The Little Girl

Smells like Teen Spirit

Name: Seyeon

Age: 10

Note: Has the sight. As does somehow the rest of her family?

         Maybe an old Shadowhunter family that gave it up a long time ago, like the Lovelaces.


Seokjin clicked his pen, frowning. He didn't really know what to do. He hadn't been there when the others had met the little girl, but from what he'd heard she was a pretty special case. Well, he thought, sighing, there wasn't much choice. Although they were not supposed to tell mundanes about the Shadow World, it was different when the mundanes had the Sight. Back when rich people still had servants, Sighted mundanes would become servants or caretakers for the Institutes, but nowadays things were of course different.

He spun around on his chair and picked up his phone, texting his sister.

Can you call the kid and ask her and her parents to come over? he sent, and his phone buzzed with a reply not even a second later.



Seyeon's parents turned out to be, surprisingly, both members of the police force. They were extremely young, too - too young to possibly be Seyeon's real parents. They weren't, the couple explained over a cup of tea and biscuits in Seokjin's office, while Seyeon played with Taehyung and Jimin. The woman was 26 and the man 23 - he was still in University, a mere rookie while she was already a senior policewoman.

"My name is Amy Lee," the woman introduced herself. "I met Seyeon 4 years ago, way back when I was still a rookie." She was gorgeous, with a strong, powerful sort of beauty, long, lustrous caramel blond hair and an air of confidence around her that couldn't be faked. "Her mum abandoned her at an amusement park and she was brought to the police station I worked in, trembling and soaked with rain." Her eyes flashed with anger. "That woman was crazy - leaving her child all alone in the rain without an umbrella or even a proper coat!"

Her husband patted her hand comfortingly. He was smaller and slighter than Amy, with a small pale face, cat like eyes and soft blond hair. He looked like Yoongi, Seokjin thought to himself, amused by the similarities between the two. Even their height was similar, although Yoongi was definitely taller than this man. He'd introduced himself as Jihoon Lee, but had asked them to call him Woozi, instead. Amy, likewise, had asked them to call her Ailee.

"Anyway, I decided that she didn't deserve to go to the orphanage, and offered to take her in for a while, just until we located her parents," Amy explained. "When I found out she also could see the monsters, I went through with the adoption as soon as we were sure her mother was not coming back. Jihoon here and I got married pretty young, just so that Seyeon could have a proper, loving family."

"How did you two meet?" Seokjin asked curiously. He was surprised by how well the two fit each other, despite how they were complete opposites. She was fiery and fierce, impulsive and passionate, while Woozi was more calculating and quiet, preferring to observe before acting.

"Oh, we met way back in high school," Ailee laughed. "I'd always thought I was crazy, you know, seeing weird monsters and fairies everywhere. I didn't mind, I liked being crazy." She laughed again. "I was kind of wild back then," she admitted. "Woozi was the typical bookworm, quiet and goody goody. I never imagined he would be able to see them too, until one day when I was freaking out over this weird goblin thingy that kept following me around and he chased it away with a stick." She grinned. "I never left him alone after that."

Jihoon rolled his eyes, sitting slumped deep in the sofa while she sat on the very edge, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, cradling her mug. "She stuck to me like glue," he said dryly. Amy batted her eyelashes at him, mischief twinkling in her eyes, and he stuck out his tongue at her. But when they turned back to Seokjin, he remarked that Jihoon surreptitiously wound his fingers through hers. Seokjin smiled to himself.

"I was already in my fourth year, so we only had half a year together, but funnily enough we both wanted to join the police. Plus, I wasn't going to let the only person who saw the same world that I did slip through my fingers, so I kept bugging him until he couldn't live without me."

"She came over every single day," Jihoon sighed. "My mum loves her. I think she likes my wife more than she loves her own son, sometimes."

Ailee giggled. "His mom's a sweetie," she smiled. "My own family isn't really... a happy one, so I think of her as my own mom, most of the time."

