Little Devil Matchmaker

Together Forever

Mina watched as a charming yet adorable looking blonde, dressed in all black with an apron around her waist down, bowed her head in front of customers. She flashed them fake smiles and welcomed the new customers, ushering them to their seats.


'She looks so cute in that apron...'


Mina awed over a girl whom she had met just over a week ago, already completely smitten, her gaze continued to stay glued onto Momo.


"Welcome, Table for two?"


"Right this way please." Momo served yet another customer who entered the restaurant with the same fake smile plastered onto her face. She strode past Mina's table, flashing the younger with a comical expression, a wide grin with all her teeth apparent, before going back to her 'work face' forcing a small chuckle from the younger girl.


'What a dork... my cute little dork.'


"You're drooling Minachan." Sana said casually as she glanced though the menu.


"Eh?" Mina lifted her hand to with one quick motion, "No I'm not!" She yelled at her friend then picking up the menu as well, not particularly looking at the menu but to hide her embarrassment, while Sana almost toppled off her seat from laughing too much.


Mina then stared at the menu in a daze while she traced the tip of her glass in a circular motion in boredom as she waited for someone to come take their orders, hopefully Momo.


Giggling, Sana looked up from her menu. "So now that I've finally got half of your attention, what are you going to eat? Wait no, don't tell me, I know what you want.. You want a Hirai Momo Set, don't you?" She sneered cheekily at her long time friend who had completely gone red from a furious blushing syndrome.


"Hey, what can I get you guys?" Supposedly, saving Mina from anymore embarrassment, the heavenly voice asked.


"Momo-yah! Finally, I'm starving! I'll have a set C and Minachan wants one... Hira-"


"SET B!" Mina screamed before Sana could finished her sentence, ".. I'll have a set B." She repeated, composing herself as she gave a semi-surprised looking Momo a weak smile.


"Set B and C.. Okay!" Momo flashed them a friendly smile before turning to walk towards the kitchen.


"Don't forget to add more of that sauce for mine!" Sana voiced out. "Yeah yeah, I know." replied Momo nonchalantly brushing off the request as she continued to walk away. Mina on the other hand glared fiercely at Sana and nudged her hard.




"What?? Don't ever do that to me AGAIN!" She hissed while Sana already burst out laughing.


It had just been slightly over a week since Mina had met Momo, and already she was falling head over heels in love with the older girl. Ever since Momo choose Mina as her model, they've been spending all their time together, Sana tagging along of course, gladly taking on the role of their 'matchmaker'.


Although sometimes, Mina did wonder why, and how, she could fall for a girl instead of a guy. There was just something about Momo that made her forget the whole same gender relationship situation. But one thing was for sure, if her family members (especially her mother) ever found out about her currently growing feelings for Momo, she'd probably suffer from a gruesome death.




Momo stretched her arms letting out a big yawn.


"I'm free!!" She yelled out as she stepped out of her work place with arms in the air.


"That's pretty exaggerating of you, considering you’re going to be back here again tomorrow." She heard a voice comment on her actions together with a faint giggle. Momo turned her attention towards the voice that spoke with a surprised look.


"What are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to be home by now?" She asked the two girls who were sitting at a curb nearby the restaurant. The second question directed more towards Mina, as she learned about the younger girl's overprotective parents.


"Minachan's sleeping over at my place tonight." Sana explained briefly with a smile.


Being the daughter of a rich and trusting family, Sana lived alone in the capital of Korea ever since high school. Her mother, a famous Japanese writer, had a job which required her to move all over Japan for a period of time. While her kind and understanding father, followed his wife around the country, giving her all the support and love she needed for her stressful job. He used to work as a business man before his wife suddenly became the Japan's most loved writer.


The family then had to make a very though decision of living apart as Sana strongly refused to move from district to district every now and then, not to mention in a different country away from Mina. She had friends and a life in Seoul, which she couldn't bare to part with. That was when Sana's mother left her an apartment to live and also requested her best friend, who also happened to be Mina's mother, to help to keep an eye on her only daughter.




