Why Didn't You Tell Me?!?!

My Cursed Lineage


Hanmi’s 18th birthday came close after Youngmin’s death. Actually, it was only a week after the cursed deathday, so of course, it came every year. Not that Hanmi celebrated it.


But turning 18 for the vampires is an important event. It is the day they become fully knowledgeable of their abilities and are left alone to do as they please. For Eunmi, this is the day Hanmi is handed down the truth.


It was a rule in the vampire world that when a young vampire’s parents die, they can never be told the truth until their 18th birthday, regardless how many victims die under the young vampire’s ravings.


On the appointed day, Eunmi was slowly dying inside as she stood outside Hanmi’s door.


‘My sister will never forgive me,’ she thought. ‘But I have to do it. It’s the rule of my world.’


She took a deep breath and knocked. No response. Eunmi took another deep breath and went on inside.


It was a sorry site. The room looked like a typhoon blew passed it. Papers and other stuff were strewn all over the school. The desk was cluttered. The bed was unmade. But what was more heartbreaking for the elder sister was her yeodongsaeng curled up in a little ball, her hair a mess, hiccupping, and still crying. She has never stopped crying ever since her bestfriend/boyfriend died. That was the last straw for her. She loved no one more than Youngmin. Eunmi can’t help shed tears as she watched her helpless little sister, suffering under the cursed life she’d had since she was born.


“H-Happy Birthday, Hammi-yah,” said Eunmi softly, wiping away her tears and attempting to smile. It was irony to greet her on the day she came out to live a cursed life.


“What’s that? What’s happy?” said Hanmi tonelessly, not moving an inch from her position.


“Nothing’s happy, Hanmi-yah. But there is something you have to know on this day,” said Eunmi. She braced herself and told the dark, unremembered parts on Hanmi’s life.


Eunmi’s POV:


I’ll be blunt with you. You are a vampire. Our entire family is of pure vampire blood. It is a rule that when a vampire’s parents die before the vampire turns 18, she will not be told the truth until then. An underage vampire has no control over her own mind and body when the hour struck. You may choose not to believe me but everything bad that has happened to you these last few years has got everything to do with your being a vampire.


Even if it pains you to remember, do you recall Taemin? Of course you do. He was your first boyfriend, but not really your first love. He asked you to be his girlfriend, and you obliged. A short time later, you find out he died. Do you remember why he died? Of course you don’t.


Do you remember how I looked the day you found out Taemin was gone? I was gaunt and greatly in need of sleep. Did you ever wonder why? I’m sure not, I told you I was fine and you believed me.


But no, I was never fine. That night Taemin died, it was a mystery, wasn’t it? I’ll tell you about it now. It was full moon. It was the time of your monthly ravings. You may have felt that you out, but instead you slipped into your uncontrollable vampire self. You plunged your fangs deep into Taemin’s neck. It was fatal. He died quickly. I was there all the while, but I couldn’t do anything. It was a craving that can’t be stopped.


After blindly killing Taemin, you fell unconscious. I brought you home. Taemin, I brought to the bench where they found them the next day. But it wasn’t just me who witnessed your ravings. A woman saw all of it. To save your grace, I had to kill her. You don’t know how perished I was to kill. I hate killing. But I had to. I love you. I was up all night, that’s why I looked terrible the next day.


The same went for all your boyfriends. I was always there, ready to get you back home, place your boyfriend somewhere far away, and kill any witnesses.


I didn’t tell you because it was forbidden. I would die, disintegrate. Then no one will be left to tell you of your cursed life. I’m helpless.


I’m so, so sorry, Hanmi-yah.


Narrator’s POV:


Hanmi kept quiet all the while Eunmi was telling her story. It dawned on her that she killed all those innocent people. All they did was simply love her, but what do they get in return? They get stabbed and killed. By her. She always had a feeling that it was her fault, but not in this sense. That she literally killed them.


Numbness turned to anger. Blind anger. If Eunmi had told her sooner, she would’ve prevented so many deaths. But no, Eunmi had to wait until she was 18, after she killed Youngmin, her first love, her bestfriend.


Hanmi lept at her sister and pinned her on the floor. Eunmi looked into her sister’s eyes. They’ve literally gone black with anger. But tears, which were dripping into Eunmi’s face, were falling from them too.


“I hate you! I HATE YOU, you hear me?! You had to wait until I killed every single one who loved me before telling me I killed them! Why did you agree for me to go out into the world and face these people?! You should’ve locked me in the house until today came! How could you?! YOU’RE MY SISTER!!!” yelled Hanmi.


She clutched her sister’s shirt until her knuckles turned white and her nails dug into her own hands. Blood started to drop from the wounds. Hanmi let go of her sister and threw everything she could at her: her bedside lamp, her heavy books, but it didn’t knock Eunmi down. She just stood there taking in the pain while letting her tears flow. Soon Hanmi got tired and just fell asleep on the floor.


Eunmi picked her up and laid her on the bed. She fixed her sister’s room and when she was done, she cast another sad look towards Hanmi before going out. Eunmi proceeded to the living room and dumped her tired self on the couch. She was just as depressed as her sister as she gazed longingly at their parents’ picture sitting on the table. Lucky for them, depression causes anyone they like to come see them, touch them, and talk to them for a while. Light filled the room and the next thing Eunmi knew was both her parents were on her either side.


“You have been very brave and very strong, sweetheart,” said their mother, a pale, beautiful creature with jet-black hair and ruby-colored lips. She looked a lot like Hanmi.


“We’re so proud of you,” said their father, a tall, handsome man whom Eunmi looked like. He made Eunmi lean on his chest.


“Umma, appa, it wasn’t easy. It hurt a lot to hide from Hanmi all this. Why did you have to go so soon?” cried Eunmi, fresh tears accumulating in her eyes.