Jihoon squeezed her hand, detecting the tiny waver in her voice, and she flashed him a grateful smile over her shoulder.

"So," Jihoon started, "what exactly are you guys? I didn't see anything other than a run down building when your sister brought us here, but Ailee and Seyeon kept squealing about how beautiful the place was, so I'm guessing there's some kind of veil over the place, blocking people from seeing what it's really like."

"That's right," Namjoon smiled, impressed. "It's called a glamour; it keeps mundanes - normal folk - from seeing the Institute's real appearance."

"The Institute?" Ailee asked, curious. "Solar, the woman that brought us here, called it that, as well. She said something about.. hunters? I think?"

"Yes, Shadowhunters," Seokjin cleared his throat, leaning forward slightly. "That's what we call people like me. We're demon hunters; protectors, if you will."

He was taking a risk here, telling them about the Shadow World. But he had a plan in mind, and for it to work these two had to learn more about them.

"Demons?" Jihoon asked, sounding alarmed. "There are demons?"

"Yes," Namjoon explained. "Demons are everywhere, unseen by mundanes. They're dangerous, and it's the Shadowhunters' job to hunt them down and kill them, returning them to their home dimension."

"Cool," Amy said, looking impressed. "So are you guys, like, superheroes or something? How do you join? Can I become a Shadowhunter, too?"

"No," Seokjin laughed, "sadly you're too old to become a Shadowhunter. We only take in minors, because the change will be too dangerous otherwise. You wouldn't survive."

"Oh," Amy pouted, disappointed. "Wait, the change?"

"Yes. Shadowhunters are not normal humans - they are descendants of Angels, the Nephilim that the Bible talks about. In order to become one of them, you need to take an oath and drink from the Mortal Cup, and if you survive the process you will become a Shadowhunter. But you'd need training before you can do that, and as Seokjin said, the process is reserved for children and teenagers."

"Hmm," Jihoon hummed. He narrowed his eyes at Namjoon. "You keep talking about the Shadowhunters as if you're not one of them. What are you, then?"

Namjoon's eyes widened at the man's acute observation. He'd chosen to go incognito today, hair and eyes both a normal, dark brown. He looked just like a normal human, or maybe even a Shadowhunter except for his lack of runes.

"I'm not," he admitted. "I'm what you would call a warlock, I guess."

Ailee blanched. "Wait, there are warlocks?" she gasped. "Then, are there, like, vampires and werewolves as well? I've seen fairies around, and I think I even saw a mermaid once, but..."

"Yeah," Namjoon nodded shyly. "Warlocks exist, and so do vampires and werewolves. The fairies you saw were probably Pixies - were they tiny little things with cute faces?"

"Yeah," Amy nodded eagerly. "They were so adorable, but one just about bit my finger off when I tried to touch them."

"Yeah, Pixies have wickedly sharp teeth," Seokjin grinned. "But they're just one type of Faerie. The Fair Folk, they're known for their beauty and fair skin, and the Seelie Court mostly resemble human beings."

"Interesting," Woozi murmured, eyes flashing as his mind raced a mile a minute. He was extremely smart, a genius some might say, and the countless possibilities that all this new information opened up was exciting his hyperactive mind.

"Anyways," Seokjin coughed, "I know this is all probably a lot to take in. But the reason I called you here today was actually because of Seyeon."

Both couples sobered up, the mood turning more serious as Ailee and Woozi nodded, their gazes sharp and focused. They cared a lot for their adoptive child. They worried a lot about her, especially since her Sight seemed to be much stronger than theirs.

Jihoon saw the least, they'd explained to Seokjin. He mainly saw the more obvious things, such as the goblin he'd chased away for Ailee. He was also able to see ghosts, he'd said, and sometimes he saw flashes of the future in his dreams.

