Worlds Apart

Together Forever

"So.. what are we going to do with those two?" Sana asked.


"I have an plan." Jeongyeon answered as a tiny smirk appears on her flawless features.


"JYP High is having an arts festival in two days time. We'll all be there, it'll be fun!" Con-woman Jeongyeon grinned mischievously as all sorts of scenarios flooded through her mind. "Though, you might wanna leave out certain details from Mina."


With that, much to Jeongyeon's amusement, an equally devilish smirk was very quickly evident on Sana's lovely features.






A loud thud of something heavy landing against the wooden floor caught the attention of a pint-sized girl squatting as she leaned against the wall next to her room. Looking up with an uninterested expression, she glanced over nonchalantly at the taller girl who had thrown her bag on the floor and was now taking off her shoes at the doorway.

"What?" Jeongyeon asked flatly when she found the girl staring at her. "Are you that lazy you can't even go to your room to rest?" She smirks as she bends over to pick up her bag and moved towards the younger girl.

"I'm not lazy, you giant!" The younger girl shouted back, standing up preparing for a fight with squared shoulders, only to earn a dismissive chuckle from the older.

"I'm not that big, you're just tiny. Seventeen and still not growing any taller. Gwiyeowo~" Jeongyeon sneered jokingly before she pounced onto the younger girl squishing her cheeks. The smaller girl slapped away Jeongyeon's hands, which constantly found its way back to her face, she growl fiercely at her.

"Ah~ Unnie stop that!" She whined. The struggle continued on for several moments before the younger girl screamed for backup, "Omma!!! She's making fun of my size again!"

"Did you clean your room yet?" Came the reply as a surprisingly young-looking woman with long dark messy hair appeared at the end of the narrow hallway.

Jeongyeon looked down at the girl, her hands now cupping the younger girls face, as she peered over the girl's head into said room. "You cleaned your room? You?"

"Yeah I what?" The small girl crossed her arms and looked away freeing herself from the pair of strong hands with a huff.

"Chaeyoung, don't be rude to your Sister." Her mother told her off abruptly, rapping her on the top of her head with one hand, making Chaeyoung wince and cringe back.

"Looks clean to me though. Good job Chaeng." Jeongyeon complimented while patting her younger sister's head.

Chaeyoung beamed delightedly at the praise from her older sister, while their Mother swiftly slipped past them and entered the cramped room. At first sight, it was indeed impressively neat and tidy, clean enough to pass a visual inspection. However, that facade was completely shattered the moment she opened the cabinet. There was a slight pause, then everything from paint brushes to palm-sized canvases and even pairs of shoes within flowed out and crashed onto the ground.

"Omo." Jeongyeon murmured with amusement as Chaeyoung winced once more, now hiding behind her older sister, she prepared to get a earful for simply moving all her mess into a different space instead.

"YOO CHAEYOUNG!!" The older lady bellowed at her daughter, turning onto the pathetically shrinking girl, who answered weakly. "Yes, Omma?"

"You call this cleaning?!" The woman looked ready to explode, but Jeongyeon quickly stepped forward to prevent the disaster.

"Calm down, Omma." Jeongyeon slid in between her fuming mother and a pathetic-looking Yoo Chaeyoung, the tiny girl now taking full advantage of her size (or lack thereof) to take refuge behind her taller and suddenly more reliable sister.

"At least she made an effort..." Jeongyeon tried to smooth the situation over as Chaeyoung peeped up from behind her back to nod vigorously at the statement.

Taking a deep breath, the mother of the two girls calmed down, although her expression said otherwise that she wasn't simply going to let it go without consequences. A smirk crept onto her lips as she walked towards the girls.

"Are you hungry? You must have had a long day at work." Mrs Yoo said sweetly towards her older daughter, completely leaving Chaeyoung aside for the moment. Jeongyeon shrugged.

"Wasn't so bad." The young mother nodded with a tired half-smile while ignoring her youngest daughter, who was beginning to pout. She directed them out of the once again messy room.

Mrs Yoo commented coolly, "Dinner will be ready in half an hour, so go get washed up before that." Finally sparing a glance at her pouting younger daughter, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

"You, on the other hand, better get your room cleaned up by dinner time, or no dinner for you."

Chaeyoung sulked slightly, slouching as she turned back to her room, thinking.

'Hmph, as if I care about dinner...I can always ask Tzuyu to save me some of her dinner and sneak over later...'

Chaeyoung smirked triumphantly to herself as she made backup plans for her dinner. Mrs Yoo led Jeongyeon down the hallway to the girl's room, informing her daughters of the night's menu nonchalantly.

