Threats and a Choices

Shadows In His Heart

A couple of shots rang from downstairs and Hyorin ran faster. She gripped the gun tightly in her hands and kept an eye out for anyone. Suddenly a shot whizzed past her head and she froze as she heard a body fall behind her and Ji Yong come out of the corner ahead of her. She turned to see a man laying on the ground, she had seen him around a couple of times and he was going to kill her. Turning back to Ji Yong she gave him a nod of gratitude  and with a serious look on his face he waved her over.

"I'm coming with you" He announced as they headed together for the stairs to the main room. There was no way out for him and Hyorin needed to get there before someone finished her job.

"Alright, be careful" She whispered and his face broke out in a confident smile.

The room was protected by a large wooden door that Hyorin had only ever walked past. She could feel the presence of her father in there. Today was the day... this was the day where she finally got revenge on her father for everything. Taking a quick breath she looked at Ji Yong and he went over to the doors. Without hesitation she motioned for him to push the doors open as the both ran in with guns out.

Her father sat in a chair in the middle of the room behind a grand desk. He had a cold look on her face and immediately they both knew something was wrong.  There was a click of a safety of a gun and they both froze. From her periphery, Hyorin saw the end of a long barreled gun aimed directly at her temple only 3 inches away.

They had been waiting for them.

"Hello again" A sickeningly mocking voice rang out. One that she had had the displeasure of recognizing.

"I thought you had been fired?" Hyorin asked in a calm tone, her eyes glued to the man's face.

"Yes well, lucky for me I was called in on a... special mission and your daddy realized what a great asset I am. Tell me, how's Jaejoong doing?" She asked, venom dripping with every word.

"You have no business with him. Why don't you just kill me now Chae Rim?" Hyorin snapped.

"Oh no. Let's play a bit ok?" She taunted as she roughly pushed the gun into her skin, pressing it so tightly against her skull that Hyorin thought she would break her neck in the process as she tried fighting back, "You've made a big mistake" Chae Rim whispered.


Seung Hyun wandered around the most elusive building in the world to him. He had heard so many things about this place, but he had never been able to step foot in it. As he walked around, he thought about how this was the biggest bust of his entire career. With this, he was set to most likely take over the NIS when the time came. The thought brought a small smile to his face. All his goals and aspirations were centered on this place and it was going perfectly. Not just that, but he was getting his own vengeance on this place. He wanted nothing more than having the luxury to burn it to the ground along with all the cold blooded murderers that were here.

His team had things under control and that gave him the opportunity to find Hyorin's room. It didn't take much, she had mentioned the location when they were talking about floor plans and the layout of the building before. He picked the door with ease and walked in. The room was relatively empty, but something about it reminded him of Hyorin. It had her essence. His eyes traveled around the room until they reached the slumped over body of Kim Jaejoong.

The hand Seung Hhyun had on his gun twitched and he resisted the urge to take aim and shoot. Although... could he be blamed if he did it? His eyes narrowed with hate and a sudden rise of anger as he studied his passed out body. With a smirk he gave the body a swift kick to the stomach and it came to life with coughs and sputters.

"She didn't drug you" Seung Hyun declared as he stepped back and Jaejoong sat up, a hand on his abdomen where he had been kicked.

"She did. It must've worn off" He muttered, locking eyes with him.

"The amount of tranquilizer I gave her was enough to knock out an elephant, or at least kill an average human. You would be dead if she had really given it to you" Seung Hyun confessed, a satisfied look in his eyes. It was the only sure fire way to know what Hyorin did. If she really was planning on leaving Jaejoong she never would have given him anything and now he knew her choice.

"You're one sneaky son of a aren't you?" Jaejoong groaned.

"I'm not stupid. Hyorin loves you a lot, but tell me how much do you really love her?" He asked pulling a chair and taking a comfortable seat.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jaejoong snapped.

"I'm not here to kill you, I'm here to give you something to think about Kim Jaejoong" Seung Hyun said as he gave his gun a spin.

"Save it I don't want to hear what you have to say" Jaejoong spat out.

"Let me propose something. Imagine you and Hyorin get out of here alive. Do you think she'll ever be able to live a normal life with you? I will not only hunt you down, but if she steps foot out of this place with you, she'll become a target too" He said with a grim smile.

"She's never done anything wrong!" Jaejoong screamed.

"I know that, but running off with you says otherwise. And look at us now. It took me a while, but I didn't give up and now this damn place is being destroyed. I can do that. I can hunt and you both down until your both dead and why? Because you don't deserve to have her. Simple as that" Seung Hyun said a small smirk settled on his face.

