First Encounter

Together Forever

The story takes place two years ago, back when two girls were just in their first year of university.

"Neomu mashisoyo! Ajussi, this is the best ramen I've ever tasted!"

A man who was in his mid-forties, with very short dark hair and a fairly fit body, gave a laugh and gave a nod, showing his appreciation.

"Of course it is. It's my father's cooking, no other ramen shop in the world can beat his ramen." Momo replied casually to, her best friend, Yoo Jeongyeon's over reaction while she gave her father an assuring smile. 

He smiled at the comment by his daughter in delight, as he cut the water from the noodles continuing to serve customers on his little ramen shop along the corner of the busy street within Seoul. He was glad his daughter appreciated what he did. When Momo's mother, a very beautiful and compassionate lady, passed away, many people whom he had acquainted with had always advised him to get a proper job for the sake of his daughter. Especially for a middle-aged Japanese man choosing to sell Japanese ramen in Korea. That was when Momo reassured her dearest father, that he should do whatever he wanted, and that she would be just fine. The sweet young girl, never fussy and never materialistic but a very understanding and caring child. Everyday Hirai Akira thanked god for such a sweet and understanding daughter.

The two lived a simple life together, and they stayed in a small apartment. Mr Hirai managed to pull though just enough for the two of them with his precious street ramen shop which was recently, growing with popularity. His daughter, Momo, not wanting to burden her ever so hard working father, works part time at a family restaurant to pay for her university fees. Momo is a student in JYP University School of the Arts, majoring in Photography.

"Thank you for the food! We got to go for work now! See ya dad!" Momo said in a hurry, stood up from her chair and began to rush down the street.

"You didn't even finish your ramen yet!" Hirai Akira bellowed after his daughter.

Jeongyeon who was already on Momo's heels, ran back in to slurp one, maybe two, last mouths full of ramen before running after Momo.

"Now I'm done. Thanks Ajussi! Bye."

"Bye girls!" He sighed and went back to work.



Momo ran at top speed down the bustling streets of Seoul, dodging every now and then to avoid colliding with anyone. That was when she saw it, though the glass window. She had never seen anything so beautiful ever before in her entire life. Red in color, 24 mega pixels, high resolution LCD monitor screen, lens mount with perfection. The Nikkon D3400 attracted so much of Momo's attention that the long haired blonde couldn't see what or who was in front of her anymore.


"Itai" A girl mumbled under her breath.
Momo had fallen on her front with her arms supporting her body out of reflex. She looked down to find a very pretty girl with long reddish dark hair laying in between her arms glaring back at her. Momo stared back at her, thinking that this girl was the most, no maybe the second most, beautiful thing she has ever seen that day.

"Your pretty." Momo unknowingly muttered out loud as she continued to stare at the girl's beauty.

"Erm thanks," she blushed at the compliment, "but can you get off me please?"

"Oh.. OH, sorry. Sorry!" Momo got up from the floor and gave her jeans a quick brush or two wiping off any dirt that attracted itself onto her jeans, before she stretched out her hand to help the girl up from the floor. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." The girl replied softly, allowing the blonde to lift her up from her position. She took a quick glance towards her aggressor before squatting back down to pick up everything she dropped. Sheets of papers with vague drawings of girls and a few colored pens and pencils was scattered on the floor around the two. Momo joined her to help, "Your drawings are... nice." trying to make small talk, the taller girl stacked the pieces of paper together and handed it over to the girl.

"No it's not.." She said sounding slightly annoyed.

"Sorry.. But why draw only girls?"

The slender girl rolled her eyes ever so slightly and replied, "It's called fashion designing."


"I'm Hira-" Momo opened , wanting to continue their little conversation and introducing herself when she heard someone shouting at them.

"Yah! What are you doing? You'll be late!" Momo glanced at the familiar voice and noticed Jeongyeon finally caught up with her then zoomed past her towards the family restaurant. She looked at her watch and her eyes widened. "Holy !!"

"Erm.. Sorry about just now. I’m really sorry. Bye!" She apologized for the umpteenth time and went dashing off towards Jeongyeon's direction, leaving the girl who confusingly waved goodbye to Momo.



"I'm home!" Miyoui Mina shouted to no one in particular, announcing her arrival like she always does as she took off her heeled shoes and stepped into the two storied house.

"You’re late. Where have you been?" The voice of a woman shouted back.

"Mama... I was only ten minutes late." Mina said as she walked over to her mother in the kitchen and stood beside her at the kitchen stove taking a peek into the pot which her mother had been busy stirring.

