Chapter 10

Stay There A Little Longer
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"You don't have to do this." Jungkook has lost count of how many times Taehyung has said the same thing today. The older boy rearranges his headband and slumps down on the new couch. "I feel guilty for keeping you away from work."

Jungkook laughs and shakes his head. "Don't worry about it hyung. Jimin hyung doesn't mind."

Jimin hyung doesn't know.

It's not like Jungkook lied to Jimin. Just that when the older boy asked him this morning where he was going, Jungkook froze. He told that he was helping a friend. He escaped before Jimin could ask which friend.

Why didn't he tell Jimin that he was going to help Taehyung move in his new apartment? Jungkook is not sure why. It's not like Jimin would stop him or something. Taehyung needed help moving in and the others were too busy. So Jungkook naturally jumped at the opportunity to spend some time with Taehyung, alone.

And it was a good thing he came to help. Because Taehyung really needed it, even if the older boy won't admit to it.

Besides it was nice to get some familiarity back.

"I could have managed on my own." Taehyung says with a pout.

Jungkook shakes his head fondly and takes out the last book out of the box. He places it on the bookshelf, making sure that everything was arranged alphabetically. And with this they were done.

Jungkook goes to join Taehyung on the couch. "Thanks for helping me though. It was much quicker thanks to you."

Jungkook grins. "That's what friends are for."

His phone rings. It's Jimin.

Jungkook stares at the caller name for a second before cancelling it. He turns off his phone and puts it back in his pocket.

"You are not going to ge

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Chapter 11: Would love more of this story.
Chapter 11: I ship taegi already
ClandestineCupid #3
Will you ever update this? Pleaseeeeee *crying in my fake gucci ???
Chapter 11: TBH I'm not really liking Jungkook in this story anymore but I sort of get how he feels I guess . I can't really see them together right now and trust me when I say this but I ALWAYA ship them together....but I'll stick around to see what happens ;)
Chapter 11: more huhuuh
Chapter 11: I luv angst..I luv hw things turned out..
aisha_01 #7
Chapter 11: oo ohhh drama heheheh
Chapter 10: Wow!! This story is really so good. Looking forward to more updates. I guess yoongi is taetae's new boyfriend awww my taegi heart<33