By His Side

Shadows In His Heart

Hyorin sat silently in the small room and stared at the door, almost hoping that she suddenly developed the ability to melt down objects or something. The room smelled of mold and she grew increasingly uncomfortable every second she spent in there. She stood up and paced around once again, rubbing the back of her neck gently. It still stung from the electric shock and the thought of that moment angered her further. That hadn't been fair... and she was paying the price for not being willing to carry a gun. That had been stupid, Jaejoong was right.

She wondered what Jaejoong was doing. He must be out looking for her she told herself. It wasn't like he had a choice to be honest and sometimes she wondered if he did have choice, would he just leave her behind like this? How was he going to find her though? These men had taken her headset and even the small GPS chip that Jaejoong had attached to a pair of small earrings she had been wearing before she woke up. What did they even want with her anyways? So much for being unknown to their enemies. Hyorin heard footsteps approach her and she stood to the side of the door, waiting for it to be opened and for her to get her chance to escape. She held her breath as the door pushed open and she kicked out, causing the man to fall to the ground with a grunt as she jumped over him and ran out.

Escaping wasn't going to be that simple she reminded herself as she ran straight into the chest of a tall man with dark hair. He instinctively restrained her with his arms and she looked up. A startling shock of faint recognition ran through her body once she met his eyes. They were eyes she had seen somewhere before, but she just couldn't remember. She struggled, but he only held on tighter before she heard the click of a pair of handcuffs. The man she had kicked before had hurried to them and pulled arms back roughly, earning an angry gaze from the tall one, before he handcuffed her and stepped back.

"I'll handle it from now on. Make sure we're not interrupted" He ordered as he took her by the arm and dragged her back to that small room, locking the door behind him in the process.

Hyorin gave the room another quick look around. The door was locked, the windows were boarded up, and she didn't even know the time. Slowly she realized that she had no way out at the time and went still. The man walked up to her and studied her. He looked at the woman in front of him and realized that she was no longer the young girl that he had tried to protect. It was strange to him, to be presented with the real life version of the photograph he had carried around with him for years now. There were so many things he wanted to ask, but he didn't even know where to start. From the look in her eyes, he wondered if she was still angry that he hadn't found her like he had promised those years ago.

"Hyorin... I'm so sorry" He whispered as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. He felt her stiffen under his touch before she shrugged his hand off roughly as she stepped away from him.

"Who are you to be sorry to me? I just want to go home. You're making a terrible mistake, I was just there to call my mother and tell her I'm going to be late getting home" Hyorin said automatically spilling out the story she had just thought up before they had come in. Maybe he would just buy it and let her go.

"Don't you remember me? My name is Seung Hyun, we've met before and you know it" Seung Hyun explained as he took out one of his business cards and placed it on the table to the side as if to prove his point.

"Listen, I'm telling you you've got the wrong person! Just let me go I won't tell anyone about this, I just want to leave!" Hyorin pleaded as she struggled with her cuffed wrists.

"Now isn't the time for games Hyorin. You need to explain yourself to me right now so I can keep you from getting arrested. What happened that night? I've been looking for you since then" Seung Hyun asked urgently, eager to get the answers to the question that he had been asking himself all along.

"I need to go home" Hyorin repeated, a bit shaken by the look in Seung Hyun's eyes. It was almost like... he cared about her, but how could that be if they didn't even know each other?

"That place is not your home. I'm saving you, you don't have to go back there ever again. You're safe now" He said gently as he approached her once again.

"What are you talking about?!" Hyorin asked angrily, she didn't like the feeling that she was missing something very important.

"Your mother's dead Kang Hyorin, we both know that. Whatever sort of threat they put on you, you're safe now. I won't let them touch a single hair on you anymore. That night... I should have paid more attention to the signs, I was late and even if I couldn't save your mother, I should have been able to save you at least" He whispered, the guilt he had bottled up so long leaking out with every word.

