Chapter 1

Stay There A Little Longer
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Jeon Jungkook was better than most of the student in Hansung High School. His teachers knew it, his peers knew it, he himself knew it.

You can call him narcissistic but for Jungkook this was just a simple fact.

He was rich, handsome, smart, athletic and one of the best dancers in their dance club. On top of that, he had a likeable personality and an aura that attracted people to him like moths to a flame. So he expected the popularity that came as soon as he started high school.

Everyone wanted to be associated with Jungkook. Everyone wanted to be his partner for science project. Everyone wanted to sit with him during lunch. Everyone wanted him at their parties. Everyone wanted the right to call themselves Jeon Jungkook's friend.

Flash forward a year and at the age of 17 Jeon Jungkook ruled Hansung High.


That voice was shy, almost hesitant.
Jungkook stopped laughing and immediately turned around.

Even now, the sight of Kim Taehyung made his heart skip a beat. The only difference from then was that Jungkook had learned to not show it on his face.


Jungkook nodded in acknowledgement. His group of friends behind him was quiet and looking in interest.

It was no secret that Jungkook was dating Taehyung. Although the people around him didn't understand why someone like Jungkook would date someone like Taehyung.

"Can we talk?" Taehyung asked timidly, clearly uncomfortable under all the attention.

Jungkook hesitated. Now a days, being around Taehyung made him somewhat uncomfortable. But the curious stares on them was bothering him more.

So he pushed himself out of his seat and gestured Taehyung to follow him.


Taehyung had always been there, a constant part of Jungkook's life. Their mothers had been best friends and lived 5 blocks away. As a result Jungkook had grown up always being around the older boy.

Taehyung had been his playmate. The two boys had cried everytime their mothers separated them after a whole day of playing in the sandbox and on the swings. The only person Jungkook would share his toys with was Taehyung. Even after Park Jimin, their friend in kindergarten had tried to bribe Jungkook with gummy bears in exchange of getting the right to play with his Iron Man doll, Jungkook had refused. No touched his Iron Man, no one but him and Taehyung.

They would spend the whole night awake and giggling under their blankets during their sleep overs, sharing stories about aliens and lions and bunnies and Iron Man. At morning their mothers would find the two toddlers cuddling together and take a photo to add to their almost full 5th album.

During elementary school, Jungkook had cried and begged his mom to not l

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Chapter 11: Would love more of this story.
Chapter 11: I ship taegi already
ClandestineCupid #3
Will you ever update this? Pleaseeeeee *crying in my fake gucci ???
Chapter 11: TBH I'm not really liking Jungkook in this story anymore but I sort of get how he feels I guess . I can't really see them together right now and trust me when I say this but I ALWAYA ship them together....but I'll stick around to see what happens ;)
Chapter 11: more huhuuh
Chapter 11: I luv angst..I luv hw things turned out..
aisha_01 #7
Chapter 11: oo ohhh drama heheheh
Chapter 10: Wow!! This story is really so good. Looking forward to more updates. I guess yoongi is taetae's new boyfriend awww my taegi heart<33