"By the way, grandma felt energised today, she cooked dinner."

Chaeyoung ran back out into the hallway with eyes sparkling. "Halmeoni?" She asked breathlessly, being a er for her beloved grandmother's scrumptious cooking.


"Oh and I got us some ice cream for dessert too, it was on sale~" Mrs Yoo continued in a singing tone.

"Ice Cream??" Chaeyoung repeated after her Mother, her eyes sparkled even more with anticipation.

"Only after you clean your room." Mrs Yoo smirked. "Don't be too long about it, there might not be any left for you if you take too long~"









The repetitive and irritant noise of constant tapping against the flimsy excuse of a window startled the half sleeping Momo, she sprang herself off from the floor causing sheets of developed photos sprawled all over her room. She looked at the mess in annoyance as she mentally cursed herself for falling asleep while sorting out the photo prints.

Momo then glanced over with slight annoyance towards the source of the disturbance and spotted two familiar figures waving frantically at her with over exaggerating wide grins plastered on their faces. The Yoo sisters stood outside of her house along the corridor of the old apartment which she shared with her father.

"We'll be at our usual spot." Having thin walls had it conveniences. Jeongyeon called out casually, lifting up a bag full of beverages, to which Momo gave a quick nod of acknowledgement and went back to re-arranging the mess she created on the floor.

After wrapping up her work, the blonde decided to a quick change of atire before heading out. She slipped into a black hoodie and tattered denim shorts while calling out to her father informing him that she was heading out then shuffled her way out of the rundown looking building, towards the mentioned usual spot.

Through the restricted area, she leaped off the tall barrier which led towards an abandoned jetty. The mixed smell of salt and old metal lingered in the air, filling her sense, as Momo plopped herself down beside her childhood buddies. She nudged Jeongyeon suggestively as she eyed the two younger girls sharing a bento, to which Jeongyeon simply shrugged in response gulping down the can of beer in her hand.

A sulky looking Chaeyoung opened wide as food was being fed to her by her closest friend and neighbour Chou Tzuyu. The pint-sized girl clearly wasn't happy about not being able to have things go her way back at home, though no complaints was heard from her since she was being treated like a toddler at this very moment.

"Awww my favourite adorable maknae couple, aigoo so cute!" Momo ruffled both girls heads with a sneaky grin.

"Ah~ Unnie~ My hair!" Tzuyu whined loudly with a pout while Chaeyoung slapped the hand away from her head shifting her body to glare and raise her voice at the older defensively protesting that they were best of friends and not a couple. Momo chuckled in amusement and took a seat next to Jeongyeon helping herself to a can of beer as well.

Thus, this was a normal routine for the four young girls, well whenever time allowed them of course. Ever since they were kids and since they all stayed a block away from each other, they would occasionally spend their nights together enjoying the serenity, watching the waters splash around as they enjoyed each other's company.

"Momo unnie, we're having our annual arts festival at school tomorrow. You'll come?" Tzuyu handed Chaeyoung the packed food, turning her doe eyes towards the older blonde.

"Yeah unnie please come? I'm in charge of the painting booth!" Chaeyoung added gleaming with pride.

"Arasso" Momo replied casually to her friends, relaxing her tensed body against the rail as she enjoys the cool night breeze, "there's gonna be food though right?" She shifts her body back upright swiftly facing the younger girls as she focused her gaze upon them with such intensity.

Food was a necessity, food was life, and yes food was definitely the most important deciding factor for our beloved eating MOchine.

Chaeyoung deadpanned and answered in the most monotonous way ever, "It's a festival unnie, of course there's food."

"Well then, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Momo grinned, completely ignoring the younger of the Yoo's current displeased expression.

"Yah! Can't you for once not make a decision with your stomach?" Jeongyeon joked, smacking the blonde hard while roaring with her infectious laughter. Which of course triggered a loud whiny scream from a pouting Momo before she began slapping the pixie haired on the arm in retaliation.




Jeongyeon took another gulp of the beer she bought, relaxing against the cool breeze. She turned her attention to the younger who was also downing the can of bitter alcohol. Smirking, she deliberately swung her arm elbowing the blonde right in the stomach, with as little force as she could control of course.

Momo coughed, almost choking on her drink. "You trying to kill me?!" The younger exaggerates dramatically, one hand rubs against her chest soothing herself.

"Five days is way too long don't you think?" The older states calmly focusing back towards the soft waves of the sea. The deafening silence was a clear indication that the blonde didn't want to talk, but Jeongyeon was never one to give up that easily. "Why don't you just give her a call?"

