confusion as the older stood up with a big grin. Taehyung pulled Jungkook up with him. "Let's get some air to clear that head of yours." 

With that Taehyung dragged Jungkook out the game room, completely ignoring the other two. Jungkook tried to avoid the pointed look

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Chapter 11: Would love more of this story.
Chapter 11: I ship taegi already
ClandestineCupid #3
Will you ever update this? Pleaseeeeee *crying in my fake gucci ???
Chapter 11: TBH I'm not really liking Jungkook in this story anymore but I sort of get how he feels I guess . I can't really see them together right now and trust me when I say this but I ALWAYA ship them together....but I'll stick around to see what happens ;)
Chapter 11: more huhuuh
Chapter 11: I luv angst..I luv hw things turned out..
aisha_01 #7
Chapter 11: oo ohhh drama heheheh
Chapter 10: Wow!! This story is really so good. Looking forward to more updates. I guess yoongi is taetae's new boyfriend awww my taegi heart<33