I love my twin

//Kwangmi POV//

"huh" I said heavily. "whats wrong?" pabokwang asked me. Oh, nothings wrong... except for YOU who cant seem to notice my feelings... "nothing" i said as i sighed again. "really?" he said with a troubled face. oh... i made him worry... this is childish of me... "REALLY. Now, pabokwang must look in front and not worry about anything while driving. "pabokwang? I'm not an idiot~ the guy you love is more of an idiot than me" he said with a grin on his face. Yeah, just smile. Its okay if i can atleast see you smile. "anyway, Lee Gikwang. If you and i are not brothers and sisters... would you like me? as a women? not a sister." i asked, hoping he'd say yes. "huh? whats this all of a sudden?" he asked as he turned to look at me. "PABOKWANG! Look infront! sheesh!" that brother of mine.. always makes me worry when he's driving...

"so, about the question.. i think I'll still like you even if you're not my sister. Cuz' you care about others even if you dont show it. I think." he said with a smile on his face. I couldnt hide it, i just smiled... I really like you too... much more if we're not siblings.. "besides~ you and i dont look alik even if we are twins, how can i say no to a cutie like you" he said. aha... i dont really know how to react to that. "yah, dont say anymore.. my head hurts.." i said as i really really wished that he didn't say that. But its true. We're twins but we dont look alike at all.. maybe its one of those twins... what do you call it? umm... i dont know... but something about not looking alike at all. Our personalities aren't the same too.

Arrived home,

"eomma~ appa~ we're back~" we said as we got in the house. "oh, welcome back dears." eomma said looking abit sad. "eomma, whats wrong? something bothering you?" i asked as i see that she looks abit pale. "did your workload increase? did you eat enough? do you have constipation?" there goes gikwang's questions. "oh, no dear, its nothing. i just havent been sleeping enough." eomma said to us with a slight smile. "well, ok... please rest well eomma" said Gikwang. "yeah... I'll be going to my room then, eomma. oh, and i dont need dinner. I'm way too full~" i said while rubbing this tummy of mine. "yeah, before that tummy gets bigger, i think you should cut on your deserts for a while too" teased pabokwang. "ahh, lalalalalala~ " i sang as i tried not to listen and went up my room.

//Gikwang's POV//

aigoo~ that twin of mine. LOVES deserts so much. "well, eomma, if you need anything, i'll be in my room." i said to eomma before going up stairs. "oh dear, i'm fine. just go up and rest." she said with a smile. Hmm... i wonder whats wrong with eomma today... oh. I havent greeted appa yet.. hmmm... seems like i need to go downstairs again~ I hummed beast's fiction as i went down the stairs, until i heard eomma, appa and an unknown person talking in the living room. I wanted to say hi but they were talking about something weird. I listened to them talk.

"please.... can you please give me Kwangmi back... I've been regretting my actions since long ago.." the mysterious person said. "what? after all these years? I care for her like my own daughter!" appa said so angrily. "I too, would not want to give her back. She's better off living not knowing about it." said eomma. "but.. please.. i regret that day so much.... i regret that i left kwangmi there just like that" that mysterious person said with sadness in his voice. What? left kwangmi? what does that mean?? "you left kwangmi there! infront of her mother's gravestone! dont you think thats horrible as it is??? you even wrote a letter about her. You gave her a name, the specific time she was born, the day she was born, the first thing she said as she was born. She said "appa"! She said her appa first! You! Why did you just leave her like that??!!" said appa so angrily. "So... Kwangmi... is not my twin?" i said to them as i came in the living room. They looked shocked. They seem to start panicking...


to be continued....


thanks for reading~! ^^ please do comment on what you think :D

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Chapter 4: wait... is kwangmi will tell her feeling toward kikwang? uuhhh~ update soon!
kwangmi and gikwang are not twin? Omg.. I cant wait for the next chapter.. Update soon
cookieeemonster #3
finally took some time to make a new poster~~ ^^ hehehe
cute story~ ^^Update update update soon ~~ hehe
cookieeemonster #5
updated~! ^^
update soon :)