That was normal. Seokjin believed Woozi probably had fey blood in his veins, judging from his fair skin and his cat like eyes. It would make sense for him then to be wiser and farsighted than others, which could also explain his dreams.

Ailee was probably descended from Nephilim, he also believed. Her whole demeanor screamed confidence and strength, and she moved with a sort of unconscious grace that all Shadowhunters had. Ailee was more resistant to glamours. She said she was able to see a lot of things that other people saw as something different, and she'd found that when she had her eyes half-closed, she could also see the world as other mundanes did. She wasn't able to see ghosts or see the future, either.

Seyeon, however, saw even more than Amy did. The concerned couple explained how they'd often caught their adoptive daughter speaking into thin air, saying she was talking to a friend of hers. She could see straight through glamours, and she often got startled and disturbed over seemingly trivial episodes, that she claimed was full of supernatural activity. Jihoon and Ailee worried that she might fall into danger one day because of her Sight.

"It's possible," Seokjin sighed heavily. "People like you are rare - it's amazing that all three of you have the Sight when you're not biologically related."

"Is it that unsual?" Jihoon asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Well," Seokjin said, "there are more Sighted mundanes than you would think, for sure. But the thing is, even if they have the Sight, most of them will ignore what they see, brushing them off as illusions or misunderstandings. They choose to be fooled by glamours, because it shows them what they want to see. You two were really lucky to have met each other, and Seyeon meeting the two of you - it's nothing short of a miracle."

"What can we do to keep her safe?" Ailee asked, sounding slightly desperate. She felt a wave of crippling fear at the thought of her little girl falling victim to some terrible demon that she would be unable to even see, let alone protect her from.

"I'd like to offer to train Seyeon," Seokjin said carefully, watching the couple's reactions. Woozi had already guessed about his proposal, he noticed, judging from the man's unfazed expression. Ailee, on the other hand, seemed delighted.

"Oh, would you?" she gasped, clapping her hands together softly. "Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Namjoon cleared his throat, exchanging a slightly concerned look with his boyfriend. "Amy, you must understand, this means she would be training to become a Shadowhunter," he hold her, pausing to let it all sink in properly. 

"She's too young right now, but once she's old enough she would be invited to join the Shadowhunter Academy, which is in Idris, the hometown of all Shadowhunters. She would become Nephilim," he rumbled in his deep, calming voice. "She wouldn't be a normal mundane child anymore. Are you ok with that?"

Ailee was silent for a moment, thinking it through carefully. Woozi squeezed her hand and she smiled gratefully at him. The two exchanged a long look before turning back to face Seokjin.

"It's her choice," Amy replied finally. "If she wishes to become one of you, we will support her fully, but if she refuses, I hope that you won't force us to push her to accept."

Seokjin breathed a sigh of relief. "I wouldn't dream of it," he told her.


Meanwhile, Seyeon was being shown around the Institute by the mischievous 95 liners. All four of them had practically fallen in love with the little girl within the first 10 minutes of their acquaintance. Hwasa was the only one that had really met Seyeon before, Jimin only having caught a quick glance before becoming distracted by the fight.

"Hello~" Wheein cooed at the cute child that Hwasa led towards the little group. "My name is Wheein! It's nice to meet you!"

Seyeon nodded and smiled shyly, hands twisting in the pretty knitted skirt her mum had dressed her in.

"Howdy, Seyeon! The name's Taehyung, but you can just call me TaeTae!" Taehyung boomed, lifting the surprised little girl up and swinging her around, making her giggle dizzily.

"Tae! Let her down!" Jimin scolded, giving Seyeon a huge smile once she was set back on her feet. "Hello, Seyeon! Do you remember me?"

Seyeon's eyes widened and she nodded eagerly. "Thank you," she told him in a sweet, clear voice. "You saved me from the monster!" She looked him over anxiously. "Are you alright?" she asked, big eyes filled with worry. "You got hurt! Is it still very sore?"

