Pabo and The Help

Together Forever

My apologies for the delay!!  No excuses, I just got stuck with this story. Sorry if it's messy, I'll edit the lines etc later. Uploading with my ipad which really s**ks big time! Well hope you enjoy~~





Mina stared intensely at her phone, brows cringed in a mixture of heartache and disappointment as her eyes started to water a little. It's been four days since she last saw or heard from Momo. Four excruciatingly long days since their first kiss together. She shrugged it off at first thinking that the older girl could have been busy with work or school, but now it began to frustrate the younger girl.

Why didn't Momo answer Mina's calls?

Why wouldn't Momo call Mina?

Why didn't Momo come see Mina?

Mina knew that Momo was avoiding her, the younger girl constantly probed her best friend if she saw Momo in school, to which Sana would always tell her in all honesty that she hasn't seen the blonde haired girl anywhere in school lately. She roamed around the older girl's campus in hopes of running into her but to no avail. She even went down to the restaurant to check for herself to make sure nothing bad happened to the blonde, and that's when she knew that the older was avoiding her.

She stood hidden in a corner outside as she eyed the busy restaurant, watching as the older girl did her job without any problems whatsoever. She glared in anger as she watched Momo conversing happily with her co-workers, who in fact were all ridiculously gorgeous to make things worst, and they were all definitely enjoying the attention Momo gave them. Thus, resulting with an extremely upset Mina marching away vowing that she hated Momo now, and didn't want anything to do with the blonde.

And yet here she is, still staring doe eyed at her phone which was showing Momo's name followed by a heart symbol next to it. Mina couldn't bring herself to delete the contact, neither could she stop herself from thinking constantly about the beautiful blonde. 

Mina dug her face into her fluffy white-laced pillow as she let out a frustrated scream. She hated this, Mina wanted an explanation, no, she demanded for it. Any excuse no matter how lame is better than being left hanging at this point.

"Still nothing?" Sana peered over the door concerned.

Mina shook her head muffled out a soft 'no' in response, face still buried deep into her pillow. With that, she was taken into Sana's warm embrace as her best friend showered her with words of comfort.

"Come on, I'm sleeping over. We're going to have ice cream and we're going to watch Harry Potter, your favourite." Sana instructed as she signalled for Mina to go freshen up first. 

"And no, we're not having ketchup with ice cream. Ew." That being said, Mina crawled her way to her bathroom with a pout while Sana went to get ice cream.


Even though Mina was still completely whipped for Momo, she wouldn't know how she'd ever live if she didn't have Sana by her side.






"Aren't you hungry?" Momo's long time friend asked.


The younger girl hadn't touched the bowl of noodles which was quickly turning soft before her while Jeongyeon, on the other hand, had already gulped the soup in her bowl down to the very last drop. 

"Momo?" Putting down her bowl satisfyingly, she turned her gaze upon her unresponsive friend with a hint of concern apparent for the younger girl in a daze.

Jeonyeon waved a hand in front of Momo's face then proceeded to smack her forehead, pretty hard in fact, causing the daughter of the ramen shop owner to fall back against her chair wincing in pain.


"Yah! That hurt!" Momo retorted glaring at her friend.

"I'm going to finish that if you're not going to touch it." Jeongyeon growled back.

She rubbed her forehead with a pout as she caught a glimpse of Jeongyeon leaning over in an attempt to steal her bowl of ramen. "Go ahead.." Momo mumbled in response.

Jeongyeon instantly pulled away from the bowl the moment she heard the response, the younger of the two would never disregard food especially when it was right it front of her. Something just wasn't right with the blonde, the older girl knew Momo well enough to know that if food was ever rejected, something was terribly bothering the blonde.

"Alright spill. What did that girl do to you?" Jeongyeon hissed at Momo, eager to know what on earth happened between her best friend and the girl who's name she simply couldn't recall.

"She has a name Jeongyeon-yah. It's Mina." Momo glared back. "And we... you know... w-we kissed." she continued, fumbling with her words and dropped her gaze intensely back down on to the table, finally deciding to dig in as she gobbled up her lunch. 

Jaw dropped and wide-eyed, "You what?!" Jeongyeon yelled, startling other customers seated around the duo with the sudden outburst. 

"Wow.." the older girl gawked. "Impatient are we?" She spat out. 

And here she was struggling like a fool with her own miserable love life, never ever expecting Momo to be so much more bolder than herself. Jeongyeong continued to stare at her in astonishment. 

Momo sprang up at Jeongyeon's words, her eyes filled with shock. "But it doesn't matter anyway. It was all just an illusion." 

And once again Jeongyeon watched as the pair of eyes dulled, turning blank and staring out into nothing.