Hyorin stared at him silent, what the hell was he talking about? Why was he even bringing her mother up? She turned away quickly, sat on the edge of a lonely chair off to the side and stared intently at a dirty spot on the floor. She was done talking to him. She had already broken Jaejoong's rule of talking to anyone if she was ever in this sort of situation. That man, Seung Hyun, already knew her name, he knew her mother was dead... she had to be careful.

"Hyorin, at the very least just talk to me. You don't have to forgive me now, just talk to me alright? I want to help you" He pleaded as he knelt down to her eye level.

She just ignored him.

"I worked for the NIS for a year when I was briefed on you and your mother's case. I was new, but I was arrogant so I begged my father to let me take the lead on this case. I was stupid and I thought I could keep you and your mother safe... I personally kept surveillance on you for a long time and eventually the threat that your mother suspected, it seemed like it would never happen" He said slowly, memories playing like a movie as he stayed in place.

"There was another high profile case that came in around that time. I wanted to be promoted so I... pulled away from surveillance and focused on that. By the time your mother was killed and we noticed the two men we had posted at your house had been murdered, we were too late. I felt so guilty, so when I found you alive... having to pull you away from your dead mother and leaving you alone in the end... I could never forgive myself" Seung Hyun ended, startled by her eyes, filled with so much pain and guilt of her own.

"Next time you wish to lie about my mother's death to get me on your side check your facts first. The man who tried to save me that night died. His name was Seungmin and I've seen his body, I've visited his grave, so don't treat me as if I'm stupid" She whispered, frustrated that some NIS agent was brining up her painful memories for nothing.

"You were there yourself, don't lie to me. You must remember my face" Seung Hyun repeated, studying her carefully. Why was like this? Lying to the man who had been by her side that night and knew everything? "Don't you remember what I said to you? Hyorin stop lying to me it makes no sense! I'm only trying to help!" He said, his voice rising with frustration.

"Whatever information you want, I won't give it to you. Either let me go, arrest me, or just leave me the hell alone!" She screamed as she suddenly stood and kicked the damn chair over, her arms sore and her temper and its bursting point.

"I can't just leave you alone! Why are you doing this? Just tell me what I need to know and I can get you a new identity, a new life, I can protect you!" Seung Hyun said, trying to make her see.

"Protect me from what?! Get out!" Hyorin screamed once again, kicking blindly at him.

"Protect you from them! From Jaejoong, from your father, form the people that murdered your mother! How can you be so quick to forget your mother? After all she did for you, don't you remember how she —" He began.

"No, I don't remember alright?!" She interrupted him, hating him for even assuming that she didn't care about her mother, "That night... is a little blurred, but I do know something. Jaejoong didn't kill my mother, that's impossible" Hyorin said forcefully, digging her nail into her palms to keep a flood of emotions from rushing out.

".... You don't remember that night... that's why you're with them. I knew there was a reason. Hyorin they've been lying to you!" Seung Hyun told her, glad that there was an explanation to her involvement with them. This way, she wouldn't have to be prosecuted alongside them, she had been a prisoner.

"You've got to be kidding me, you must really think I'm stupid. They've shown me proof, they've shown me the man who tried to save me and my mother and you think I'll just believe the man that wants to kill Jaejoong because he said so?" She asked in disbelief.

"I have proof too" Seung Hyun said quickly.

"No you don't" Hyorin responded just as fast, her eyes hardening. If he had proof...

"Yes I do and I'll bring it to you" Seung Hyun said confidently.

"Now? Bring me my proof now" She insisted.

"I can't leave this building now because you father's men might be close. We have to wait at least 12 hours, but—" Seung Hyun explained.

"See? Excuses. You don't have any proof" She said, feeling the pressure in her chest slightly easing up.

"Just wait Hyorin. That bubble you're trying to protect from bursting won't last forever. I'll make you see the truth whether you want to or not. I won't let you go back to that bastard" He said seriously as turned for the door and locked it on his way out. He was done talking to her. Without his proof she wouldn't listen anyway. Still, her blind belief in those men, in Jaejoong, bothered him. She was going to hurt when she found out the whole truth.

