"/×welcome home×\"

Vkook i want a babby

As me and jungkook stare at our new additions to our family. We notice we don't have any babby equipment. "Hey kookie I think we need to go out and buy dippers because I think jimin just did a nasty in his dipper~" jungkook giggled a bit and puts little yoongi in his cradle carefully. He leans over to my head just enough to whisper in my ear "stay here while I go out to get the things we need ~honey~"I blush and bit and then I give jungkook a faint nod while i still holding little jimins feet. When jungkook shuts the door and leaves I put down jimin back into his cradle. And then take a photo to send to jin he's totally gona flip... I start to happily text jin saying "hey guess who just got babbys?! And guess who's invited to there welcome party?" After I sent the picture and text allmost 5 sec later jin text me "OH MY GOD ARE MY EYES TRICKING ME ARE THOSE BABBYS AND DOESN'T THAT MEAN I'M TECHNICALLY A GRANDPA!!!! " I almost fell over when I read jins text but I make sure to not laugh to loud. Don't want wake up yoongi. I text jin and tell him he's invited to there welcome home party and that he could bring namjioon and I told him there names. After a bit a chatting with jin I stop and I pick up yoongi. I hear his breathing it's so faint...his little whimpers...are so adorable. I rock yoongi slowly back and fourth then I notice jimins starts to cry. so I get up slowly and put yoongi next to him. And then jimin wraps his little body around the sleeping yoongi. oHHHH my godddddd! So FU*** CUTE. I take one more photo before putting  a small blanket over the two of them and then I proceeded to put the vale back on. After there fast asleep I go and make dinner for jungkook. Then I take a shower and  i watch a really sappy movie named the notebook. Of course I turned the volume down so the babbys wouldn't wake up. And maybe an hour later jungkook knocks on the door. I run over quietly and when I open the door I give him the "shhhhgg" face and a boxy smile. I help him carry what he bought in. He went and retrieved dippers,babby bottles,a crib,and little high chairs and some babby clothes. I helped him set it all up. We put the babbys crib in our room so we could hear them if they needed us and we put the dippers under the crib in a little compartment and I put the bottles in the kitchen. After were done I hugg jungkook and he just faintly smiles and falls asleep in my arms. I drag him into bed. And I place him on our bed softly as I can and I pull a blanket over him. He must be tired from shopping... After that I walk into the kitchen and put away the food he didn't get to eat... next time I'm going to force him to eat my food. I giggle to my self while filling up two babby bottles with milk and I put them into the crib and I put a blanket much bigger than the one they have right now in there as well. I then grab the cradle holding the two babbys and slowly and gently carry them to there new bed. I take off the vale and see jimin drooling all over Yoongis shoulder. AWWWWWWWWWW!!!  I pick up jimin and softly put him into the crib. I pick up yoongi and gently put him into the crib. After that I put the blanket over them and I put there cradles away. And I fall right next to jungkook. I just lay there and think before I fall asleep. Welcome home babbys.

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Hiimapoop #1
Chapter 9: yup but I'm planning on making another story but I want it to be good so it gona take some time lol.
BangtanArmy2004 #2
Chapter 9: Sooooo this is the end of the story?
Hiimapoop #3
Chapter 6: MY GRAMMER
Hiimapoop #4
Chapter 2: Lol taes mind changed when he was offerdoing food
Hiimapoop #5
Chapter 6: If you Wana know how jungkook got the note...he went out and found it and took it out of curiosity and thought tae would like to see them...little did he know tae wanted them babbys lol
Hiimapoop #6
Chapter 2: ♤♢♡{~Wow this was a long one hope you enjoyed~}♡♢♤