chapter 4

The time for us to be together


We look into each other's eyes for some time,i look at her being speachless and for a moment i hoped that she would belive my words and that i meant every word i said.

"are you going to take the operation or not?" i ask again and song hye kyo suddenly became angry gain.

" know what i really can't stand about you? it's that you don't trust me" she then became visibly emotional,she has such a hurt expression and i felt so bad about that.

"in our line of work,we are always in a tight spot. We are misunderstood on daily basis and i...i had it all. I passed a lot of bad moments, it's ok, sometimes people can change their minds,they can be as good to you as they can be evil,but they don't know me so it's ok,i have my friends and family they trust me. This is how i have gone by all this time,i tried my best and it doesn't matter if they think that me being kind is all an act,that everything i do! an act and that in reality i am a despicable person...crae i felt bad, i cried but i always told myself it will pass because i have people who trust me." she is trying to be brave,as long as she is telling me this my heart ache for her,for her words full  of pain and sadness.


"...i really liked you,jong ki...even if we knew each other for such a short time,i tought,i could tell you everything,it's not because we worked together and we became a couple in front of the whole world,but because i sincerly trusted you as a friend...but when i saw act like that,that day...i was really sad,i had no idea of the reason you became like that,what happen to you to treat me in that way? and it turn just couldn't belive me at all."

"...but you...never asked again of the reason."

"you said you didn't have any reason to talk to me anymore,why should i ask something that is not going to bring anything good to the both of us and most of all...after i found out about my illness,do you really thing i would have the time to worry about it?"

"...yea...ok,i am sorry,i was wrong,but then tell me this,would you have told me about your illness if we where still on good terms?"

"...i don't know,maybe i would have just kept everything inside hoping not to worry you or just...let myself lean on you" after i heard that last sentence,i wanted to punch myself so much,she was hurting so much...i am such a bastard. I gently grab her soulder.

"...i am sorry,really,but now,please lean on me ok?"

",is what i want from people around me.If they don't trust me...what is the point in being friend" she answer with a pained expression,pushing my hands away,and going back to walk to the door.

"song hye kyo..."


"song hye kyo..."


"song hye kyo!" she stop.

"fine,you can go,there is the door" she look at me for awhile and then walk toward the door again.

"you can go,but i warn you..." i take my phone and start to look trought my contacts.

"do it for real,the surgery i mean,because i am really going to do what i said." she stop on her track and look at me scared.

"what do you mean?" she see me taking my phone.

"i just sent my friend a message asking to prepare all the documents for the marriage."she open wide her eyes and run my way again.

"you stupid idiot!" she try to take my phone from me again and again.

"ya!,i told you i will,why did you do that?...see,you dont trust m-"

"this is not a matter of trust. I know you quite well even if i don't know everything. What i know for sure is that you are a stubborn girl and when you decide something no one can do much about it,right?" she is taken aback a little.

"do you thing i don't know that while we won't see each other you will just keep on going on like that for all the next days,think about if you should do it or not?well,i will make things easiere for you.Just get the operation"

" you think i will agree on the marriage?"

"you will,if i public pictures and make a story you won't be able to say no right?" i know this is too much and that i am being cruel,but right now,this is the only way she would listen to me"

"you,give me that phone!-" she comes to me at full speed and almost fell,so i hold her back firmly and put away my phone.

"...being affectionate will have to wait after the marriage,i am a tradional guy you know?" i am being really a bastard right now.

"you-" she try to hit me but i stop her.

"if you don't want to be married just get it over with-"

"what the heck do you know...crae,what if i take the operation and something will go wrong,what are you going to do hu? did you ever think about it!"

"nothing will go wrong!" she was taken aback.

"because they are professionals and because you will fight..."she start to cry.

"you will fight that damn thing! you will fight it,like you always fought these past years! this you are going trouth now,it's going to pass!...the surgery will go well,for another reason too"

She look me in the eyes and me" what reaon?"

"...because you want to hit a bastard like me" she cry and my voice becomes more tender.

"this hand...i will get beaten up only after you wake up from the operation and you will get better arasso?"

"snifff...sob...uaa!sniff,sniff...sob...sob..."she cry onto me desperately.

"...i am scared...i am scared...i am scared!..." i hug her and carress her head.

"i know,but you have this possibility so go for it,grab this chance"

"sniff,bastard...why you...uaaa,sob" she say in a weak voice.

"dae,just beat the hell out of me after you have recovered,i will wait for you,just focus on me,think about me"

"idiot! why would i think of you?!"

"because this way,you will get up sooner and i could see you finally better..." she look at me.

"let's go to ji sung oppa later,i want to know why he said have to come too" i nod my head.

"arasso" she finally stop crying and wipe her tears before standing up properly.

"sigh...sniff...ok...i seriously want to beat you beat you up so...don't you dare treaten me again"

"sorry,i will get the documents tomorrow"i say while i sit on the couch.

"ya!...i am going to pass by the hospital often too so i will know if you have decided well, better do what i say"

"jong ki you-" i smile and i can see song hye kyo isn't pleased about it.

"be good and call me back,i am going to say i am your husband or else"


"or future husband " she point her finger to me

"you are you really going to be like this? i want some respect you know,just what the heck,i said i will do that so stop bothering me!"

"in this situation i am sorry, i won't belive it if i don't see with my own eyes...let's do this then,call the doctor and tell him you will take the surgery" her eyes wide open from the surprise.

