Can't Focus (Ji's Part)


=JI's POV=

It's been a week since Chae and I last talked. Well, it's becuase we're busy, i was busy tranning while she is busy studying for an upcomming Qiuz Bee. I gotta tell you i hate every minute of it.

"Ji, Wake Up!!!!" Seungri shouted at my ear.

"YAH!!! Maknae! I'm not sleeping!" I said. i think my eardrum is damage.

"Hyung, is there a girl??" Younbae asked.

"NO!!!" I lied. Obviously.

"LIAR!" T.O.P hyung yelled.

"Yeah, Ji.. jist tell us.. who she is." Dae said.

"Trust me, there isn't!" 

"Fine Jo, how's your week??" Youngbae suddenly asked.

"Fine??? I guess.. Well, pretty boring actually..Blah, Blah, Blah" I started to tell them about my week, of course Chae is not included. 

"How's your girl??" 

" I didn't see her ye-" I suddenly realized what is just said.

They all laughed.

"BUSTED. THERE IS A GIRL!!!!" Seungri said.

Busted indeed. *sigh*

"Oh i know this girl..." Youngbae said. Everyone stopped cheering and looked at him. " .. if I'm not  istaken this girl have braces and wearing glasses, rihgt??? .." YoungBae looked at me.. " and i also happened to know that i once saw her sitting at your favorite spot." Seungri gasp. Then he grin.

"Ah~ a girl.. on his spot.. ayieeeeeee.... is Hyung.. Ahem, ahem.. In Love???" Seungri said. I stood up and start chasing him.

Everyone started to laugh and cheer again.


 Until it's time for us to go. The guy asked me to bring Chae sometimes. Yeah as if that's gonna happened, O don't evem know how to approach her. I still keep thinking about what Seungri said. Am I inlove with her??? But why??? Why her??? Then again why not?? She's nice and funny.  But she is not as beautiful as other. But she is also different from others. Still why her?? 

"Earth to Ji" I saw my mom waving her hard right infront of my face.

"Oh, sorry.. I was kinda thinking." I said as I ate again.

"Yeah, we KINDA notice that." Dad said.

"So honey, what are you thinking about? Yun Chae?" I suddenly chocked. My mom hand me a glass of water.

 " And who is this Yun Chae?" My dad asked with his stict voice.

"Oh,Hun.. no need to worry, she is a good girl and an intelligent girl.. very suitable for our darly Ji Yong"  My mom and her sweet talk.  Honestly, my Mom is very picky when it comes to girl i date.. or choose. 

"Mom, why do you like Yun Chae?" I suddenly asked.

" What's not to like.. She is bright, nice , kind and she helps you... she is so warm hearted" My mom was smilling while describing Chae.

"But she is not pretty"

Mom looked at me like she wants me dead.

"Beauty fades, remember that.. but true beauty comes from within, ok.. now eat."

My mom is the best advicer ever. 

"Ahem!" we all looked at my dad. "I want to meet that girl of yours." 

"Dad, she is just a friend" i depend.

"FOR NOW!!!" Mom added.

Nice one mom. Our dinner ended, but the topic about Chae didn't. My mom keep asking me about her. That night, I ended it with her in my thoughts.

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SuNia_ #1
New reader here :D wooo~ so Sweet >\\< please update soon
Zegaz54 #2
that was so cute! please update soon!
Update soon! oh and why does it say "Final" when the last 2 chaps were just the same as those first 2 chaps? :0)) anways, I hope you update soon.
Update Soon
Looking forward to this! ^^

The foreword kinda caught me off guard and confused me...then it depressed me... hahaha
update soon! ^^