"No, don't worry," Jimin reassured her, crouching down to meet her eyes. "See?" he asked, rolling up his sleeves to show her his smooth, unbroken skin. "It's all better, now."

Seyeon's small hands fluttered wonderingly over the black marks that spiraled up and down his arms. "Pretty," she breathed. Jimin smiled.

"They're called marks," he told her. "They're magical."

Seyeon stared up at him. "Magic?" she asked, excitement clear on her face. The four Shadowhunters laughed.

"Yeah," Taehyung chuckled, taking her by the hand. "We're all special people, here. There's a lot of really amazing stuff, do you want to see?"

Seyeon nodded eagerly, squeezing his hand and skipping eagerly in place.

"Come on, Seyeon, we'll show you around," Wheein laughed. She led the group towards the Institute's library, where there were all sorts of battle trophies displayed in glass cases and hung on the walls.

"This is the library," Hwasa introduced, presenting the room with a wide sweep of her arm. Seyeon's eyes grew huge as she took in the domed glass ceiling and rounded walls, the shelves upon shelves of books leading all the way up to the ceilings and the displays of strange and mystical objects.

"Ooh!!" Seyeon squealed, bounding over to a huge glass case in which a pair of traditional hanbok was displayed. The beautiful, colorful outfits were modified for Shadowhunter use, with hidden pockets for witchlights, cleverly placed straps and sheaths for Seraph blades and throwing knives, an armband to hold a stele and examples of numerous innovative ways they could turn the many accessories into deadly demon hunting tools. "Did they really wear these?" she gasped, nose pressed up against the case in awe.

Hwasa laughed. "Not these, precisely, but the Korean Shadowhunters back then wore similar clothing, yes," she explained.

"Wow," Seyeon breathed. Jimin giggled when he saw her breath fogging up the glass, little nose and cute chubby cheeks smushed against the case.

"Their fans were the coolest!" Wheein exclaimed, pointing at the decorative fan the female mannequin was holding. "They were laced with electrum, so that they could be used as weapons. Their edges were razor sharp, and they could electrocute anyone you attacked them with."

"And they were pretty, too," Hwasa put in, grinning. "I have my own fan, actually. I use it in the summer, when it gets too hot to wear anything thicker than a tank top and shorts. You can't really hide anything in those, so I make do with accessories."

"Yeah, you don't want to be on the receiving side of Hwasa's kick when she's wearing her killer heels," Taehyung put in. "They're deadly, and I mean that quite literally."

Hwasa made a clawing motion at him, growling and snapping her teeth playfully.

The little group spent the next few hours happily exploring the Institute. Seyeon was mightily impressed by their dancing skills - Jimin smirked, pleased, when Seyeon gushed over his little demonstration in their practice room, her eyes wide and shining with respect and awe.

Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook joined them for dinner, which was a cheerful, loud affair with too many people talking over each other and tons of delicious food, courtesy of Seokjin, Ailee and Yoongi. Amy was a formidable cook, clean and precise in her movements as she whirled round the kitchen. Seokjin was a more experimental chef, going by feel and improvising when they were lacking ingredients. Yoongi was more of an assistant, helping the two by silently chopping up the vegetables and preparing the meat, stirring the soup and making sure nothing was burning in the oven.

Seyeon and Taehyung sat together, giggling over things only the two of them knew about as they whispered to each other. Jungkook felt a little left out, but forgave them instantly when Seyeon turned to him with an adorable smile, holding out a slightly smushed, oddly shaped potato cupped in her small hands and exclaiming, "Bunny!"

Both Jimin and Wheein cooed at them, grinning at Jungkook's conflicted expression as he accepted the gift. He was touched by her gesture but he couldn't help but pout at the bunny reference. The potato did look like a rabbit though, he had to admit. He met Taehyung's laughing eyes and grinned ruefully. "Thank you, Seyeon," he murmured to the little girl who beamed at him before turning back to her plate.