"r-r-right now?" i nod my head.

"dae,now and since i am a fair person i will call back my friend in front of you telling him to stop everything,it's fair right?"

"..." she looked speachless for awhile

"AISHHH,CHINCIA!...FINE ARASSO!" she take her phone and come closer to me and before pressing the button to call her doctor she give me a bad stare.

"fine,i will get the surgery done just because i want to punch you hard so that you won't be an actor anymore!"

"Ok,arasso" i smile.

"ya!, stop smiling!...curegu,what are you going to do,if something goes bad and i will have to die?,o right,maybe i will hold for a few better come so i can kick you hard for taking away the few more days i could live!"

"i will come to you but to see you recover not because you will loose your life"

"how can you be so sure i will be fine?"

"because that way i can make it up to you,so call, stop esitating"

"you are so gonna be beaten up song jong ki ssi!" she call the doctor and tell him that she will get the surgery.


" it's me,song hye kyo"

"o crae what's wrong? where are you anyway?"

"sorry i went outside for awhile,anyway...i am calling you for another reason" she hesitant look look at me and i nod my head,my sign to tell her to go and tell the doctor.

"what is it?"

"i...i decided i will get" i was so,relieved and happy at the the same time,she  an finally be saved.

"good!perfect! we will operate as soon as possible i will call you back in awhile after i look at the list ok?"

"arasso,bye" she close the call and slowly raise her head and stare at me. I was seriously happy but the only thing that came to mind was patting her head.

"good,you did the right thing" i smiled and she was shocked.After a few seconds,song hye kyo push my hand away.

"ya,i was forced to do it i had no choice,tsk...your turn,call him right now!"

"arasso,i will keep my word" i press the button and call my friend"


"aigo,it's me calm down"

"o jong ki?sorry,i am just busy right now,it's a nightmare here"

"aigo it must be hard"

"dae, the way why did you call? if it's for the paper i finished everything already do you want me to sent them to you?"

"no it's ok...just destroy everything"i say looking in song hye kyo's direction who seemed seriously relieved.

"really?then why the heck did you made me do that?"

"sorry it was just a prank i wanted to do to song hye kyo,but i decided it wasn't a good thing"

"you and your prank,you should get serious jong ki ssi,aigo,poor hye kyo"

"you don't even know her how can you call her withouth honorifics?"

"ya,i am only talking with you who cares,sigh...anyway i have to go,bye" i close the call and look at her.

"a prank?" she say in a sarcastic tone and i smile.

"what should have i said to him then?" she cross her arms.

"that it was a way to treaten me?"

"to be exact i was doing a good deed"

"yea,sure,sigh" she look at her watch.

"it's time to go i have to go back inside the hospital"

"wae?are you feeling unswell?" i panick of course.

"ya.what the hell,i am not having an attack,i am fine can you see?"

"then why...?"

"i have to go back,i was supposed to be staying at the hospital for a few days"

"hospital? you mean that,yesterday you had an attack?"


"for you to be recovered it means it was pretty bad?" she seemed reluctand to answer but she did anyway.

" was quite painful this time around..."

I couldn't help but stare at her eyes,i didn't know what to say,after what happened to us at the studio i really don't know what to say.

"...i will take a taxi"

"hell no,i will take you there" i grab her hand and her things"

"it's ok,i can get there on my own"

"there is no problem,no one will see us" so i made sure she is well covered since the wether is really cold and then i made her get inside the car.

"listen make sure to stay put till i tell you so,reposter usually sleep in front of my house to see what i am doing and who i am with,fortunately this is my private parking lot so no one can come in,but outside is different so-"

"don't worry let's just get going"

"arasso" i start the car and finally drive to the hospital.


Meanwhile at jong ki's place of work.

"Sigh,damn that guy,i am working my off here and he want to play a prank? i think it's more a prank to me than to song hye kyo ssi-"


"GASP,ARASSO! I AM COMING!...aish,i want to quit right away,aish....i will throw this here,i-" the poor guy run to work again while the marriage document is on the ground. Usually such important things should be destroyed for privacy matter but he left the document on the can bin not even bothering to cut it into pieces.

"...what is this?" a new bye in his office found out about the certificate.


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linapog #1
Chapter 9: ok just let them changwook and her to date and be gone forever in joong ki's life. No worries since joongki has a very long list of fangirls for sure. you make song hye kyo's character a very foolish and unforgiving as if joongki committed a very grave mistake where in fact she must be grateful she's still breathing due to joongki's blackmailing!!!
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update... been missing your update
ambai90 #3
Chapter 9: hye kyo still hurting n can't blame her when joong ki himself don't trust her completely n ignore her in the first place
chang wook is a nice guy n can't blame him for falling in love with her
thank u for updating
Can't wait to see what going to happening between these three gorgeous people
elaine_ch #4
Chapter 8: Hugs to u too..just managed to read this update n hope that you will find your inspiration for another update soon..thanks n have a good day..
Renysudiro #5
Chapter 8: I realy realy glad for your update, i waiting this story, thanks dear
Renysudiro #6
Chapter 8: I realy realy glad for your update, i waiting this story, thanks dear
Cilipadi #7
Chapter 8: finally you've updated....thank you so much.
love how HK hugged JK.....
Chapter 8: Great update...
elaine_ch #9
Chapter 7: Happy New year dear friend... finally you have updated this story, been waiting for your update on how HK will start to trust JK again...