Getting to know you


A/N: First i wanst to say sorry.. cuase i take forever to write, well.. I'm actually writting on a notebook.. so when i'm about to type it. my laziness kicks in.. i'm really sorry.. 





So ever since Ji agreed to share his favorite spot, I started to eat my lunch there, since the cafeteria is where I’m mostly bullied. One afternoon..

“Boo!!!” someone said behind my back, which made me scream. As I looked behind it was Ji Yong.

“what are you doing here??!!!” I said, half angry because he scared me.

He gave me a Oh-look “ It’s OUR spot remember, or am I not allowed here anymore???” He said emphasizing the word “our”.

“Of Course you are, it’s your spot on the first place”

“it’s OUR spot, our!!” pointing at himself then to me. “want some?” referring to the bag his holding.

“nah, I just ate.” I looked at the bright sky as he sat down.

“uhmm…yun chae, can I ask you something?” I nod my head, and looked at him.

“I was wondering if you can help me with my math assignment?” I was shocked. Did I hear him right?

But then he continue. “if you’re busy then I understand”

“no, actually it’s’s been a long time since I tutor someone.”

Then he splash his adorable smile. “thank you”

“yeah no problem, so meet you after class.” I said as I stand up . “ the bells gonna ring, don’t be late on your class”


 ^After Class^


I immediately got out of class, not because I was going to meet Ji Yong, but because that if I stay longer I was going to be bullied.

“Hey! Going somewhere??!” I was shocked to see Ji outside my classroom.

When my classmate was about to  going out, they were shocked to see him, but mostly because he was talking to me.

 Then Ji walked towards me, “don’t tell me you’re going to ditch me?”

I heard gasped behind me. “ no, I wasn’t!”

“good, cause I need you right now,” then he grabbed my bag, and walked..but he suddenly stop..because I wasn’t following him..well, I was still surprise about what he said..he sigh..then came back and grabbed my arm..then walked again.

“come on we have a lot of things to do!” he said as we walked out of the hallway lots of people are whispering,

why is that nerd with ji yong??”

“where are they going??”

“why is he holding that nerd’s hand??”


 then he said “ don’t mind them.”

 Outside the school was a car. .”get in” he said so I did.  It’s was quite ride to their house. Then..

“what are you-“

“why are you-“

We stopped then laughed.

“you first.” Ji said.

“ahh.. what are you doing outside my class?”

“well. You specifically said “meet you after class” so that’s what I did??”

“ how did you know my room number??”

“I checked every class, of course!!” he said proudly, but it made me shocked. He checked every class just to find me. I can’t help but smile.

“my turn!!!” he shout, which made my bring back to reality.

“why are you so eager to get out of your class??” then he gave me the-knowing-look.

“h-ho-hold up..aishh… this guy, yah! Get that thought of  your head! I was eager to leave because I might get bullied, ok!” he just laughed..

“and who would bully you?” he asked.

“you know..the girl.. the people with..yah! you know them!” I said since I can’t describe them, then I pout.

“hahahaha.. ok, ok..don’t pout any more, where here now!” he opened the car. I saw a big house, but not big enough for my eyes.

Then his mother came toward us.. she hugged me “ hi! I’m ji yong’s mother.. call my aunt! ok!”

“hi, mrs, Kwon..nice to meet you!”

“mom, we’re going to study..” ji’s mom just nod, and excuse herself.

 -living room-

“ so, you got it now?” I asked, we’ve been studying math for hours now.. I don’t know if he’s just testing my patience or what..

“I think, I don’t know..would you check my answer if its correct?”  he said, as he hand me his notebook..

“honey, are you busy?” his mom said from the kitchen.

“ a little bit mom, why?” he said.

“ I think your mom needs help.”

Ji excuse himself then went to the kitchen. I looked around and I saw some picture of Ji when he was little and I can’t help but laugh, I didn’t even notice them coming to the living room.

“ chae, what’s wrong?”

I jump a little when I heard his voice, I turned around holding his picture then his mother laughed. Then he immediately walked towards me and snatched the picture.

“ so, Yun Chae in your name.. right?” his mom asked as she sat down.

“darling, how did you meet me son?” she asked again.

“uhmm… we bumped to each other the other day.” I said as I lower my head.

“ I see, I see..” silence filled the room.


=Ji's POV=

My mother keep asking her basic questions: like her favorite color, music, dreams.

“Mom, please stop interrogating Yun Chae” I told my mom, my mom just laugh and so did Yun Chae.

“No, it’s fine.” Yun Chae said, I notice something about her  it’s her smile. Never did her smile fade.

Well, honestly knowing stuff about her is fine for me, since that is what I ask my mom to do.

*back in the kitchen*

I walk near the sink, then face my mom “mom, can you do me a favor?”

“sure, honey.. what is it?” she said while she cut some piece of cake.

“ can you ask Yun Chae about herself.. you know, like simple question about herself.” I said while I was scratching the back of my neck.

My mom just looked at me then smiled before she walked out of the kitchen.

*end of flashback*


I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly my mom snapped her fingers in front of me.

“JI! Yun Chae is about to leave.” Then I looked at Yun Chae, which is now packing her things.

“oh.. wait.. I’ll take you home,… “ she looked at me oddly  “can i?”

Then she smiled “Sure.” 


*on the way to thier house*

"Sorry we just walked" I said slightly bowing my head.

"Hahaha, it's alright, and my house is just near yours anyway"

"So, just a question.. if you can change anything.. ANYTHING.. about yourself, what would it be..Ah~ only phisical."

then silence...

5 min...

10 min...

"you know you don't nee-"

"I think I'll change nothing.. becuase God is the one who created me.. and I'm thankful enough that I'm complete." 

I was moved by her answer. " You're probably right." 

Then she stopped walking, I saw someone comming toward us.

"Good evening Mistress, Good evening young master." then he bowed.

"Mistess, let me carry your things." the guy said.

"Oh, it's ok.. i can carry it, ah.. can you wait for a second, I'm just going to way goodbye to my friend now." Chae said. Then the guy moved away.

"So i guess, we are here??"

"Yap, thank you for the meal and for walking me home." she said.

"It's fine, well.. thank you for helping me." i said rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's nothing, Bye." she bowed then walked towards her butler.

"See you tomorrow."


I went home, as I was in my room.. I can't take the smile off my I remember her favorite things..



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SuNia_ #1
New reader here :D wooo~ so Sweet >\\< please update soon
Zegaz54 #2
that was so cute! please update soon!
Update soon! oh and why does it say "Final" when the last 2 chaps were just the same as those first 2 chaps? :0)) anways, I hope you update soon.
Update Soon
Looking forward to this! ^^

The foreword kinda caught me off guard and confused me...then it depressed me... hahaha
update soon! ^^