Yoongi had done a double take when he'd first seen Woozi - he looked like a smaller, slightly different version of himself, especially since he was blond. Yoongi had had a blond phase himself, not too long ago. The more he got to know him, though, the less he thought they looked alike. It was more that they had a similar aura, instead. He was delighted to find that they shared the same kind of musical interests and that the other was so smart. They were similar in personality, as well. Just like a cat, Amy had described fondly and Jimin had agreed immediately, delighted to find someone who'd had the same thought as he had. He, Jihoon, and Namjoon spent the entire meal talking about music, while Ailee chatted with the girls and Seokjin. Seyeon was having a tremendous time with Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok. They decided to play a game after finishing their dessert, shrieking with laughter as they chased each other around the large dining room. Ailee and Woozi both looked extremely relieved that their little girl was getting along so well with the Shadowhunters, and both thanked them again and again for protecting her from the demon and for offering to train and protect her in the future.

Seyeon agreed in a heartbeat when she was asked whether she wanted to join the Institute or not. Seokjin was a little worried that she decided too quickly, worrying that she might change her mind in the future and regret having agreed, but Ailee put his mind at ease, telling him that Seyeon was not someone to agree to such a huge decision without thinking about it first. She was a quick witted, sharp little lady, and they could trust her to make her own decisions, even at the age of 10.

Since she was so young, they decided that she wouldn't live in the Institute with them, but stay with her parents instead. She would come over for a couple of hours of lessons and training every day after school, and stay the night on weekends. She'd be allowed to decide whether or not she wished to join the Shadowhunter Academy once she turned 16.


All of them were delighted to have a child in the Institute. Since they were all around the same age, with Jungkook having a mere 5 year age difference with Seokjin, it was new and exciting to suddenly have a little girl, just 10 years old, among them.

"It feels like I'm suddenly a big sister," Moonbyul whispered to Yongsun, watching Seyeon tackle Jungkook to the ground with Taehyung's help, tickling him mercilessly as he wheezed for help.

"It reminds me of when Tae was that age," Yongsun whispered back, smiling fondly at the memory. "He was such a handful, that little rascal. And wherever he went, so did Jimin, so it was like having two little brothers at once."

Both girls grinned as they recalled the past. Jimin and Taehyung had been twin unstoppable forces of nature, wreaking havoc through the institute as their exasperated parents tried to keep them in line.

"Hobi and Yoongi were nowhere near as troublesome," Yongsun mused. "and Seokjin, of course, never gave our parents any trouble at all. Except for the amount he ate." She grinned wrily, glancing over at her taller younger brother. "He ate like a horse. Still does." She made a face.

Moonbyul laughed. "It's no wonder he grew up to be so tall," she chuckled. "And aren't you leaving someone out, here?"

"Huh?" Yongsun asked, confused. Moonbyul gave her a pointed look.

"You and I weren't exactly model children, either," she told her, and Yongsun grinned.

"Oh," she laughed, "right. True."

Yongsun had been a fierce little girl, all sass and backtalk. Her pretty looks and the princess dresses she'd loved to wear had been a stark contrast to her constant wisecracking, and her parents had lost their temper more than once. She'd also been very emotional and imaginative, though, and she'd had a soft spot for animals of any kind.

Moonbyul was quite the contrary, tomboyish in her manners and actions, preferring to run and play with the boys than stay inside the Institute. She was honest and straightforward with her words, no sarcasm at all. Everything she did was from the heart, and anyone could see that that heart was bigger than the sun and moon. She despised dresses and skirts; her favorite outfit was a pair of baggy dungarees and welly boots.

