Whattcha say?


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Sehun looked at his camera. "S-s-saved". "What?" He looked at the kid on the floor. "Are you O-OK?" "Yeah. Thanks". He smiled. He reached down and hepled the kid up. "Wh-wh-what's you n-n-name?" "Oh". Sehun smiled. "T-t-that's my n-name too". "No. My names Lu Han But you can call me Luhan, like everybody else". Sehun smiled. "I'm O-Oh Seh-h-hun". Luhan picked up quickly that the kid had a stutter. He looked at Sehun's hocky stick. "I p-p-play hocky". He nodded. Sehun catched on that this kid wasn't a talker. "You p-p-play?" "No". Luhan whispered. Sehun smiled. "W-w-well. Have a n-n-nice d-day. Luh-han". Luhan smiled. "You too. Sehun". His voice silent. 

People considered Luhan to be a mouse. Reason being: 1. His hair was white, 2. He hid behind doors or just covered his face. And 3. because he was just quiet and small. Like a mouse.

Luhan sat with his back against the wall. Eating in the lunch hall was pain, so he didn't eat in there. Instead, he sat with the school's sience genius Eunwoo. "And, every so often, the sola system will rotate quicker than usuall. Is that cool or cool?" Luhan smiled, nodding slightly. "What about you?" He looked up. "What's you major?" Luhan didn't really have an answer. "What do you mean?" "Like, what do you like to do? Dance? Rap? Sing? Ext". "I sing, kindda". Eunwoo smiled. "Nice. Can I hear?" Luhan shook his head. "OK. Well, I'm gonna go". He watch Eunwoo stand up. "Bye". "Bye". Once again, Luhan was alone. But that lonliness only lasted a second, because the brightest light he'd ever seen, quickly grazed across his face. "T-that's one to b-b-be pr-roud of". Sehun smiled at him. "H-h-hi". He waved at Luhan, who was looking at him bluntly. "Wh-hy are you e-e-eating on the fl-l-l-oor?" "Why are you salking me?" Sehun sat next to him. "Bec-cause. I have a fa-fa-favour t-to ask". Luhan watched as Sehun pulled a book onto his lap. "I n-eed photos for my pro-j-j-ject. You're m-my ins-s-spera-tion". Luhan flushed red, embarrased by Sehun's coment. Him? An insperation? Since when? "What?" "Y-yeah. you ar-r-re my kind of p-person. B-b-but don't wo-o-orry too much. You'll be o-o-on th-the f-f-front co-v-ver". Front cover? Luhan suddenly snapped into reality. , he was Sehun's ideal story. "No no no. Not me. No way". "W-w-why?" He stood up. "I don't want that attention". Sehun laughed. "Yo-yo-you'll get an aw-w-ward. We'll both ge-ge-get awards". Luhan shook his head. "I don't like awards". "D-d-don't be si-silly. It w-w-on't ta-ta-ake us long". Sehun stood up, reaching his hand oud for a shake. "Wh-hattcha s-s-say?" "About what?" "B-be my s-s-story". Luhan looked at his hand. He didn't wanna hurt Sehun's feeling. "OK". They shook. "Gr-gr-great". He looked at Sehun's wide smile. Wait a minute. What are those? Are those, braces? Luhan looked at Sehun. "Cool". "Y-yeah. C-c-cool".  


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Chapter 8: Near the end he didn't stutter. What does that mean?!?! Hopefully the next chapter will answer my questions.
Chapter 8: Si they dating now? If they are well. HELL YESS!!! Sorry for being late but damn this ff is cute af I love it!!! Thanks for the update!! :)) ❤️✨
Chapter 6: "No." And then he still said it haha :)