
That Star
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BEEP BEEP BEEP! Taehyung's phone alarm went off at 7 a.m. the next morning. In order to prevent the alarm from waking up Wheein, Taehyung bolted up and turned off the alarm as fast as he could. She'll need a lot of rest after everything she went through yesterday Taehyung thought to himself as he got up from the sofa that he had slept on last night. Of course he could have slept on his mother's bed last night, but sleeping there would just remind him of his neglectful mom so he slept on a sofa instead. Since he figured Wheein would be hungry once she woke up, Taehyung made a breakfast of eggs, toast, and ham and left it on the dining table for her. He also made a few sandwiches for her lunch and put them in the refrigerator. After that, he brushed his teeth, changed into his school uniform, and got ready for school. Before leaving, he left a note next to Wheein that read:

I'm at school. I will be back by 2:45. There's breakfast on the dining table. For lunch you can eat the sandwiches in the refrigerator. Don't leave the house. 



Taehyung took one last glance at Wheein to make sure that she was okay before heading off to school. 

Taehyung in his school uniform:

About 3 hours after Taehyung had left for school, Wheein started to wake up. "Good morning Ggomo!" Wheein drowsily said to her kitten. As she started to stretch out her sleepy muscles, Wheein noticed Taehyung's note. "Hm? What's this?" she said to herself. After reading the note Wheein gasped. I have to stay here alone for the whole day?! Without Taehyung? Wheein thought to herself. Suddenly, she started to get scared. What if something happens? Taehyung won't be here to help me! I don't even know anything about this planet! I need Taehyung! All kinds of panicked conclusions flew through her mind. In order to calm herself, Wheein took a few deep breaths. She decided to stay in Taehyung's room until he got home because she was scared, but eventually hunger forced her to go out. Before going out, she armed herself with a pillow. Wheein slowly crawled out of the bed and cracked the door open. She scanned left and right and up and down for any dangers before tiptoeing towards the dining table where her breakfast awaited her. 

Pitter patter, pitter patter. Wheein froze as she heard those sounds. PITTER PATTER, PITTER PATTER. Something was definitely walking towards her. Wheein shut her eyes tightly and defensively held the pillow in front of her. "Meow!" Wheein peeked around her pillow and let out a sigh of relief. It was just Ggomo. 

"Ggomo you scared me!" she complained before petting Ggomo's head. After petting Ggomo, Wheein continued on to the dining table. There on the dining table, she found some eggs, toast, and something else that she had never seen before (the ham). Wheein held up the ham and examined it. She smelled it and poked it before finally taking a tiny bite out of it. Wheein instantly fell in love with the ham and devoured the rest of the it. She also ate the eggs and the toast, but she gave Ggomo half of the toast. 

Wheein after eating the ham:

After finishing her breakfast, Wheein still wanted more ham so she opened the refrigerator to see if her lunch had any. She took out the sandwiches and was delighted to find ham in them. Wheein took out the ham from all of the sandwiches and ate all the ham before putting the sandwiches back into the refrigerator. She didn't know what the ham was, but she knew she loved it. After her eating spree, Wheein remembered that she was home alone in a new planet without Taehyung and she started to freak out again and picked up her pillow and Ggomo. She then sprinted back to Taehyung's room and slammed the door shut. Since she was still scared, she huddled up in a corner with Ggomo and covered herself with her pillow. For the next 4 hours, Wheein simply waited for Taehyung to come home while listening for any dangers and petting Ggomo.


Today at school Taehyung was not absentmindedly staring at the clock. Instead, he was staring at the clock while thinking about Wheein. He knew that he couldn't just leave her at home everyday. Should he sign her up for school too? Taehyung was also worried about Wheein being home alone. He knew that she didn't know much about earth and so he didn't know if she would be okay. But since she had Ggomo, he figured that she would be fine. 5 more minutes Taehyung thought as the clock changed to 2:35. Class got out at 2:40 and Taehyung wanted to get back to Wheein as fast as possible. Tick, tick, tick. The seconds passed by and Taehyung had only one person in his mind: Wheein.

Little did Taehyung know that Hara was nervously thinking about him from across the room. Today was the day that Hara planned to ask Taehyung out after school. She was determined to win his heart, even if it meant that she had to make the first move. Due to her popularity, Hara was determined to get a yes out of Taehyung. Ok Hara, just ask him to go to the movies with you. Once he says yes, you can ask him how feels about you at the movies  Hara thought to herself in order to calm her nerves. RING! RING! RING!! The loud rings of the school bell echoed through the hallways.  After the first ring of the school bell Taehyung was already out of the classroom and on his way home. 

"Hey Taehyung!" Jimin called. 

"Sorry Jimin! I really need to get home today!" Taehyung said while waving at Jimin. Jimin was extremely puzzled by this response since he knew that Taehyung generally avoided going home.

"Hey you better tell me why tomorrow!" Jimin yelled as Taehyung ran out of the school.

Hara saw Taehyung running out of the school and tried to catch up with him, but he was running so fast that she gave up after running a few meters. Why would he be running so fast? Hara pondered as she stomped her foot in frustration. 

Taehyung sprinted the whole way home. Even though he got tired, he still continued because he was worried about Wheein. Once Taehyung reached his home, he hastily unlocked the door and went inside. Since he didn't see her in the dining room or in the living room, he went into his room to find her. Once he entered his room, he saw Wheein huddled up in her corner behind her pillow. Taehyung laughed a little and said "It's ok Wheein, its me Taehyung"

Wheein peeked out from behind her pillow to make sure it was really him and then she ran over to Taehyung and hugged him tightly. "Please don't leave me again!! I was so scared without you!" She exclaimed. Taehyung tried to hide his smile from h

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*Paging for author-nim* Author-nim, I missed your story soooooooo much....
Author-nim.... I missed your story.... Please come back and update soon ='(
Chapter 10: I like the idea where Wheein came from another planet =)) I mean she's too good for Earth =D I also like the part where she took away all the ham and ate it XD this Wheeinie is so real... And please Taehyung take good care till the end of time <3 Thank you author-nim for writing this fanfic and I look forward to your update soon =))
llisatan #4
Chapter 4: *stillreadingthenextchap
llisatan #5
Chapter 3: Taetae-ah, where are you now???
llisatan #6
Chapter 2: Woohoo~
Wheein will make it Taetae-ah?
llisatan #7
Chapter 1: ❤❤❤❤
llisatan #8
Chapter 10: A good read! I love wheetae moments! More please? =))
Chapter 10: so glad i found this!