"Ten minutes is still late, you never know what can happen in ten minutes. You could get kidnapped or meet some bad guy. So, what did you do, with who and why were you ten minutes late?" Mina's mother nagged.

"Relax Mama, I'm here now aren't I? See, " Mina smiled at the mother while she gently wrapped her arm around the slightly shorter petite lady, "no one kidnapped me. I just missed the bus and had to wait a little longer that’s all."

"Hmm.. Really? Then next time call if you miss the bus. So I wouldn't have to worry so much."

"Hai hai, ok Mama." Mina nodded assuring her mother and peered into the pot once again taking whiff of it's aroma. "Mmmm! Curry!"

"Yes, I'm cooking your favorite beef curry, so go clean yourself up before dinner." She said with a slightly strict tone.

Mina smiled happily and planted a kiss on her mothers left cheek as she removed her arm from her mother's shoulders and ran out to the living room towards the staircase, she greeted her father who had just came home before dashing up into her room.

"So Minachan, how was your day?"

"Oh it was great Papa! Sanachan-"

"Mina, don't talk with your mouth full. It's not lady like at all." Mrs Miyoui interrupted Mina as she sat on the chair in a very poised manner.

The family of three sat at the dinning table eating together. Mina was brought up in a fairly rich family, with a father who dotes on her very much and a mother who was overly protective over Mina. She had grown up with everything she need and didn't need. In other words, one might claim Mina to be a spoiled child as she could get what ever she wanted, when ever she wanted. Yet she did not have such qualities of a spoilt child due to the strict upbringing by her mother who was a very conservative lady who believed girls should behave elegantly, treat everyone with respect, and be loyal to their loved one always.

"Yes Mama, sorry." Mina said as she swallowed down her food.

"Now you may go ahead and continue your story. I am sure you father wants to know what happened to his precious daughter today." The lady smiled at her husband and quietly continued with her dinner.

Mina told everything that happened that day to her father happily. Even though it was through their dinner time, Mina just loved how her father would spare time from his busy schedule just to listen to her ramble about simple things like how her day was. She went on about her day in school as a fashion design student in JYP University, and how her best friend Minatozaki Sana was just in the faculty next to hers, and also about the incident that happened on her way home.

"What? Someone crashed into you making you fall down, and you didn't do anything about it? Are you hurt? Did that guy do anything to you? How ungentlemanly of him to crash into a girl like that. He had better not lay a hand on my daughter or I would personally go to the police and..."

"Mama? I'm fine, it was just an accident. That person wasn't looking straight that’s all." Mina assured her mother who surprisingly over reacted. She didn't even bother to correct the gender of the person who had crashed into her either since she knew she'd never see her again. But then Mina just couldn't help notice how unbelievably gorgeous the other girl looked when she kept staring at her.

Will I ever see you again?





(A/N): Wow, thanks for subscribing! I really wasn't expecting any subs just yet. And I apologise if there were any grammatical errors, my writing isn't that good.. next chapter will be up tomorrow!! I will definitely try to update as regularly as possible.. and lastly comment please! thanks!!


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zlnzx_ #1
Chapter 9: please Update Soon Authornim Hwaiting:-(^_^
Chapter 9: I hope that you could continue this story authornim ;)
Chapter 9: Authornim, i like this story. Pls update soon.
1241 streak #4
Chapter 9: It's okay author-ssi, we'll wait for it ;)
Chapter 8: "Mimo moments is up next I swear!" *5 months later* "I swear guys it's coming soon!"


Anyway, this was really cute and I can't wait for them to settle things between them like MOMO PLEASE JUST BECAUSE YOU GUYS HAVE DIFFERENT CLASS OR STATUS DOESNT MEAN ITS NOT MEANT TO BE I am such a mimo trash istg
1241 streak #6
Chapter 8: The cutie smol bean is so cute!Hahaha..only cares for food,as expected from our eating and dancing MOchine XD cant wait for MiMo to meet soon :) tq for update ^^
Aiza_marie #7
Chapter 7: Yeyyyyyy!!!!!!! Can't wait for another chapter
1241 streak #8
Chapter 7: SaJeong in action!well,that pabo need some help to make her realize bout her true feeling towards Mina,keke..tq for update ^^
evylrss #9
Chapter 6: Ottoke~~~~~
I loved
Update soon :)
318 streak #10
Chapter 6: I love it!! More MiMO stories please. Thank you :D ♥