Chapter 4

Stay There A Little Longer
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Jungkook whined and snuggled deeper into the blankets. But the person shook his shoulders with more force.

"Wake up you brat. You're going to be late for your interview."

And that was the magic word. Jungkook was immediately up and rushing to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and showered as fast as he could. When he came out, he found his only set of suit ironed and layed out on the bed.

God bless Jimin. 

He quickly got ready and tried to tame his hair as much as he could. After he was done, he looked decent enough for an interview.

There was pancakes and coffee ready on the table for him.

Again, God bless Jimin.

With his mouth full of pancakes and coffee he tried to convey his gratitude with his eyes as much as he could. It seemed like Jimin got the message.

"What will you do without me?" Jimin said jokingly while trying to flatten a loose piece of hair.

Really though. What would he do without Jimin? Probably starve on the streets.

When he was done Jimin fixed his tie for him and playfully hit his arm. Jungkook was sure it will bruise.

"I have a good feeling Jungkook. You'll get the job this time." Jimin smiled wide, his eyes disappearing.

"I hope so."

They've had this same conversation countless times. Jungkook hoped this would be the last.


Apparently not.

Jungkook was sitting on a park bench pulling on his hair in frustration. He muffled his scream with his palm and ignored the looks he was getting.

Rejected again.

Jungkook wandered how long he'll have to live under Jimin's mercy. He's 24 years old, yet he can't find a job.

It has been seven years since Taehyung left. After that Jungkooks life had taken a downturn. He'd gotten expelled from high school on his final year when they found drugs on him. His parents had disowned him and threw him out.

Alone and without a penny, Jungkook was starving when Jimin found him.

Park Jimin took him in. Gave him a place to stay and a job in his cafe. Park Jimin was Jungkook's angel.

An angel that'll be disappointed again when Jungkook tells him he has been rejected.

For all this year, Jimin has never once shown any sign that having Jungkook with him was a bother. But Jungkook himself felt like a burden.

And whenever he sees Jimin look at him with love, Jungkook feels sick with guilt. Because no matter how hard he tries, he can't give Jimin what he wants.

His phone rings, Jimin's name flashes on the screen. His thumb hovers over accept but doesn't press. The ringing stops and Jungkook feels more horrible. During times like this, he thinks of a certain person with a boxy smile. If he was here now, he would've hugged Jungkook and

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Chapter 11: Would love more of this story.
Chapter 11: I ship taegi already
ClandestineCupid #3
Will you ever update this? Pleaseeeeee *crying in my fake gucci ???
Chapter 11: TBH I'm not really liking Jungkook in this story anymore but I sort of get how he feels I guess . I can't really see them together right now and trust me when I say this but I ALWAYA ship them together....but I'll stick around to see what happens ;)
Chapter 11: more huhuuh
Chapter 11: I luv angst..I luv hw things turned out..
aisha_01 #7
Chapter 11: oo ohhh drama heheheh
Chapter 10: Wow!! This story is really so good. Looking forward to more updates. I guess yoongi is taetae's new boyfriend awww my taegi heart<33