By any chance

My Remedy: Revenge of Exodus

Sehun checks his outfit for the last time after 174849247 times he had checked before going out out his house,only now, he's standing in front of her door. He wasn't into nayeon romantically nor does nayeon but he thinks it's necessary to impress the girl, all because she has too little opinion about him,he straighten his shirt and huff a breathy breath,no he's not nervous,of course he's not nervous why would he be nervous, he came from Emperor Oh.

Sehun bit down his lip from groaning and wipe his sweaty palm on his pants, damn it, he's nervous as hell. It's his first time going to a human house and he doesn't know what to do,because usually,the maids or anyone would announced upon their arrival and only got in after their permission granted, also, when the last time he's brothers tried to teach him about "human" manners he brushed them off saying it's unnecessary, nothing's new about the stubborn sehun, only a tad regret for being stubborn as a rock now.

"She's a human, i can't use my power to barge in." He reminds to himself,tugging his hands in his pockets.

"Nayeon!" He called finally,after a long procrastination within himself just because he can't stand himself sweating over a petty stuff like going to a girl's house.

"Coming." He heard from inside.

She open the door and smirk at him that makes him shudder in fear, like she would surprise him by holding a knife behind her back which she didn't but only open the door wider for him to get in,"come in." She says and immediately disappears to the kitchen, leaving the scared sehun by the door as he hesitates to go in.

"You're not serious about wearing an armour right?"

She didn't reply him and the moment he stepped in the house,mander barks aggressively and possessively at him while nayeon quietly chuckles from the kitchen seeing Mr popular cowered in terror,it was a memorable sight and she's going to put this scene against him whenever he tries to blackmail her.

"Okay okay i get it you're angry at me nayeon get this monster away from me!" He shrieks,moving back in terror.


She burst out laughing a few seconds and then stops to clear in embarrassment,"mander stop barking." And it stopped like an obedient dog he was.

Sehun raises a brow at the dog silently cursing at it. He then tries to move but the dog started to wag his tail in excitement and he grumbles," Nayeon ahh."

"Mander go to your room." She commanded firmly and mander ran off to his room wagging his tail excitedly again that annoys sehun.

"And here i thot, you were flawless as you said." She snickered, putting a plate of pancakes in front of him.She ignores the glare she received in return,that she assured he had murdered her in different ways in his head as she returned to the kitchen again to fetch stuff.

"If i were to hear any of this in school compound i am so going to kill you do you hear me nayeon." She shrugs being used to his empty threats and glares as she passed his utensils and touches his hand by accident, as tho nothing happened,she starts to eat her meal.

Feeling she was being observed at, she looked up to find him still staring at her. She raises a brow at him but doesn't say anything and reached for her chopsticks again,before she sighed and put it down.


"Why aren't you blushing?" He frowns.

"What are you talking about?Why would i blush—ah! Because I accidentally touched your hand?" She laughed.

Sehun growl lowly looking at her in unsatisfactory,besides, the touch caused him to have another vision of her which she winces in pain to the hot water spilled on her, he internally groan on how clumsy she was and wonders on how many levels her clumsiness would reached.

The worst part of having visions, he couldn't avoid it even if he want to, he don't know when it will occurs and only makes him look bad.

"Ya, i don't blush unless you're I'm Siwon. I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr popular." She continues to laugh at him while he grumbles in embarrassment.

He cleared his throat then thanked for the food softly before starts to dig in while ignoring the melodious laughter resolved in his eardrums and fast beating heart.



"I don't really like the font here tho, it doesn't suits the theme and please make it in a center. Oh by the way, since we have an easy way out with you being Mr popular and having ridiculous huge fans in school,how about you become the seller,do you mind?"

Sehun eyes fixed on her laptop as he shakes his head to the question she asked. Nayeon took a double look at him,bitting down a proud smile,she couldn't imagine of sehun working this hard before, but now looking at him working hard, dedicating his heart and soul on making the layout of their website to how nayeon wanted it to be,he had regained her trust on him,a little.

"Can i sell cookies with your face on it?"

He absentmindedly hums agreed while typing a font website and opening a new tab on chrome and typed color picker. Out of curiosity,he stopped working to turn to her when he heard a soft giggle at the back. He had his blank face at her.

"What are you giggling at?"

"At a popular kid working his off. You know it's really amusing."

"And you're out of your mind nayeon. Besides, I don't want to hear complains from the lecturer that i didn't do my part,it will ruin my reputation." He grimaced, stretching out and bones cracked ease off his numb body.

"Reputation. Of course." She snickered ignoring the puzzle look on the latter.

She smug before standing up and goes to the kitchen to make them coffee when she saw the time. They have been sitting in front of their computer for six hours and sehun hadn't complained to her once because she knows how a perfectionist she was. Tyuzu would bombarded her with complaints and argues with her about nayeon always wanting to be perfect in every aspect; the picture needs to be same size with the margin. It needs to be center, the title needs to be unique because that's where you get your customer's attention, the fontstyle and color needs to suit with the theme, the layout has to be tip top in other words.

"You know—" He snorted when she jumped in shock to his voice that she didn't realise he had followed her to the kitchen as she winced in pain when the hot water spilled on her as predicted.

"God damn it,i'm so sorry." He rushed to her and washes her hand immediately and applies colgate on it.

"I'm fine,i'm fine,let me do it." He tugged his lip into thin line in guilt and passed the colgate to her.

After she settled with everything,she passed the coffee to him and stands next to him, not too close not too far. He looked around the house,elbows propped on the railing as he lean his body on it,taking virtual shots with his eyes at how beautiful and simple yet elegant her house was; it has a combination of darks colours of gray and black with a few white stuff to lighten it and a balcony with plants well taken care off. It's totally his style of interior design.

