Chapter 8

Next Door Weirdo

"Hwang Eunbi! Hwang Eunbi!," The front door banged loudly causing Eunbi who was playing on her phone to glare at the door in distain."Yah!! Open up!," The person yelled.

"Go away!," She groaned from the lying position."Yerin-ah If you bang the door one more time!," The door banged once again."Aish!," Eunbi stands up.

"Open the door will you! Come on please," Yerin begged.

Eunbi frowned, after her little 'party' at her neighbours a while ago, Eunbi had enough boy time to last a week. She needed more girlfriends really and Yewon didn't count since she already was one. And Sowon-unnie somehow made her feel...annoyed? at all her corny jokes.

"What?," She spat as she opens the door, big mistake. Yerin was on the floor crossed leg, with the most pitiful pair of puppy dog eyes ever."W-What? Why is your face like that huh?," Eunbi stammers, feeling somehow bad.

..Those puppuy dog eyes are

"Why were you at the neighbours house?," He whined childishly."Whhhyyyy?."

Eunbi sighed and rolled her eyes, childish was a good word to describe Jung Yerin."He help me yesterday since my house is still a mess," She lied easily but Yerin looked behind her.

"But..It looks fine to me," Yerin said as he looked behind her.

"Because...," Eunbi racked her brain for a excuse"I cleaned it in the morning and he invited me for coffee to congratulations?," Yerin seemed to buy the excuse and didn't question furthur.

Eunbi blinked"Wait why are you here?," She asked him. Yerin only smiled at him sheepishly.

"For our consert outing of course," He replied placing his hands behind his back. A nervous habit he has."Come on," Yerin grabs her hand but Eunbi stayed still.

"Yah you annoyed me early in the damn morning for a NIGHT consert?!," Eunbi fummed."You have to be kidding me!," Eunbi shakes her head.

Yerin laughed nervously"I'll pick you up in an hour for our date. You shower and change kay? bye," Yerin ran down quicky. Eunbi froze.


 "Where are you taking me?," Yerin was pulling Eunbi straight after leaving the apartment complex. 

"Nope! It's a secret," Eunbi shook her head at his silly antics. She was aware of the tight grip Yerin had on her hands, making her self concious for a reason."But I think you'll like it Eunbi-ah," Yerin assures.

They walk for another good 10 minutes before Yerin stops near a beach."We're very near but you have to wear something, since I don't want to ruin the suprise," Eunbi looked sceptical."please~," He begs.


"Really," She nods"Here," Yerin threw her a blind fold. Eunbi stares at the black clothing in her hands. Was he serious?.

"You-What are you planning huh? Is a blind fold really needed?," Yerin looked to serious for his own good as he nods."What if you kidnapped me?! Or kill me huh!," She yells.

Yerin frowns"You know I wouldn't do that...maybe I'll only the first one though," He mutters under his breath but Eunbi could still hear it.

"Argh! Fine," She covered her eyes. And only darkness was her companion as Yerin continued to lead her to the unknown destinatio.

She could feel the sand between her toes as they walked through what smelled and felt like a beach. But then her feet touched a hard rough surface..wood?."We're here," Yerin tells her through the dark."Let me open the blind fold," He says as he stands close, close enough she could feel his breath down her neck.

She stiffened at the touch of his hand as he loosened the knot. Fruits? Yerin smelled like fresh strawberies. Only Yerin would use strawberry body wash, Eunbi bit back a laugh.

"All done," Yerin said as he stands in front of Eunbi."Tada!! Do you like it?," He asked nervously and half giddy. Eunbi takes in the sight before her.

"....I'll give you an A+ for effort Yerin-ah..," She said as she stared in awe at the fun she was gonna have.

 Sorry for a short update but work was tiring and not to mention my last year of high school is coming very fast and choices of my future has to be made. 

toncanan: I'm planning on that to happen but Eunha is having a dramatic entrance like in the ending of rough ;). But Yuju's character in this has to progress as well as Sinb and Yerin. Sowon is a hidden card and Yewon is gonna have a scene too.

genes_hong: I ship everyone with Yuju so I think that Eunbi could be Eunha as well since Sinb is more tsundere than Eunha in reality.


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Chapter 14: Author-nim.... Where are you TT_TT
Chapter 14: Author-nim,, are you going to continue this story?? I really want to know
Hi authornim, I just wanna say that u have an awesome story line and I hope one day u will finally update this story. Or not? Anyway I hope u have a good day! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Chapter 14: updatee
Chapter 14: update jusaeyo~
Chapter 13: Daebak ! I think this is the first fanfic that yuju be a man here . Quite special because all the sinju fanfics that i had read , sinb be the man
genes_hong #7
Chapter 13: Well Yerin is cute lol
efra_yosef #8
Chapter 9: Umji is like her real self (ie. Rich) hahaha
genes_hong #9
Chapter 10: Eunha is a nurse?
genes_hong #10
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update authornim despite your busy work! Good luck on you last year of highschool

Thank you for making me laugh out loud coz:
Yerin is a guy here but he use strawberry body wash, wow so manly of him LMAO XD
What a cool boy yerin-ah ROTFL