Not much of an expression could be seen on Momo's face as she replied ever so casually and coolly. Truth be told, it took some time before Momo's tired mind could put two and two together to fully understand what Sana was trying to say.


"Okayy so.. Here," Sana said as she pushed Mina towards Momo like she was an object, while Momo gently caught Mina by the waist out of reflex preventing Mina from falling.


"Have her back by... before daylight? Have fun kids!"


With that, the second oldest girl of the three began to walk away in the opposite direction. The two girls stood dumbfounded staring at Sana's back. Mina, who slowly pushed herself out of Momo's embrace red faced, yelled out to her best friend half in anger, half in confusion. While Momo just stood there, her face still blank with confusion, her mind processing at an extremely slow pace after a day's work.


'Mina sleeping over at Sana's.. So what?'


'Have her back by before daylight?.. Wait what?'


"Jamkkanman! Sana! Yah! Where are you going!!!" Mina shouted after her friend, who apparently tricked the girls, well Mina mostly, seeing as to how Momo was still standing there watching the scene between the two best friends.


"Home. Someone has to cover for you while you go have your fun right?" The older girl shouted back and waved her arm enthusiastically, bidding the two goodbye with a very wide grin.


The girl who took the role of playing the matchmaker between the two girls soon vanished from their views as her dark silhouette strolled further away and finally turning into the corner. Leaving her best friend, Mina, all alone with Momo. The younger, more slender girl stood motionless, her entire body filled with nervousness suddenly. She was afraid to even turn back to face Momo at this point. The last time they were together alone was back when Mina agreed, more like was forced to agree, to help model for Momo.


'What should I do now?... Ottoke??'


Closing her eyes shut, she finally picked up enough courage to face the younger girl. "Erm.." Mina mumbled while opening her eyes...


'Where did she go?'


Turning her head to the right, she saw Momo. Walking slowly down the straight path, totally ignoring the fact that Sana had just practically threw Mina into her arms just a while ago. She stretched her arms in the air once again, and yawned fairly loudly as she walked away.


'I guess she's tired..'


Mina sighed in disappointment, and began to follow the same path Sana had walked, letting Sana's sneaky plans go to waste. Truth be told, Mina was in fact quite excited and thankful for Sana's stupid plan to get herself and Momo alone together. Maybe Momo had never cared so much about Mina's presence? Maybe she just didn't like Mina that way, or maybe Momo had someone else she liked... another girl perhaps? or a guy...


Mina never ever want to know the answers. Maybe.. as long as Mina could just be with Momo, even if it was from afar, that should be blissful enough for her.


"Where are you going?" A slightly deeper voice called after Mina.


"Huh? I thought.." Mina turned her head facing the owner of that voice. Momo was now facing her direction, staring at her with a glint of confusion in her eyes.


"You’re going back to Sana's house?" She asked.


Mina thought for a moment. "... Aniyo!"


There’s no way was she going to let this chance pass her by. She jogged towards Momo and followed the older girl as they began walking further away from the restaurant.


"Momo? Where are we going?"


"Home. I mean my house. I'm covered in all sorts of things, so I want to go home and get refreshed first. You don't mind right?"




The sound of water pouring onto the surface echoed loudly within the small apartment as Mina sat in silence while observing the other very much older Hirai's every move and features. Both father and daughter looked nothing alike, but then the way he move, walked and talked showed the similarities between the two.


"Miyouisan, do want some supper?" He asked Mina with a smile. The same kind smile Momo would give Mina.


"Erm, You can call me Mina, sir. And, yes please." Mina returned a polite smile.


"Haha.. I like you already Mina, finally someone who doesn't bother about late night meals." Hirai Akira laughed as he poured the transparent-brown soup into two bowls containing ramen and brought it over to the table in front of Mina.


"Thank you."


"You know, that skinny thing in there would never touch any of my ramen unless it was in the day time. She'd blame me for making her grow fat and rubbish like that."