Jeongyeon let out a loud sigh as she slouched behind the counter, bored to death while she doodled randomly on her order chit, trying to look busy during her shift. It was Momo's off day which meant that the younger was elsewhere earning extra money with her freelance photography gigs. Work was just plain boring without a certain blonde to tease at.

She pondered over Momo's words earlier that day, what did she mean by 'an illusion'? Unfortunately for her, before she could probe any further, the younger had made a run for it mumbling something about work as usual. 


They've known each other since kids, and Jeongyeon knew well enough that when something was bothering Momo, the younger would to find an escape route until the whole ordeal was long forgotten. 

And so, now it's up to Jeongyeon to get to the bottom of things. Call it best friend duties or just being the responsible one of the two, it was always Jeongyeon who was left to clean up the younger blonde's mess.

"Welcome!" Her colleague yells over from the other end, alerting Jeongyeon of an approaching customer. The short haired girl fixes her posture quickly as she mimicked the same greeting facing the entrance. 

"Hi... Jeongyeon was it?" A raven haired beauty bowed politely with a sweet smile.

The older was slightly curious as to why the girl knew her name, and why the girl looked so familiar. 'Name tag you dummy' she mentally concluded and shrugged it off. 

"Yes, welcome. Table for one?" Jeongyeon greeted back politely with a bow as well.

The shorter girl let out a tiny giggle as she shook her head in response, "actually I was hoping I could talk to you in private? If it's convenient. It's about Momo."

Jeongyeon's eyes widened as if a light bulb lit up brightly in her mind. "You're Mina!" she exclaimed.

Shaking her head as she giggled once again, the raven haired girl gave an amused glance over at the taller. "Not Mina... I'm Sana." She introduced herself to the now confused looking Jeongyeon. 

"Oh god, how many girls is that pabo Momo involved with?!" 

Sana couldn't stop from laughing out loud at this point. It's no wonder those two were such best of friends, their both air heads at times in the most adorable way.



"Five days?" Jeongyeon exclaimed, making a mental checklist to smack her best friend silly when she sees the blonde again.

"I take it she hasn't mentioned her reasons to you then." Sana concludes after observing the older girl's reaction.

"I'm sure she has her reasons, that pabo isn't the type of person who toys with people's feelings. She just has this habit of keeping everything to herself and avoiding complicated situations at all costs, something she's picked up over the years during the time her Mother passed."

Jeongyeon's gaze made its way down into the floor as she recalled the past and how Momo struggled with everything as her world crumbled around her. 

"You two are really close aren't you." Sana smiled at the older girl, relieved that Momo has such a good friend by her side, just like how Mina has Sana.

"Same goes to you, coming all the way down here to help your friend." Jeongyeon returns the smile. "And besides, without me around to beat the living crap out of that pabo, she'd be a completely lost child."

Sana giggled ever so softly, "so.. what are we going to do with those two?" Sana asked. 

A part of Sana really wanted the two of her friends to work out, they were perfect for each other– in her opinion. She's grown really fond of the idea of the couple, and even came up with a ship name for them (which I'm sure you all know very well of), heck she even ambushed them with her sneaky plan once. Though the ambush now back fired against her, she turned her gaze onto Jeongyeon for some assistance, this was a job that required more help than Sana thought.

"I have an plan." Jeongyeon answered as a tiny smirk appears on her flawless features.






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zlnzx_ #1
Chapter 9: please Update Soon Authornim Hwaiting:-(^_^
Chapter 9: I hope that you could continue this story authornim ;)
Chapter 9: Authornim, i like this story. Pls update soon.
1241 streak #4
Chapter 9: It's okay author-ssi, we'll wait for it ;)
Chapter 8: "Mimo moments is up next I swear!" *5 months later* "I swear guys it's coming soon!"


Anyway, this was really cute and I can't wait for them to settle things between them like MOMO PLEASE JUST BECAUSE YOU GUYS HAVE DIFFERENT CLASS OR STATUS DOESNT MEAN ITS NOT MEANT TO BE I am such a mimo trash istg
1241 streak #6
Chapter 8: The cutie smol bean is so cute!Hahaha..only cares for food,as expected from our eating and dancing MOchine XD cant wait for MiMo to meet soon :) tq for update ^^
Aiza_marie #7
Chapter 7: Yeyyyyyy!!!!!!! Can't wait for another chapter
1241 streak #8
Chapter 7: SaJeong in action!well,that pabo need some help to make her realize bout her true feeling towards Mina,keke..tq for update ^^
evylrss #9
Chapter 6: Ottoke~~~~~
I loved
Update soon :)
318 streak #10
Chapter 6: I love it!! More MiMO stories please. Thank you :D ♥