“I’m sorry, honey,” said their father. “We’re very, very sorry.”


“I’m not mad at you. I only hope she’ll forgive me,” said Eunmi. “Will you talk to her?”


“If she wants us. She may like to talk to other people when she wakes up,” said their mother.


Her father hugged her, which made her feel all better. Her mother leaned in and her hair. Eunmi smiled.


“Better, princess?” smiled their father.


“Yes, appa, umma, thank you so much,” said Eunmi.


Blinding light filled the room again and then her parents were gone. A new day was dawning, and Eunmi went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.


When Hanmi woke up, she didn’t get up. Tears welled up in her eyes again.


Taemin oppa, Jinyoung oppa, Niel-ah, Youngminnie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I wish you were all still here.


Light filled her room like it did to Eunmi last night, and when Hanmi opened her eyes, dropped. Taemin was smiling down at her, sitting on her bed, her face.


“Hi, my princess,” he cooed softly.


He helped Hanmi sit up, and Hanmi found out they were not alone.


Jinyoung was standing by her bed, in front of Taemin. He leaned towards her and planted a kiss on her forehead.


“I missed you, jagiya~” said Jinyoung.


Hanmi felt a movement on the other side of her bed and turned to find Niel lying down there. He looked at her and winked.


“Nice bed, too bad I didn’t get to sleep with you here,” said Niel. He, too, planted a kiss on Hanmi, on her cheek this time.


Taemin stood up and made for Youngmin to crawl up to Hanmi until his lips lightly touched hers.


“Hi there, bestfriend!” he smiled.


Hanmi was speechless for a moment. Then she found her voice.


“How-How are you all here? How can I feel you? Aren’t you…dead?” she whispered the last part. She touched Taemin cheek. It was solid.


“You wished we were here, right? And so we are,” said Jinyoung.


“Unless you want only me here,” smirked Niel. “We could have a lot of fun on this bed.”


“ANYWAY, Jinyoung hyung’s right, you wished for us and we are here,” said Youngmin, raising an eyebrow at Niel.


“Maybe it’s something they forgot to tell you,” suggested Taemin.


“I miss you all so much. I didn’t mean to kill you, honestly,” sniffed Hanmi.


“We understand. It must be difficult for you,” said Jinyoung.


“But you shouldn’t have attacked your sister,” said Youngmin, waving a finger in front of Hanmi’s face.


Hanmi lowered her head. “You saw that? I was out of my mind. I didn’t mean to hurt her too. I was just so mad at the fact that it was I who killed you and she kept it all until I killed Youngmin.”


“It was her against their world, Hanmi-yah. She would die if she told you earlier, and no one will be there to tell you. It will be much worse,” said Niel.


Hanmi smiled at all of them. “I guess you’re right.”


“You’re darn right we are,” said Niel.


“And we’re fine up there, ok? We’re enjoying each other’s company. We’re always watching over you,” said Taemin.


“It’s completely ok for us for you to find another lover,” added Jinyoung.


“Oh no, not again. I swear not to love again, and I have all of you now as witnesses,” said Hanmi as she lifted her right hand.


“Are you sure about this?” said Youngmin worriedly. “Now that you’re 18, I bet you can control yourself already.”


“No more risks. I don’t want to kill. I don’t have to marry, anyway. Eunmi can continue the family line. All I want now is to rid myself of this cursed blood,” said Hanmi.


“This is madness,” sighed Niel. “I know you’re trying to be loyal to us, but go on out there and grab a life!”


“I still have my job, Niel-ah,” said Hanmi exasperatedly.


“We have to go, Hanmi-yah,” said Taemin. Light started to infiltrate every crack of the room. “Please make up with you sister. Promise me.” He hugged her tight before letting go altogether.


“I promise, Taemin oppa,” said Hanmi. Tears started welling up in her eyes again.


“Don’t cry for us anymore, please?” said Jinyoung, wiping away his girlfriend’s tears.


“That I’ll promise you oppa, but I’ll miss you,” sniffed Hanmi before swallowing up her cries.


“Never forget us, ok? We’ll never forget you,” said Niel, placing a kiss on her cheek again.


“Never, oppa. Not in a million years.”


The others were starting to fade. Youngmin was last.


“Favor, Hami-yah? Look in on Kwangmin sometime, ok? Both of you make sure the other is ok,” said Youngmin.


“Yes, oppa. I love you.”


“I love you too.”


Slowly, one by one, each of her precious boys faded from view. Youngmin’s words hung in the air even after he disappeared. Then Hanmi remembered her promise to Taemin.


She slowly got out of her room and found her sister sipping coffee. At the sight of Hanmi, Eunmi lowered her head.


Hanmi shyly wrapped her arms around her sister.


“I’m so sorry, unnie. I didn’t know what I was doing. You were protecting me. Will you forgive me?” Hanmi whipered.


Eunmi smiled and rubbed her sister’s arms. “Of course, sis. Now sit down and eat. You have work today.”


But troubles were far from over. After making up with her sister, it wasn’t the black-outs that bothered Hanmi anymore. It was the nightmares of how each of her boyfriends died, from Taemin, to Jinyoung, to Niel, to Youngmin, and back again to Taemin. Hanmi began to dread falling asleep.


And now our story goes back to the present.


(A/N: Remember? This was a looooong flashback, and now we’re going back to the present. ;D)

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Congrats on the feature! :3
yoohooshop #2
congrats on the feature~
congrats c:
Congratulations on the random feature!
Congratulations! :)
That_Inspirit #6
Congrats on the random feature!
congrats! c: /throws love
Congrats on being random featured :)
Chapter 14: I really like the ending!
HAHA! I love the ending!