Mina laughed softly while looking down at the delicious looking ramen wondering how anyone could ever refuse to eat such addictive looking bowls of ramen.


"I don't know how she managed to grow up so big. All she eats is her beloved Jokbal.."


"DID YOU SAY JOKBAL?!" Momo raised her voice making a dash out to the kitchen when she heard her most favorite food, one might tease the girl for having way too much of an attachment towards the Korean styled meat.


The Jokbal maniac ran out of the bathroom, not to mention half dressed. All that clothed her were her ed tattered jeans, and a loose white T-shirt hanging from her neck. She then suspiciously eyed her father, no sight of the Korean meat found anywhere. Mina who had caught a glimpse of Momo's taunt, rock hard abs, blushed furiously and deciding to turn her attention on the hot ramen in front of her immediately.


"No Jokbal here my dearest daughter, you want some ramen instead? Your friend Mina is brave enough to eat some at this hour of time." He asked sarcastically receiving a glare from his only daughter. "Fine, fine. No ramen for you then." He went back to slurping a huge mouth full of ramen followed by two spoonful of soup.


Momo then noticed Mina's slightly strange behavior, as she quickly buttoned her jeans and put on her shirt, she moved her way towards the dark haired girl sitting on the floor beside the younger one.


"You know.. The ramen is there for you to eat, not to stare at." She told Mina.


Mina looked up at Momo, blushing once again, then back down at her ramen and began digging in. "Oishii!! Ojisan, this is the best ramen ever!" She complimented loudly, well to Mina it was pretty loud, while Hirai Akira nodded happily.


"You’re so lucky to have a father who is such a great cook, Momoring!"


"Momoring?" Both father and daughter questioned in shock. Mina stared at Momo, a sheepish grin appeared on her face.



"Is your father ok? He seemed a very different when I was eating his ramen." Mina asked concerned about Momo's very friendly father whom she had an instant liking to.


"He'll be fine." She replied with a hint of sadness in her eyes, "I vaguely remember but, I think my mom used to call me Momoring. No one called me Momoring ever since..."


"I guess you kind of reminded him of her a little."


Mina fell silent, filled with guilt, although she didn't know that, she felt really bad for what she had unknowingly done. The atmosphere changed while the two walked quietly, Mina deep in thought while Momo observed Mina's every move. It amused her how people would always fall silent when she mentions her mother, not that she would do it for fun or anything, but it just amused her somehow.


"Does that mean.. I can't call you Momoring anymore?" Mina spoke, breaking the silence while Momo turned her head over to look at her. "I thought it was a cute nickname though... “ She went on.


'That was what she was thinking?'


"I.. I don’t mind actually, I quite liked the way you called me that." Momo blushed.


Mina's face brightened, "So I can call you Momoring now on?" She asked once more.


"Yea.. Just, maybe not in front of my dad ok?" Momo gave a shy smile while Mina nodded happily.


They both walked aimlessly down an empty and dark road, side by side in silence once again. Mina looked over at their surroundings and noticed, they were strolling near a lake, a beautiful lake where the moonlight illuminated within the surface of the water letting the faint light shine upon the small shop houses around it.


"Where are we?" She asked her eyes sill fixated on the pretty sight.


"Don't know.. But it sure is pretty here." Momo replied also taking in the unexpectedly beautiful sight.


Letting their feet take the lead, the two girls strolled up a slightly steep slope which leads to a pavement. They followed the path down and saw a stoned bench. Feeling a little tired from walking, they decided to have a rest.


"It's so relaxing here! I should have brought my camera!" Momo said with her arms stretched out as she took a deep breath. Agreeing, Mina closed her eyes and also followed Momo, taking in the breath of fresh air.


They sat there the whole night talking about things that didn't matter and things that they both never really told anyone else. Momo really liked Mina's company, somehow she could be herself around the younger girl. Even if Mina was the one doing most of the talking and Momo just listened, Momo felt that she didn't really need to put up a strong front in front of her. She didn't have to act tough and strong, although she did it sometimes, just to see Mina blushed every once in a while. She just found Mina easy to talk to.


