Oh My Venus

I Want You
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Rosé's POV


    Omg omg omg omg omg. What do I do? What do I wear? Should I get help? I should get help. Yeah. I'll do that, "Lisa!" I yelled into my phone as soon as Lisa answered the call.

    "What's up, Ro?" She sounded like she had just woke up.

    "I don't know what to wear and everything is all over the place and I'm really nervous. What do I do?" I was babbling by this point, but Lisa could always keep up. We are best friends afterall.

    "Ok, calm. I'll come right over." I heard shuffling in the background.

    "Fine. Just call me when you get here. The evil witch is home and I don't want to awaken the darkness," Lisa laughed over the phone.

    "Ok. Be there in 10."

    "See you, love you, bye." I blew a kiss into the phone and ended the call. Lisa was one of the few people that have been to my house and she's also one of the few people that have seen my step-mother's true colors. Lisa has offered me a room in the apartment she lives in with Ten, but I didn't want to be a burden... plus, I didn't want to see all that lovey dovey stuff everyday. Yes. They're always like that.

    It's a little past 10 minutes, and my text tone dinged. I ran down the stairs as quietly as possible and unlocked the door for my friend. Her smiling face came into view and she quickly picked her shoes off the ground and carried them into my room; can't have any evidence out for the witch, "ok, so what do you need help with?"

    "Were you not listening to me over the phone?" I raised an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes.

    "I was half asleep, ok? Anyway, what did you need?"

    "Help me pick out an outfit and doll me up," Lisa put her hands to , trying to contain the impending squeal threatening to come out. I sighed, "just this once, I will let you do my makeup." She picked up one of my pillows and brought it to her face, hugging the other half into her chest. Her legs were all over the place and a muffled "AHHH" was all the noise there was.

    She stood up after finishing whatever the heck she was doing with a wide smile, "shall we get started?"

    "Don't over do it, Lalisa."

    "Of course I won't. I'll just accentuate your natural beauty," she winked and walked into my closet. After a few minutes, she came back out and stared straight at me, "none of these are date worthy."

    "What? I thought I had a pretty good sense of style..."

    "Well, you do. It's just all of your clothes are either pants, leggings or shorts. You have dresses and skirts, but they don't scream out 'Rosé'." She gestured an imaginary sign that apparently had my name on it.

    "Those were gifts from my stepmother who just pulled them out of her closet, put them in a box and shoved to me, claiming that they were all new."

    She nodded her head, "so that's why they looked like they belonged to a ."

    "Lisa!" I said in between my laughing.

    "What it's true! They look like they came right off a stripper." I had tears in my eyes by this point.

    "Ok, then," I breathed in and out to control my laughter, "what do you suggest we do?"

    "Let's go to my place. I'll doll you up over there."

    "Are you sure? Isn't Ten sleeping or something?"

    "He'll be fine," she flicked her wrist, "anyway, come on Chae. The Lisa train is leaving and you gotta board." I smiled as I followed her down the stairs quietly. What would I do without my best friend?




   "Voilà! The rose has bloomed!"

   "You do know I'm gonna have to take this off for work later, right?"

    "No biggy. I'll just go there at the end of your shift and fix whatever needs to be fixed."

    "Lisa...?" A male's voice suddenly made it's way into their ears.

    "Yes, honey?" She answered.

    "What time is it?"

    "7:30," she yelled back.


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Ninaparkchim #1
CertifiedBlink #2
Chapter 1: I enjoyed reading this. Thank you, for typing a great story. I'm excited to see where Rosé and Jimin take with this new friendship
Chapter 9: I missed ya T.T Glad you're back finally~ Thank you for this Jirose first date!
Chapter 8: looking forward for their date :3
thank u so much for this chapter ^^
Chapter 8: It's been quite a while since you last updated but anyway glad that you decided to update today since im thirsty af for some jirose goodness :)
Asdfghbvcxz #6
Chapter 8: Such a good chapter. Thank yoy
Chapter 8: Omo I can imagine adorable Rosé with a teddy bear which is defintely cuteness overload >.< Savage Rosé burning Nani :D
Chapter 7: I really love this chapter cuz I ship these 2 couples so much! Cupid Lisa is number 1 supporter of Jiminie x Rosie ship! This lovey dovey Thai couple is so funny :D
Chapter 6: This is so cute! Flirty Jiminie to easily flustered Rosie <3 People can't stop staring at them cuz they really look good together :D
blink_jelly #10
Chapter 7: This is sooooo cute.