"What's the point in that?" Momo sighed throwing her beer can aside before opening another, knowing very well she wouldn't be able to escape Jeongyeon at this point. She could feel the piercing pair of eyes against her skin, waiting for an explanation to her response.


"What's that supposed to mean?" 

Letting out another sigh, Momo reached into her pocket for her phone, she tapped and swiped her finger around the screen several times before shoving the device to the pixie haired brunette. She hugged her knees and slouched forward to rest her head onto her arms, she watch the calm waves continuously swaying about. Momo wasn't the kind who cared much about appearances or ranks, but given the current revelation when she chanced upon that particular article she couldn't help but get affected somehow.

"Wow.. Miyoui as in the Miyoui Jewels?" Jeongyeon gasped in awe, recalling once when she wanted to get the jewellery for her mother's birthday. But she gave up and bought flowers instead, realising that she would never be able to afford the priceless looking accessories, no matter how long she clocked in at work. She did the math before, it was close to impossible.

"I knew she was from a well off family, she had this aura around her, but I didn't know she was the daughter of the founder." And Momo just hummed in agreement.

"So then what's the problem? Just because she's rich? That's just her Father, love knows no boundaries Momo-ya" The older girl states sincerely, to which the blonde scoffed and rolled her eyes in response.

"It means we both live in different worlds Jeong."






"What is so important about this high school event again?" Mina groaned, suspiciously eyeing the raven haired girl who was practically dragging the stubborn and reluctant Mina into the bus towards the said high school.

Sana simply gave the younger a smile that could possibly cause diabetes, as she occupies the empty seats and pulled Mina down along with her. "Come on Mina-chan it'll be fun. Besides, it's a chance for us to meet people, maybe even find that special someone to finally spend Valentines with!" She went on as her features turning serious in an instant, "you do remember how sad and lonely our Valentines was every single year don't you? We cuddled and cried our eyes out together in my room remember?"

"I didn't cry." The younger girl looked away, embarrassed. "And you're solution is to aim for underaged teenagers?!" Mina scowled.

"We're not that much older, Mina-chan. And besides, no harm getting to know more people. Who knows, Prince Charming might even be at the festival tonight!" Sana jokes. "You totally cried by the way, I remember very clearly."

The red head was more of an introvert as compared to her unrestrained counterpart. She usually didn't mind being left alone, be it on a overly publicised special day or not.

"No. If it's not Momo, I don't want anybody else." She admits in a quiet murmur. Shrinking back further into her seat, Mina sulked, dropping her gaze down at her fingers with a pout.

"Ehhh?" Sana stared at Mina wide-eyed mostly surprised at her best friend's confession. "What are you, five?"

Neither of them had experienced the complications when it came to the matters of the heart, not yet anyway. But now that Mina was somewhat going through the process of it, the older girl couldn't seem to recognise the girl before her eyes. Mina had always been a quiet and mature girl, never objective and always going along with whatever people told her to do without any complaints. Well, maybe just a grumble or two but it was always kept to herself in silence. Thus this is came as a huge surprise to Sana, it never occurred to her that Mina would turn into such a tantrum child when it came to love.

Which made it so much more interesting for the older girl as she thought of all sorts of ways to play matchmaker once again.


A/U: I'm back~ Sorry for yet another cliff hanger, MiMo moments is up next I swear! 

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zlnzx_ #1
Chapter 9: please Update Soon Authornim Hwaiting:-(^_^
Chapter 9: I hope that you could continue this story authornim ;)
Chapter 9: Authornim, i like this story. Pls update soon.
1241 streak #4
Chapter 9: It's okay author-ssi, we'll wait for it ;)
Chapter 8: "Mimo moments is up next I swear!" *5 months later* "I swear guys it's coming soon!"


Anyway, this was really cute and I can't wait for them to settle things between them like MOMO PLEASE JUST BECAUSE YOU GUYS HAVE DIFFERENT CLASS OR STATUS DOESNT MEAN ITS NOT MEANT TO BE I am such a mimo trash istg
1241 streak #6
Chapter 8: The cutie smol bean is so cute!Hahaha..only cares for food,as expected from our eating and dancing MOchine XD cant wait for MiMo to meet soon :) tq for update ^^
Aiza_marie #7
Chapter 7: Yeyyyyyy!!!!!!! Can't wait for another chapter
1241 streak #8
Chapter 7: SaJeong in action!well,that pabo need some help to make her realize bout her true feeling towards Mina,keke..tq for update ^^
evylrss #9
Chapter 6: Ottoke~~~~~
I loved
Update soon :)
318 streak #10
Chapter 6: I love it!! More MiMO stories please. Thank you :D ♥