"Thank you." He mumbled and sips on his coffee. He hums in pleasure when the coffee hits his throat.

"As i was saying, i'm sorry that i've been absent from class,it wasn't intentional. I had my own personal reasons that i can't tell."

"Okay you've gotta stop surprising me, you're not supposed to apologise,i mean you don't apologise. You're Mr popular, you have your pride.Reputation."

He rolled his eyes. "And you gotta stop making me look like i'm a bad guy. I'm not. I do have reputations to take care of but i'm not exactly bad. Tho i'm... curious about you."

"I was threatened to be your partner,how is that not exactly a bad guy."she mumbles quietly and quickly clears and direct a different question when she saw him making faces at her.

"Anyways..what are you so curious about me. There's nothing special about me." He clicked his tongue in agreement.

"Curious of how clumsy are you." He chuckles when nayeon gave him a look and uttered that breaks time over.



When he had woke up, his back sore and aching like hell. He stretches while yawning and when one of his eyes peek opened, he panics. He quickly opened both of his eyes and looked around,it look exactly like nayeon's house.

"Great! You're awake!Hey look, on a scale of 0 to 10 how scared are you with dogs?" He look at her with mouth ajar.She's already in her new clothes looking fresh and he snapped at the thought,wiping his face. He must be looking hideous like ahjumma had always tell me.

Nayeon look at him,waiting for his answer while he dwells on how hideous he look right now."Urm, 11." He mumbled after awhile looking abashed.

"Right, okay, please do me a favor and feed mander, he won't eat till he's fed and i'm a little busy."

When sehun opens his mouth to speak, the phone rings and nayeon makes a face that sehun can't reject,cos that girl can get her pout to get things done in instant.

"Wait a sec—" nayeon says to the caller.

"I promise,mander is a goodboy, he don't bite,he didn't had his dinner yesterday sulking over the fact i brought a guy which is you,home. So please." And nayeon returned to the caller mentioning a guy's name,making his stomach churn uncomfortably,he leave from the living room pouting to find the one terribly pampered, over jealousy dog.

Sehund found the dog at the corner of the balcony lying restlessly,head on its hands. He sighed. He never liked dogs and honestly he didn't care about the dog starving or not, he just feel the need to impress nayeon again, nayeon didn't specifically impressed of how good looking he was yesterday morning so the mission failed and by feeding her dog would probably do the trick so he's willing to go through it. He's going to show her that he's not scared of dogs.

"Okay mander..that's your name right. Let's do this buddy." He gulped down his dry throat when he heard the dog growling lowly.

"Take it easy there,buddy. God.. this is scarier than phoenix hyung(chanyeol)"

The dog glares at him,wagging its tail enthusiastically and its growls getting louder each step he's taking towards the dog.



"Took you long enough." Sehun snickered, drying his hair. He managed to get the dog to eat,fed with a spoon from far, after a long consoling—more like the dog glared at him while he talks. Then nayeon threw a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that was big enough for him,motioning location of the bathroom while she still on the phone.

"Mino had difficulties with his codings so i had to help."

Sehun pursed his lips. He hates the guy's name.

"Oh by the way, can you find a visitor counter or create it either way you want.i just read the specification,we need visitor counter,chat box and—"

"Yeah i'll put it in the website later on. I'm hungry now."

Nayeon nods before running to the kitchen. She managed to woke up early and cooked them breakfast while he was asleep. She set the table and called him up.

"By any chance you want to date me." Sehun grimaced,shutting his eyes tight when nayeon had spluttered all the water in on his face.


She chuckles and passed a tissue to him," i'm sorry it wasn't on purpose. Who ask you to say it while i was drinking idiot. You're an idiot,really." She shakes her head while laughing before she continues to eat and pretends he didn't ask the question earlier.

It was a peaceful breakfast until sehun's break it with a loud song. He left the table and fetch the noisy device. A message from jongin and snorted when he read the text.

Jongin Oh 10.03am
You're still alive right,little brother keke

Sehun Oh 10.05am
I don't die easily my dear older brother. Pray harder okai keke

Jongin Oh 10.06am
Kekeke that's good, i still have someone to bully then. Anyways, are you not coming home again today?

Sehun Oh 10.07
I'll report to Mr Kyungsoo Oh about you bullying me you just wait. Yea coming,but i'll be alil late tho,i still have many things to do and the submission is tomorrow so don't wait up ok. Tttyl luv u big bro.

Jongin Oh 10.08am 

ok luv u too.


 Author note: I will show her house in the next update! Hope you enjoy this one, comment and upvote~

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Chapter 6: authornim i love your story, please update XD
Chapter 6: Gooosssh.... Authornim i love your fanfic so much! The plot getting clearer and the character seems mor live than the first chapter.. To be honest i can't wait to see romance tho kekekeke.. Hwaiting authornim, god bless u!
xxkittenxx #3
Chapter 5: Im anticipating for the flow of this story, this seems like it would be a great read
Chapter 5: I got to catch up at last!
I'm liking it all so far. He seems to have cooled down.
I'm liking all the dynamics.
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Chapter 4: Wow I love how you portray Sehun and Nayeon and the rest of EXO lol
Please update soon, I'm looking forward to it XD
Chapter 2: Ah he seem to put a wall around him to make it hard for people to approach him. I think he doesn't trust people easily now. Is it a love-hate relationship between the two? i wonder how it'll develop.
They have adapted well to their new planet. :D
from the prologue the story looks promising.
Looking forward to the next chapter and how they adapt to their new life.
Thanks for sharing!