When the two of them had first met, they'd hated each other. They were too different - Yongsun was too cold and aloof to anyone she didn't know, and Moonbyul was too loud and energetic for Yongsun. The fact that Solar and Seokjin had spent a lot of time in Idris with their grandparents didn't help at all. When the siblings had finally moved back to Seoul, it had taken a long time for the two girls to realize that their first impressions weren't all that there was to the other, after all. Once they got past their differences and started talking properly, they'd quickly become best friends. An unlikely pair, the two of them had been almost as troublesome as Taehyung and Jimin, always running away from their parents and sneaking out to have adventures at night.

"I guess we did cause a lot of trouble when we were kids," Yongsun murmured, and Seokjin snorted as he passed by, overhearing her.

"Understatement of the century," he shot at her, sticking out his tongue, and she gave his a swift kick in retaliation.

Moonbyul giggled, wrapping her arm around her best friend's waist and pulling her back. Yongsun relaxed immediately, leaning her head on Moonbyul's shoulder and allowing herself to sink deeper into the couch.

"Taehyung's still a child, though," she murmured quietly, watching her little brother squeak and jump a foot in the air when Jungkook pounced at him from behind the door, Seyeon on his shoulders giggling and clutching at his hair for balance.

"They're all still children," Moonbyul countered, rolling her eyes. "Even Yoongi, although he acts like a grandpa most of the time. Seokjin is the only grown up one in this institute, to be honest. Apart from us, of course."

"And Namjoon," she added as an afterthought, glancing over at the warlock, who was currently lying on his back with four kittens crawling over him, purring just as loudly as the cats as Seokjin ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. "Actually," Moonbyul sighed, "I take that back. Namjoon is just as much a kid as the rest of them."




Author's Note: I never actually thought about shipping Woozi and Ailee together until I read this fic, Train To Busan by TheicSeke.

The two of them were so cute together that I actually looked them up, and guess what hahaha



They actually look pretty good togetherrrr <3

So yeah, sorry for all you that ship either Jicheol (Seungcheol = S.Coups) or Soonhoon (Soonyoung = Hoshi haha) or any other Seventeen ship, but I really like this one! ^^

This is a couple dressed in traditional Hanbok.

It's beautiful, isn't it?



The male nobles were dressed like this.

And just because I loved the drama Hwarang, here's our TaeTae dressed in traditional Hanbok.


Such a cutie ohmygosh


Left: Yoongi, Right: Woozi.

They're so alike, yet somehow they're not alike at all. I think that more than their similarly pale skin, small faces and physical stature, it's because they're both small (don't tell them I said that! lol), musical geniuses, and have similar personalities that they're often called father and son or identical twins. Woozi said himself that he doesn't like being called a mini Suga, though, (and honestly, who would like that?) so please, let's not compare the two! Saying they look alike is fine, but saying Woozi is a second Suga is slightly insulting, don't you think? Jihoon should be acknowledged for his own wonderful self and not as a 'second' anyone. Just like I don't really like anyone calling Ailee Korea's Beyonce, even if it's a huge compliment. Beyonce is Beyonce, and Ailee is Ailee. Let's not compare two completely different people! ^^

These two are adorable, I swear. But they would both be offended if I called them cute, I know.. hahaha


A/N. : AHHHH I'm sorry guys! It's been exactly one month since the last chapter!
And I know this chapter is sort of disappointing, compared to the wait... It's a filler, I guess, but on the other hand it was also a really necessary chapter.
I'll try to update more often, I'm really sorry for taking so long all the time.
I know that I've been updating my other (new) fic regularly once a week, but that's just because I already had the chapters for that one all written out! All I need to do is clear up some parts and add some little bits and pieces here and there, and it's good to go, but for this fic, I need to write the whole chapter out from scratch and I'm not easily satisfied with the things I do write, so I end up rewriting and erasing and rewriting, again and again and again. Which takes a lot of time. Forgive me T^T...
I hope you liked this chapter, nonetheless! Have a nice week everyone<3

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Really interesting, I love your writing style
SehunPony22 #2
Oh wow,the description pulled me in and I can't wait to get started on this story!It seems really interesting:D