"You'd destroy her for this hate you have for me?!"

"Well...that and I'd be saving her. Don't you have a conscience? You took everything from her including her chances at a normal life and you want to keep her from it forever? She'll never be able to go back to school, get a job, have friends, she'll be on the run forever. Oh sure, you'll love her, but sometimes that's not enough. You'll kill her" He told him coldly.

"So what? You want me to be on the run forever?" Jaejoong sneered.

"Not at all. If you leave her then not only will I make sure she can live the most normal life she can, I'd give her anything she needs, and I'll erase you from the NIS records. Providing you promise to stay away from all this dirty business" He said with a wave of his hand, "Then you will no longer be persecuted for anything. You can start anew too. You just can't do that with her"

"Aren't you supposed to be the good guy in this?" Jaejoong whispered, the weight of what was being offered weighing heavily on his shoulders.

"I am. I'm offering a happy ending to you and Hyorin. Just not one together. Isn't that kind enough?" Seung Hyun offered, a coldness in his eyes that reflected what he felt inside.

"Do you love her?" Jaejoong asked suddenly.

"No, I don't think I do. I care about her make no mistake, but I've only really loved one woman and you took her from me. Isn't it fitting I do everything in my power to do the same?" He said.

"Damn you!" Jaejoong yelled as he lunged toward Seung Hyun only to have his cuffs pull him back.

"Think about it, I'm not forcing you to anything, but just how selfish are you going to keep being? If you loved her, you'd let her go and move on. And if not... well, then you better hope you can both run fast enough" Seung Hyun said a with a shrug he grabbed his gun and walked out. Jaejoong's scream of frustration ringing out against the walls and the thud of him pulling against the handcuff echoing until he shut the door once again.

Seung Hyun hoped he would make the right choice.


I learned something important this past week. When your house is overrun by visiting family... it's very hard to write fanfics in secret T-T I finally got to sneak away and write my heart out so I'll be posting the next chapter in the next 5 minutes XD

Thanks for reading.subscribing/commenting! :)

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So I'm finally done with school and even though it's been like 3 weeks (sry!) I can now update a lot so I'll have a new chapter up in the next couple of days!


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Chapter 36: I just finished reading this story. Totally amazeballs!!! I just couldn't stop. I read while at home, in traffic on my way to work(I know....bad bad bad)...and I just finished this off at my work.

Anyway, this was an awesome read. Cheers!
Chapter 16: Okay. I LOVE this story and your style of writing-it totally you in and won't let go.
cassieforeva #3
Chapter 36: Okay so things are happening but i didn't really catch the "secret"! Could u just go over it again! I love the story but please don't end it soon!! Jaejoong should be happy!! Lol u put a char called changmin :)
Chapter 36: I hope you update soon.. the story is really good!!! Im curious what will happen next if they see each other again..
Ok I would like to start off with that I'm very happy that Jaejoong is living a good life and is happy, but...HOW THE HELL COULD SHE HAVE MARRIED THAT BASTARD!!!!???!!! I mean REALLY?! I thought she loved Jaejoong!!!! What is going on?! I'm soooooooooooooooooo confused!!!!!! And on top of that, SHE HAS A CHILD WITH HIM?! WHAT IN THE ?! Please clear up some things in he next chapter.....I'm confused and upset right now. Update soon please.
Muwha-ha-ha the biatch Chae Rimn died & the evil father also woohoooo~!! But freaking Seunghyun had to ruin everythinf stupid bastard I totally hate him right now, I want Hyorin & Jae togher *le cries* The parting scene was so sad D: But I'm glad that you didn't make that the ending~

OMG noooooooooooooo she's married to seunghyun & has a kid with him?!0___0 DDDDD: I hope the kid is Jae's lol xP Seunghyn is a bad dad & Jae is near so she should divorse the loser & go with Jae =D! *already forgot that Seunghun was the one that saved her from that hell place*
noo!! this cant be the end! i want jaejoong and hyorin to have a happy ending~ they both deserve it and especially after picturing a crying jaejoong~
What the hell!!!! I mean, WHAT THE ??!!! I don't even know how to comment on the ending of this chapter! All I can say is that I absolutely HATE Seung Hyun!!!! And please let them have a happy ending!! PLEASE! They totally deserve it!! Update soon please!
Please a happy ending!!
She better go back for Jaejoong. That's all I'm saying. But amazing chapter!!:D I loved every word of it! Keep it up! And update soon please!:D