Chapter 11

Stay There A Little Longer
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"You should have told me you were coming to Korea. I would have picked you up from the airport."

Jungkook is sitting on Taehyung's new couch. It's an ugly neon green monstrosity that is harsh on his eyes and feels lumpy. He is nursing a mug of coffee that already turned cold. But he can't bring himself to get up from this ugly couch and go to the kitchen. But he can't block out the conversation. Nor can he force himself to keep staring at the ugly couch. His eyes keep darting to the kitchen, where he can clearly see Taehyung fussing over that guy.

"You said you were moving in today. Didn't want to disturb you." The guy says in a gruff voice.

Min Yoongi, Jungkook remembers Taehyung talking about him. He is not how Jungkook imagined him to be.

Min Yoongi is short, skinny, pale skinned and wears a bored indifferent face at all times. His sharp eyes were judgemental when Taehyung introduced them.

"Jeon Jungkook the ?"

Jungkook flushed with embarrassment.

Taehyung laughed awkwardly and slapped Yoongi on the arm to break tension. "That was so long ago hyung. We are friends now. Don't be mean to Kookie."

Yoongi agreed but the glare was present whenever his eyes met Jungkook's.

But what irked Jungkook the most was how the short man stuck to Taehyung at all times. He intentionally turned Taehyung's attenti

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Chapter 11: Would love more of this story.
Chapter 11: I ship taegi already
ClandestineCupid #3
Will you ever update this? Pleaseeeeee *crying in my fake gucci ???
Chapter 11: TBH I'm not really liking Jungkook in this story anymore but I sort of get how he feels I guess . I can't really see them together right now and trust me when I say this but I ALWAYA ship them together....but I'll stick around to see what happens ;)
Chapter 11: more huhuuh
Chapter 11: I luv angst..I luv hw things turned out..
aisha_01 #7
Chapter 11: oo ohhh drama heheheh
Chapter 10: Wow!! This story is really so good. Looking forward to more updates. I guess yoongi is taetae's new boyfriend awww my taegi heart<33