Sweet Hugs And Deep Kisses

I am Always There For You..
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So chanyeol and kyungsoo was on dinner date. Chanyeol was very happy while kyungsoo was a little nervous. They sat at a corner table beside window. Kyungsoo was looking at menu. Everything was so costly. '' Chanyeol, its too expensive. Lets go somewhere else ''. kyungsoo said. '' no its my fav place. Thats why i have invited you here. But if you want we can go somewhere else ''. chanyeol said feeling sad.

'' Its okay. Lets eat here. ''. kyungsoo said with a soft smile. '' So what do you want to eat?? ''. '' Anything will be fine with me ''. '' Okay then, i'll order for both of us. '' Then chanyeol took the menu and he ordered..

Soon the order came. Kyungsoo got surprised. There was so many delicious dishes. '' Why did you ordered so many dishes ''. kyungsoo asked. '' These are the special dishes of this restaurent. I hope you will like it ''. chanyeol answered smiling sheepishly. '' Okay then, i''ll try this one first ''. kyungsoo said as he took a small bite and ate it. Chanyeol waited patiently as kyungsoo tried all the dishes one by one. But didnt said anything.

Kyungsoo was busy in eating when he noticed chanyeol was looking at him with hopeful eyes. He asked '' Why are you not eating?? ''. ''I was waiting for your reaction. How is the food ? Did you like it?  ''. chanyeol asked. ''Oh.. its awesome. I loved it''. Kyungsoo said smiling. '' I knew you will like it''. chanyeol said happily. Then they chatted and ate food.

After dinner they were strolling in a nearby park. '' I enjoyed a lot today. The dinner was awesome.  '' kyungsoo said in his soft voice. '' Yeah, i am glad that you came. I was feeling lonely at home. '' chanyeol said and he turned to look kyungsoo. He noticed kyungsoo's nose and cheeks were red. '' Are you feeling cold kyungsoo?? '' chanyeol asked gently. '' yeah.. a little bi

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Annyeong my cute chingu.. I have posted a new story. please support it ' Be Mine '


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ChanSoocouple #1
Chapter 26: I love ChanSoo but this is so boring and too dragging took many years and not done still 🤓🤓🤓
L_6112 #2
Chapter 1: Wow this story took 6 uears and still not finish?🙂🙂🙂 whats so surprising , the storyline is jist so simple bit keeps dragging on
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 26: They're sp cute...
and i choose A
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update dear. This is awesome 🥰
Chapter 26: This is too cute.. Loved reading about their relationship. ❤️
829 streak #6
Chapter 26: First of all, I want to say welcome back! It's good to see that you have updated this one. 💗🌹

I really enjoyed this chapter and I love the cute moment between them. 💗🌹

Both idea are good, so you choose. 🌹💗
Chapter 26: Ooh. I think beach!
L_6112 #8
Chapter 1: I just realized this cute story started in 2017 😲😲😲
L_6112 #9
Chapter 25: Update soon please.
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 25: So sweet...