"Oh boy... Sana's going to kill me isn't she?" Momo said while staring at her watch.


"I doubt it.. She adores you too much to actually kill you. Besides, she's probably sleeping by now.." Mina, being a tad bit sleepy, replied absentmindedly.


Both girls slowly stood up from the relaxing bench, and began their walk back from where they came from.


"This is Sana's place.."


"I know.." Momo replied looking up at the tall mansion building, not knowing what to do next. She had walked Mina back to Sana's house as ordered, barely minutes before daylight. Momo followed Mina up into the building, insisting to walk Mina to the doorstep.


Two girls stood outside the doorstep of Sana's apartment, gazing into each others eyes. Both waiting for the other to make a move. They stayed in that same position for the next minute or two before Momo finally managed to open to say something.


"This might be a little too fast but, well.. Can I... erm," She took a deep, shaky, breath and continued to with her question. "Can I.. kiss you?" She managed to asked nervously.


A smile appeared on the latter's face, a smile which made Momo relax a little, she leaned herself closer to Momo, wrapping her arms around the blonde.


"I thought you'd never ask." She whispered softly, gazing deep into the eye's of the older then closing them as she anticipated for Momo's lips to touch hers.


It took a few seconds before Mina felt soft lips pressed gently against hers. It was a sweet and simple, yet passionate and amazing kiss. Mina wanted more, more of her Momoring. Her loosely  wrapped arms tightened around Momo's neck pulling the older in closer as she deepen their very first kiss. Momo on the other hand pulled at Mina's waist diminishing all distance between the two, just like Mina, she too wanted more.


During the best part of the kiss, a soft giggle was heard next to the two lip locked girls. Both girls, very startled and terribly red faced, turn their head to see their matchmaker leaning against the now wide opened door as a smirk appeared of her facial features.


"Go on, don't mind me, I'll be real quiet." Sana whispered, she waved a hand at the two to continue their activities, grinning mischievously.


Mina groaned as she quickly turned her gaze away from her annoying best friend, hiding her face between Momo's neck and shoulder, in complete embarrassment.


"I'll call you." She mumbled into Momo's ear before she released herself from the blonde's embrace and marched into the apartment. Mina harshly pulled at the still grinning Sana along with her, allowing the door to slowly came to a close on its own.




(A/N): I just realised.. more than 100 subs! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUBSCRIBING EVERYONE~~! Saranghaeyo ♥♥♥

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zlnzx_ #1
Chapter 9: please Update Soon Authornim Hwaiting:-(^_^
Chapter 9: I hope that you could continue this story authornim ;)
Chapter 9: Authornim, i like this story. Pls update soon.
1241 streak #4
Chapter 9: It's okay author-ssi, we'll wait for it ;)
Chapter 8: "Mimo moments is up next I swear!" *5 months later* "I swear guys it's coming soon!"


Anyway, this was really cute and I can't wait for them to settle things between them like MOMO PLEASE JUST BECAUSE YOU GUYS HAVE DIFFERENT CLASS OR STATUS DOESNT MEAN ITS NOT MEANT TO BE I am such a mimo trash istg
1241 streak #6
Chapter 8: The cutie smol bean is so cute!Hahaha..only cares for food,as expected from our eating and dancing MOchine XD cant wait for MiMo to meet soon :) tq for update ^^
Aiza_marie #7
Chapter 7: Yeyyyyyy!!!!!!! Can't wait for another chapter
1241 streak #8
Chapter 7: SaJeong in action!well,that pabo need some help to make her realize bout her true feeling towards Mina,keke..tq for update ^^
evylrss #9
Chapter 6: Ottoke~~~~~
I loved
Update soon :)
318 streak #10
Chapter 6: I love it!! More MiMO stories please. Thank you :D ♥