"Hyorin paced back and forth. His words running through her mind. She closed her eyes, she knew he must be lying, but if he was then why did he look so familiar? If he was lying then she shouldn't even know him. A burst of dizziness came over her and she collapsed to her knees. She was hungry and she was nervous. Her eyes burned a little and her mind throbbed. Slowly, she pushed herself back up and staggered over to the old bed and laid on it, adjsuting so her hand cuffed wrists wouldn't hurt that bad. She closed her eyes and tried to remember. No matter what she did, especially with all the time that she spent trying not to remember that night, it seemed like that particular memory was locked away tightly. But it didn't matter Hyorin told herself that Seung Hyun had to be lying.

Jaejoong had no clue how to find her. It had been 9 hours and he still didn't have a lead. He couldn't even call in for help. A sense of desperation nagged at him, never had he felt so backed into a wall with no way out like before. He had been given 5 days to find her and bring her back safely. He held his bruised stomach gently and wiped the blood running down his lips as he got in his car once again. He had served all three hours of his seemingly endless punishment and even if it meant driving around with just a small hope that he might see a sign or something might happen he had to be doing something.

There was another worry that ran through his mind and plagued him though. If she was with Seung Hyun... then she must now know the truth. That jackass wouldn't waste a single second in spilling to her everything. At the very least, she must doubt his story now. If that happened then not only would she fight to stay with Seung Hyun, but she would hate him forever. He looked up and let out a deep breath. She would hate him. That thought mocked him every minute that passed when she wasn't with him.

He had to get her back not just because it was his job, but because he was worrying so much that it was driving him crazy.



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So I'm finally done with school and even though it's been like 3 weeks (sry!) I can now update a lot so I'll have a new chapter up in the next couple of days!


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Chapter 36: I just finished reading this story. Totally amazeballs!!! I just couldn't stop. I read while at home, in traffic on my way to work(I know....bad bad bad)...and I just finished this off at my work.

Anyway, this was an awesome read. Cheers!
Chapter 16: Okay. I LOVE this story and your style of writing-it totally you in and won't let go.
cassieforeva #3
Chapter 36: Okay so things are happening but i didn't really catch the "secret"! Could u just go over it again! I love the story but please don't end it soon!! Jaejoong should be happy!! Lol u put a char called changmin :)
Chapter 36: I hope you update soon.. the story is really good!!! Im curious what will happen next if they see each other again..
Ok I would like to start off with that I'm very happy that Jaejoong is living a good life and is happy, but...HOW THE HELL COULD SHE HAVE MARRIED THAT BASTARD!!!!???!!! I mean REALLY?! I thought she loved Jaejoong!!!! What is going on?! I'm soooooooooooooooooo confused!!!!!! And on top of that, SHE HAS A CHILD WITH HIM?! WHAT IN THE ?! Please clear up some things in he next chapter.....I'm confused and upset right now. Update soon please.
Muwha-ha-ha the biatch Chae Rimn died & the evil father also woohoooo~!! But freaking Seunghyun had to ruin everythinf stupid bastard I totally hate him right now, I want Hyorin & Jae togher *le cries* The parting scene was so sad D: But I'm glad that you didn't make that the ending~

OMG noooooooooooooo she's married to seunghyun & has a kid with him?!0___0 DDDDD: I hope the kid is Jae's lol xP Seunghyn is a bad dad & Jae is near so she should divorse the loser & go with Jae =D! *already forgot that Seunghun was the one that saved her from that hell place*
noo!! this cant be the end! i want jaejoong and hyorin to have a happy ending~ they both deserve it and especially after picturing a crying jaejoong~
What the hell!!!! I mean, WHAT THE ??!!! I don't even know how to comment on the ending of this chapter! All I can say is that I absolutely HATE Seung Hyun!!!! And please let them have a happy ending!! PLEASE! They totally deserve it!! Update soon please!
Please a happy ending!!
She better go back for Jaejoong. That's all I'm saying. But amazing chapter!!:D I loved every word of it! Keep it up! And update soon please!:D