Part 04: The Begining Of Everything

Dhampire Princess
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Chapter I: -Nexusia- The Dark Fate

Note: For understanding more this new world (Nexusia), instructions will be proved to you from Nexusia Guide book in the end (which Krystal has and use to learn more about Nexusia) ^_^

Scene 01:

“Is she still alive? Do you think she’s breathing?”

I feel a finger touching my check...

“Why do you care...?”

“What should we do with her?”

...Who is talking...?

“Try to wake her up!”

“Hmm...Hey! Wake up... Wake up!”

“You’d enough sleep...Wake up!”

...Is somebody trying to wake me up?

“Oh! I think she’s opening her eyes...”


“Where... where I am?”


Scene 02

Krystal’s thoughts:

Tired, I opened my eyes slowly and find myself on the bed of a small but charming room:

“Where... where I am?”

“Finally, you wake up!”

I turned my face to see who was there:

“Jaehyun Oppa!”

Jaehyun: “Good morning Princess! How do you feel; any pain?”

Krystal: “No at all! I’m just a little dazed... probably because I slept a lot.”

That was weird... That dream...

Krystal: “By the way, how much did I sleep?”

Jaehyun: “Oh! About two...years!!!”

Krystal: “What?!” Two years? OMG!!!

Jaehyun: “I even get married and had two beautiful Child... You will love them!”

Krystal: “WHAT O_O?!” I’m... I’m done...

Jaehyun: “LOL, you should see your face! You’re more shocked about me married than the fact that two years had last... Don’t worry... It has been only two days XD”

Jae and his silly sense of humor! In normal conditions, I would show him twice! But strangely, I didn’t and I only heave a sigh of relief then asked in surprise:

Krystal: “Did I really sleep for two days?”

Jaehyun: “Well it’s better than two years!” At that moment the pillow hit his head! I think I’m now in the “normal conditions!”

Jaehyun: “Ouch, that’s hurt!” Then he added: “Yah! Wear some clothes from the closet and follow me downstairs, okay?”

Krystal: “Okay! But...” I said before he leaves.

Jaehyun: “But what?” He stared at me.

“Whose house is it?” I asked curiously.

Jaehyun: “This house? It’s my sister’s house!”

Krystal: “So it’s Yoona-unni house...” I looked him in surprise while I woke up from the bed and opened the closet.

Jaehyun: “Yup! Now get yourself ready and please throw this pajama, please!” He said, before leaving the room.

Krystal: “Tsss...” I was searching for what I would wear then I wondered “But if it’s Yoona’s house ... That means...” I let the clothes from my hand and opened the door in hurry. As I went downstairs, I passed quickly Jae who was still on the stairs, walking down.

Jaehyun: “What’s this, she didn’t change? Hey slowly!” He said in confusion.

I find myself between the living room and the kitchen, where Yoona unni was cooking.

She gave me a big smile:

Yoona: “I see that you’re awake! How do you find my place?”

Krystal: “Unni...”

Yoona: “Yes?”

Krystal: “Here it’s... I mean your place... are we...?”

Yoona: “Krystal, are you okay? The travel must have exhausted you! Do you feel any pain?” She asked.

Krystal: “(The travel?) We are in Nexusia, right?” I said.

Yoona: “Yes we are! And by the way...” Before she could finish her sentence I run at the door and went out. At that moment, Jaehyun finally arrived:

Jaehyun: “Where is she going now?” He said more confused and Yoona laughed while looking at him.

Yoona: “She seems a little bit exited and anxious at the same time!”

Jaehyun: “Yeah I’ve seen it!!!”

I was standing in the garden facing the wonderful landscape. I was surrounded by high mountains, tall trees, fresh air and greenery... It might look like any other place on earth, but there is something magical and mysterious about this place... something special!

Now that I am here, I have both good and bad feelings mixed together... what would happen next?

Scene 03: High consulate*

Ambo: “What with your face’s expression Kaunda? You seem worried”

Kaunda: “Well old man! I can only be worried about what will happen... I really want to get rid of this hybrid princess but I’m afraid of the turn of events that our plans could take!”

Ambo: “You should relax old woman! Don’t forget that we are the High Consulate! We are the ones that reign order & peace; Nexusia is under our will... And don’t forget that we have the hunters and the witches of the Circle in our side, we don’t fear anything! We are invincible!!!”

Kaunda: “Well for those witches I’m not pretty sure...They always do what they want! I hope that everything will be as we want!”

Ambo: “Don’t worry too much... everything is under control! With Gribber with us, it’s only a question of time and everything will be at our mercy...”

Scene 04: Yoona’s house

Krystal’s thoughts:

I was eating ice cream in the kitchen and was having a very interesting talk with myself: “Now that I’m here, I should find the people that were after us... and find who my father is? Won’t it be difficult in this world? Nah...I don’t think that Nexusia is really different from the earth! I mean the deco house look like any... deco house: there is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, electricity...” At that moment, I heard a knock on the door and I hurried to open:

Krystal: “Yeah I’m coming!” I find as I opened it, an elegant old lady. I was staring at her and strangely... she looked familiar.

“Good morning!” The old lady said while smiling at me.

Krystal: “Who...?”

“Your highness!!!” Screamed Yoona from my back and bow to her. I was a little bit confused so I bow to her well, not sure of what is happening!

There were men dressed in black all around, inside and outside the house. We were all staying in the living room drinking tea and talking with the old lady who was staring at me all the time.

Yoona: “Krystal... Jaehyun ... Let me introduce you to her highness the sovereign of Lightland”

Jaehyun: “Oh! Nice to meet you your highness”

Krystal: “Nice to meet you” And I quickly bowed as Jaehyun did.

The sovereign: “Yeah yeah nice to meet you my children!” She smiled warmly to us.

Krystal: “Excuse me your highness...But you look kind of familiar to me!”

Yoona: “Well Krystal... it’s because her highness is actually Gemma’s sister”

Krystal &

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Update[Taking a Break From Writing]


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Realityindreams #1
That's one good storyline...I love fantasy & your story just pulls me in.Good luck...
When are you going to update this?
Chapter 7: I've could only read till this chapter. I'm sorry I'll read the rest when I got some times ^^"
Tbh, the most fav characters here to me is L! He is totally a hottie! >.<"
I've been checking on ur other stories and I found this. I've already in love when I read the description! This kind of genre is really my thing. I love fantasy genre!
Going to read it soon! XD
Chapter 9: wow i'm so confused now so what i think i get from this new chapter is that fiona could be shin hye's mother or related to her somehow but since she is a witch and shin hey a hunter it's hard to be sure and also i'm looking for taeyang's son maybe it's kai or baek and about krystal and L i ship it it good luck
izal95 #5
Chapter 9: So yoona in shin hye side??..or she just act to take shin hye trust on her??..what about jaehyun??

*english not my first language*
Since i'm soo lost..gotta start all over again..hmm...
Jot that i mind tho xp..
afernanda12 #7
Chapter 8: So Suzy is the daughter of park shin age?
Chapter 7: I love this story so much oh god I want more and more !! I wish if there is More Myungzy or Hunzy next chapters!! Thanks keep it up ???❣
Chapter 7: can't wait for update yeyyyyyyy
izal95 #10
Chapter 7: plz triple update haha...daebak author :)