Chapter 7

My Annoying Beautiful Neighbor



~~~~~~ 's POV

"Okay, so what's so important ~~~~~~ that you had to drag me here the moment you saw me," Hyomin said in a sarcastic like tone.

I explained everything to Hyomin with no interruptions from her or anything else. I was relieved and surprised since every time we talk lately, something or someone interrupts. Hyomin was about to reply when we interrupted by Sunggyu oppa who came to tell me to leave the spare keys under the carpet on our porch because he forgot his keys.

"Actually Sunggyu oppa, me and ~~~~~~ will be at your house. So we'll open the door for you when you come home," Hyomin said in a matter of fact tone.


I wanted to laugh at how she said it, but just nodded to Sunggyu oppa when he looked at me and left towards his first period.

"And I was about to say no one interrupted us," I said.

Hyomin nodded in agreement when the bell rang. Ugh, why can't I just finish this conversation with no interruptions. Hyomin and I split ways. In social studies, we didn't get to talk, so we met up at the end of school and took the school bus to my house.



"So what do you think I should do?"

"I don't know he probably forgot."

"What if he didn't. After all if you start to irritate someone constantly, wouldn't you remember the reason why you started to annoy them everyday?"

"Yeah, but you guys, we're young."

"We're young now, besides maybe I can make things better."


"I do not know but you always can fix something. The answer comes to you eventually right."

"Yeah, I guess." Hyomin said to me not looking as sure as she sounded.

Zico's POV

I entered Science, sitting next to ~~~~~~ as usual but something was off today. I looked around everything looked the same. So why did today feel off. I looked at ~~~~~~ she was playing with her pen but seemed more uncomfortable than usual.

I was surprised when she said, "Hi". I wonder if I did hear her but said, 'Hi' back. She looked at me then for the teacher. The teacher wasn't here yet which wasn't surprising, since he took two students with him to get supplies in the Science closet for our labs.

"Hey Zico, do you like me?"

I was beyond shocked. How in the world did she know I like her. Wait, I don't even like her. Well, at least that's what you tell yourself my mind said back at me. I got a little mad at me thinking that I could like her.

"As a friend or person I mean," she added.

"Why do you care all the sudden?" I asked suspiciously.

"Uhm, well just answer me then I'll tell you."
My mouth dropped a little why would she tell me. Wouldn't that be something private you keep to yourself.

"I don't know." She smiled then it faded.

"Well..." I persisted.

"You hit me with a basketball when we were little and told me you hated me. I didn't know why and I was afraid of you and stayed away from you as much as I could but evidently you still found a way to picked on me and make my life hell. Then on Sunday, I found a tape and I think I know why you didn't like me."


"Yeah, but do you like me."

"I used to hate you but now I just like messing with you. I don't even remember, why I did everything I did to you anymore." I said for some reason relieved. Weird.

She smiled and return to listening to music as if this conversation never happened except this time she was smiling and wasn't edgy.

She seemed so beautiful and peaceful like in those photographs of girls in love with the guy they marry or pregnant with her first child. Damn, she looked so nice... Wait, I got to stop thinking of her like this.

~~~~~~ 's POV

I led Sungyeol to my backyard holding onto his hand. We ended up in the hammock, me resting on his shoulder while he swing us with his right foot. We were talking about things quietly.

"I can't wait till winter formal," I said playing with my hair.

"Me too babe," he said as he kissed my cheek. He's so sweet sometimes. Winter formal is Friday. Today's Tuesday.

After while I stood up in which he did the same. He grab the back of my hands and push our faces together. I wasn't scared cause I liked kissing him but I wished he wouldn't do that sometimes. He "accidentally" pulled me really hard a couple of times but said, it wasn't meant to be rough like how it came out. I guess, I kind of just let him do it from then on except he did it so much softer.

After a couple of seconds he started to get really rough, so I tried to pull away. After struggling a bit I finally was able to. I looked at his face. His face was red and angry. I seen him like this only once before but it faded after a second. This look wasn't fading though. I was staring at him feeling alarmed now.

"No ~~~~~~ , I waited long enough. So just be nice and let me get it," Sungyeol hissed.

I knew he meant me having with him. I nodded no. I started to get up when he pulled my hair so hard I fell on my knees. Oh my gosh, why didn't I see the signs before. I wished I would've listen to my head before.

He pulled me up next to him. I didn't dare look at him, I was still taking the pain in. I felt his lips on mine again. So much rougher, angrier, hungrier. Come on, why did I had to fall for this?


I bit him but instead of him pulling back, he actually liked it and moaned in my mouth. *Ew*. I bit harder on lips and pushed him back. No luck, whatsoever. Damn. We were moving so much from us fighting on the hammock, I was afraid, I'll fell. I looked around to see who was closer to the edge. Sungyeol was so that's when I pushed towards there. He fell to the ground. I ran as quick as I could but Sungyeol grabbed my leg and I fell on top of him.

"Stop. Stop. Just Stop Sungyeol," I yelled.

Zico's POV

"Stop. Stop. Just Stop Sungyeol," someone yelled.

~~~~~~ ? No, it can't be. Wasn't she supposed to be with Sungyeol today? He sure would be with her right? I couldn't help it but ran as fast I could to her backyard.





Zico to the rescue ! ^^

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xxyrcuxx #1
Chapter 13: Can you update it soon ?
xxyrcuxx #2
Thank youu ^^ <33
11onedone2many #3
Chapter 13: Hey , love this story again^^ keep up the good work! Can't wait to read ur next update~~

JaeHyae #4
Hi new subs here... keep up the good work.. will be wating for ur next update.. :)
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh, what is happening to Minah? Please update this quickly! I subscribed to this today and I am so glad that I did coz it is sooo good!! :3
What happen with minah?? D:
Bad Girlfriend!!! I have that song on my iPod ^^
Does this mean she'll meet zico at the dance?!?!?
KaeRin1603 #10
woah. :)